black friday – Fly High Media Fri, 20 Oct 2023 13:08:58 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Black Friday Statistics and Marketing Tips: A Guide to Help You Increase Sales Over Black Friday 2023 Fri, 20 Oct 2023 13:08:07 +0000

Black Friday Statistics and Marketing Tips: A Guide to Help You Increase Sales Over Black Friday 2023

Black bags

Black Friday is arguably one of the most important times of the year for businesses. In 2022, Shopify store owners made $7.5 billion in global sales over the Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekend, making it vital that ecommerce businesses plan ahead to not miss out on a portion of sales in 2023.

However, with so many Black Friday campaigns likely emerging, you must ensure your business stands out from your competitors.

So, if you haven’t already, start planning your Black Friday marketing strategy now. To help you, we have included some Black Friday statistics from over the past few years, along with ten fool-proof marketing tips.


What is Black Friday?

Black Balloon

In the UK, we only became familiar with Black Friday in 2010, when Amazon introduced us to Black Friday sales. The following years showed more retailers getting involved, helping Black Friday to keep growing.

But where does the term ‘Black Friday’ originate? 

Many believe the term refers to businesses operating at a financial loss, i.e. ‘in the red’; the huge sales after Thanksgiving would put them back ‘in the black’. This theory was popular in the 1980s and was spread by retailers to help boost their sales. 

But the term ‘Black Friday’ was not always linked with shopping. 

For example, during the 1960s, it was used by the Philadelphia police to describe the day that tourists flocked to the city, creating pandamonium on the streets.

Also, it is said that factory managers referred to the day after Thanksgiving as Black Friday since many of their workers would call in sick.

There are possibly other theories on how this familiar term came about, likely dating much further back than we realise. 

However, today, shoppers can easily relate to the ‘from red to black’ theory since bagging a Black Friday bargain contributes to putting everyone ‘back in the black’. 


Black Friday Statistics

Woman shopping on mobile

Below are some of the statistics of Black Friday, spanning 2020 to 2022.


1) More People are Shopping on Mobile



In 2020, there were 400 million online sessions; 74.17% were mobile sessions



There were similar figures in 2021, with mobile sessions reaching 73.84%. 



In 2022, online sessions were lower overall; however, mobile sessions increased to 78%.


2) Shoppers are Buying Early


2021 and 2022

Over the last couple of years, the peak shopping time on Black Friday has been between 10 and 11 a.m.


3) People are Spending More Online




Online spending reached £5.74 billion in 2021. 



In 2022, online sessions dipped, but people spent more individually; in fact, they spent £17.33 higher per online session compared to 2021. 

Overall, the online spending on Black Friday 2022 was $40 billion


What Can Businesses Learn From These Black Friday Statistics?

Black Friday Notepad next to laptop

The above statistics will surely affect the Black Friday statistics in 2023, so what can we take from them?


1) Mobile Optimisation is Critical

You could lose a lot of business if people visit your website on their mobile and can’t easily navigate or buy! 

So, optimise your website for mobile, such as using a responsive design, enabling it to adapt to various screens. You can also compress images to limit the file size, check the font is readable and that buttons are large enough, and ensure your site pages load quickly.

Doing the above will positively impact your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) because Google ranks mobile-friendly websites higher in search engine results.


2) Recognise Peak Time

Conduct some research to find out the peak time to reach your target audience to ensure they see your Black Friday holiday deals in 2023.

For example, before publishing social posts, research the specific platform to discover when your audience is online, making it the optimum time to post. 


3) Integrate CRO With SEO

SEO and Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) are essential to ensure you rank in search engines, enabling you to attract visitors to your website and convert them into customers.


Black Friday 2023

Black shopping bags

Black Friday Predictions for 2023

  • Customers will seek value and long-term quality due to economic reasons, i.e. the cost of living.
  • People will choose experiences (experiential gifting) and products that contribute to making memories over “throwaway” items.
  • Businesses will make an even bigger push to encourage customers to shop online.
  • The Black Friday sales will be over a longer period than in previous years.
  • More eco-friendly products are likely to make an appearance.


Black Friday Marketing Tips

Black Friday Sign

Below are ten Black Friday marketing tips based on some of the predictions for Black Friday 2023. These marketing ideas also reflect the Black Friday statistics between 2020 and 2022.

If you’re considering doing an anti-Black Friday campaign, you can still perform the below activities to draw attention to your brand and boost website traffic over Black Friday. Discover more on anti-Black Friday later in this blog!


1) Create Early Campaigns.

Black Friday is no longer only a day; instead, it stretches over the whole month of November.

Businesses tend to release their Black Friday campaigns earlier and earlier each year. This being the case, you need to do the same.

However, don’t go too extreme – you don’t want your audience to have a Black Friday overload way before they are ready to buy.

Plan your campaign to go live no earlier than November 1st.


2) Implement a Black Friday Landing Page.

Create a landing page for products going into your Black Friday sale.

A specifically tailored landing page will allow you to limit the distractions for your audience and solely focus on the products, i.e. their features and benefits.

You could create the landing page as part of your early marketing efforts, teasing your website visitors with upcoming Black Friday deals. 

Consider creating a landing page to build an email list. We will delve into the importance of an email list later in this blog!


3) Use Social Media Marketing.

Black social media icons

Incorporate Black Friday content into your social media marketing.

Prepare your audience for your Black Friday deals by actively posting on social media. Again, do this early in your campaign to capture your audience’s attention or to re-engage with them if necessary. 

An effective social media post, consistent with your brand and with an excellent call to action (CTA), i.e. compelling copy with power words encouraging readers to check out your Black Friday offers, will push more people to your website.


4) Install a Chatbot.

When people visit your website, they want to find all the information they need as easily as possible. Implementing FAQs on your pages will help; however, what about more specific enquiries?

This is when a chatbot on your website will be useful. This will streamline customer support within your business, providing automation over the busy period of Black Friday.  

Overall, a chatbot will enhance user experience and increase the likelihood of people converting from website visitors into customers.    


5) Conduct Email Campaigns.

Hopefully, due to creating a purpose-built landing page, you’ll have a long list of subscribers ready to receive your Black Friday emails.

Email marketing is a great way to ramp up the anticipation and tease your subscribers with your Black Friday deals.

There are various ways you can conduct your Black Friday email campaigns.

For example, you could give your long-time subscribers early access to deals. Alternatively, you could offer a further discount for a limited time. 

If you want to continue building your email contacts list, consider offering discounts to new subscribers who spend over a certain amount.


6) Mobile-Specific Campaigns.

Mobile in trolley with Black Friday offer label

As mentioned, a mobile-friendly website is extremely vital since around 55% of website traffic comes from mobile devices.

When it comes to campaigns, use dark mode-friendly designs. Doing so will help reduce eye strain, which is particularly beneficial for people who work at a screen all day. Pick a black or dark grey background and ensure the text is light-coloured so it’s clear to read.

Furthermore, a dark design for a Black Friday campaign will suit the mood of the annual shopping event!


7) Promote Daily Deals.

Whether you do it via email campaigns or social media, be sure to promote daily deals over the Black Friday period. 

Using scarcity marketing, i.e. slowly showing your audience juicy Black Friday deals, will help to instil fear of missing out (FOMO). Furthermore, time-sensitive deals encourage readers to decide quickly and make impulse purchases. Customers may return to your website daily to check out other deals.


8) Upsell and Cross-Sell.

Increase your customer’s individual spending by creating content to encourage upselling and cross-selling.

Upselling is when you entice your customers to buy a higher-end (and more expensive!) version of the product they plan to purchase. 

Cross-selling is when you recommend products to complement the item they are already buying.

For example, you could offer a Black Friday bundle, i.e. accessories at a discounted price, and create content to promote this when the customer adds a particular product to their basket or at the checkout stage.


9) Offer Free Shipping.

Consider offering free shipping to customers who spend over a certain amount or, if you’re feeling extra generous, with no minimum order. By doing so, you will decrease cart abandonment rates.

To further instil FOMO, implement a countdown timer on your Black Friday landing page and product pages to show how long free shipping will last.


10) Opt for a Green Friday Campaign Instead.

Green Friday

As mentioned, we predict that many shoppers will gravitate towards sustainable products over throwaway items. So, with this in mind, why not participate in Green Friday instead of Black Friday? Depending on your business, this option may be more suitable.

Green Friday is anti-Black Friday and promotes meaningful and mindful purchases as opposed to impulse buying. It gives people the choice to reduce their carbon footprint, making more eco-conscious buying decisions.

Instead of offering huge discounts on a wide range of products, use Green Friday as an opportunity to promote environmentally friendly items. Encourage your audience to embrace sustainable options and spend time away from the shops with their family in nature. Remember, more and more people are seeking experiences over physical goods.


Are you inspired by our Black Friday marketing ideas? 

Whether you go the Black Friday or Green Friday route, you’ll need an optimised website and marketing strategy to draw attention to your business.

Get in touch with Fly High Media if you require help with any areas of your online marketing. We offer various digital marketing services, such as paid search and SEO, and our expert team is committed to achieving outstanding results for our clients. 

Black bags

Black Friday Statistics and Marketing Tips: A Guide to Help You Increase Sales Over Black Friday 2023

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How to Optimise Your eCommerce Website for Mobile Devices [2019 Edition] Fri, 23 Nov 2018 16:53:00 +0000 We all know and say that mobile is the future and we should plan for it.

In reality, it is happening now and we need to take action now. Google has already rolled out mobile-first indexing.

Did you know that 57% of users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly-designed mobile site?

Here are some more statistics that you need to know:

  • Consumers now spend more than five hours a day on their smartphones. Via Ad Week
  • As of September 2018, 125 Million U.S. consumers own smartphones and 50 million U.S. Consumers own tablets. Via Outerbox
  • By 2021, mobile ecommerce sales are expected to account for 54% of total ecommerce sales. Via Emarketer

Do you find that your mobile ecommerce conversion rate is lower than it should be?

In this article we will be talking specifically how to increase ecommerce mobile sales, we will cover the technical foundations your website needs to consider; user experience considerations and how you can scale up your ecommerce store for conversions.

User Experience

  • Three touch test

This is a simple test that you can do. It is the same rule for desktop but when designing for mobile you should also take this into consideration.

Users must be able to get to where they want to go within three clicks or less from being at the homepage. Make sure your navigation is as simple as possible.

Include breadcrumbs to your site so that users can go back to previous pages if they need to.

This is a bad example of site architecture:

This is a good example:

Let me show you an example, let’s say we want to buy a kettle from Argos, here’s what it looks like in practice:

See, how easy that was?

Streamline checkout process using Apple Pay/Google Pay

Make it as easy as possible to get customers to checkout. As Apple Pay details are already in the phone it just requires the customer to type in their passcode or scan their fingerprint.

More users are browsing ecommerce stores on their mobile devices but the conversion rate is still higher on desktop rather than mobile.

My opinion for this is the speed of the checkout process. I personally do a lot of shopping online and I am prone to impulse buying. Whether it is something I’ve clicked on from a Facebook Ad or just checking back to my favourite online stores.

I impulse buy really easily, however, I do sometimes refrain from buying.

It’s not because I don’t want the product, it is because I have to get up from where I am sitting and find my wallet or I am out in public and have to try and type in my card details in whilst on the move. I also often forget my username and password for my favourite stores which stalls my mental state for actually purchasing.

With the ease of Apple Pay on my iPhone, I am much more likely to buy something. In the same way as when I am logged in to my Amazon account, the 1-Click purchase button is just screaming at me to press buy! This is great news for brands.

Leveraging Guest checkouts

As mentioned in the previous point, you must make it as simple as possible for customers to check out. While they are in the “impulse buying mode”, you shouldn’t disrupt them by making them have a long sign up process.

Grab the bare minimum details – get their address and email you can always use this later. Try and skip out the step where they have to create a username and password.

It is just an extra step that can potentially slow down the purchase speed.

You could try using social logins for people to create guest accounts, this is a clever way to harvest contact information.

Technical Aspects

Without the pillars of a solid infrastructure for your ecommerce website, you will find it very difficult to 1) be ranked in search engines 2) retain interest and attention of consumer 3) increase conversion rate.

Here are the bare essentials you need in order to your increase mobile ecommerce conversion rate.

  • Responsive Design

Design Elements in % not px.

Since 2015, Google has it very clear that responsive website design is a ranking factor.

Designing in percentages will ensure that your website adjusts to different screen sizes.

Here’s what to do and what not to do:


div.fullWidth {

widith: 250px ;

margin-left: auto ;

margin-right ;



div.fullWidth {

width: 100% ;


Notice how the text and menu bar moves to fit the screen when it moves from portrait to landscape?

Don’t use flash. It is not only not good for mobile but it also slows your website down.

  • Page speed

This should be your priority (along with responsiveness)

First, check your website with PageInsights and do a Mobile-Friendly test by Google to see how well it is performing. It also gives you some suggestions on how to fix them. Make a note of your score so that you can refer back to it later.

  • Compress Images

Your ecommerce store will be filled with lots of product that are high resolution. This means that the image files are a lot larger so it takes longer to load.

If wish to compress images then the best tools are and TinyPNG. They both work great with WordPress. If you don’t use WordPress then you can use TinyPNG to compress the images and then upload to your website.

  • Minify CSS & Javascript

Very often, you will have code on your website that you simply don’t need. The savings may not be huge but by clearing them it can be some easy quick wins to help speed up your site an extra few milliseconds. Here are some plugins that can help you depending on your platform:

Popups on mobile are bad for both user experience and page speed. The popups have extra code in which means they increase the size of your page which doesn’t help with the loading of the web page. In terms of user experience when a user is browsing, they just want to get to what they want to without being interrupted. Popups also tend to have small “close” or “minimise” buttons which can annoy the user and can cause them to just shut the tab.

  • Disable unused plugins

If you have any plugins in your CMS that you don’t use then you should disable them. Again, this increases file size on your website. All of these small efforts add up and you will see increases in page load speed.

  • Optimise for Voice search

It is said that by 2020 30% of all web searches will be done without a screen.

First of all, research the long tail keywords to optimise your site for. To find some keywords go to AnswerThePublic and type in a keyword.

This gives you tonnes of suggestions and you can export them into a spreadsheet.

Each type of query signals different intent to taking action. At stage one people are doing broad searches such as “What car hire companies to accept debit cards”. At stage four, people are actually asking where they can hire cars from they would ask questions such as “Car hire in London”.

At the fourth stage, you must be localised for local search.

When going through your on-page SEO, including the location(s) in your body text, internal links and anchor text, meta description and title tags. Also, mention any landmarks around where you are based.

Be sure to claim your Google My Business listing and fill in the correct data. List yourself in local and national directories. The more places you have your Name, Address, Phone Number, Email Address and Email Address, the more it signals that you are legitimately in that location. If you can write short bios and hyperlink text then hyperlink text directly to the specific pages you are trying to rank for.

Suggested post: How to Optimise for Voice Search

Scaling up

Now that you have some ideas about how to optimise your mobile ecommerce site, hopefully you have implemented them and can move on to the next step. Now we will talk about how to increase the conversion rate for your mobile ecommerce store.

  • Google Analytics

When on mobile, users are on all different types of devices with different screen sizes. They may also be on the go, walking somewhere or on a commute on a bumpy train. People have different finger and thumb sizes, you must accommodate for all of these factors.

Have a look through your Google Analytics and see what size screens have the highest bounces rates or the most amount of page views with the least conversions.

Go to the left-hand menu under Overview and click Mobile -> Devices -> Screen Resolution.

Look for factors such as high volumes of traffic but low conversions or high bounce rate and low conversions. This could mean that this website is not optimised for that sized screen.

You can click through on the screen size and find out which device it is. Physically test it out yourself to see what may be the potential issue. Sometimes numbers on a screen aren’t enough to see the issues so buy or borrow the devices.

  • A/B split testing

Here are some ideas of elements that you can add in and see how it effects your conversion rate.

Countdown timer – Create a sense of urgency. Have a limited time offer that runs out each day. Split test to first see if it works or not and then experiment to see what the golden countdown number is.

  • Live chat

You want people to stay on your website for as long as possible. If people have concerns about something then they are likely to bounce off. If they see a support email address or number then they’re likely to think that they’ll never get a response. However, if you have a live chat feature, this can be good for the customer as they get their questions answered quickly. This helps decrease the bounce rate and it also helps with the user’s experience of the website.

To be smart, add in fields so that you can yield email addresses before you start. I recommend using these live chat providers:


  • Product videos

I know that content creation is time-consuming and expensive however it can pay in the long term. Video can increase your conversion rate by between 64-85%, that’s huge!

To start with, you don’t need to add videos for every product, find out your top 8-10 products and add videos to 4/5 of them and measure the how many conversions each one gets with and without video.

  • 360-degree images

Test out whether 360-degree images work for your store. People very often like to see products from all angles and that isn’t always completely possible from a photograph. This may be a costly process but still consider this option. You can split test between video/360 degree images. If you can’t manage to get 360-degree images then focus on getting the best possible images you can.

  • Cross-platform retargeting

There are lots of ways that people could have visited your ecommerce site initially, it could be through social, press releases, organic search, AdWords, YouTube, the list goes on.

The sad part about all of this traffic is that up to 98% of visitors will not convert first time.

The rule of seven states that consumers must see your brand at least seven times before you they can properly trust you. There are plenty of opportunities to do this, display ads, Facebook advertising and more.

The key is to make the placement of these touchpoints as dynamic as possible. The use of Instagram stories has become increasingly popular.

Suggested post: 9 Quick Tips on Writing Quality Facebook Ads

To set up a retarget ad on Facebook you must make sure that you have the Facebook Pixel installed correctly.

After you have installed the Pixel, go to Business Manager and click Audiences.

Then click custom audiences.

Select Website traffic

Name your audience, then click create! This will track anybody who has visited your website in the past 30 days.

Here are some Facebook Ad ideas:

  • Videos of products
  • Discount codes
  • Display customer reviews

To retarget to people on mobile, when you are building your ad simply just need to change the Device type to Mobile and then choose where you would like your Ads to be shown.

So there it is! Which part have you found the most interesting? What did we miss out?

Leave a comment to let us know what you think!

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