blog – Fly High Media Thu, 12 Oct 2023 10:40:32 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 How to Create a Compelling Call to Action Thu, 12 Oct 2023 10:39:26 +0000

How to Create a Compelling Call to Action

Web buttons with different calls to action

The first few seconds visitors spend on your site is crucial. In our fast-paced digital world, a well-crafted call to action (CTA) can capture their attention and guide them towards your desired action, such as inquiring.

Remember, the ultimate goal of a business’s online presence is to gain noticeable results through enquiries, sales, downloads, or whichever action you wish to measure and promote. A call to action helps you achieve this.

Whether you are a business owner, content writer or somewhere in between, understanding CTAs and how to create them is vital for the success of your content and site.

In this blog, we explore how to create a call to action designed to increase your conversion rate and the success of your website.


Why Your Website Needs a Persuasive Call to Action

Computer on table with 'Make a donation' on the screen

A call to action is usually, but not always, an action phrase or command, such as ‘buy now’ or ‘download’. It encourages a person to do a specific task, and professionals use them in various formats, including on websites, social media posts and email marketing. You can include multiple CTAs on one page, but too many can overwhelm your reader.

The importance of a call to action on your website is incomparable. There are various ways to optimise your conversion rate, and one way is through your call to action. As mentioned above, your CTA increases conversion rates by promoting an action to take next, such as following a hyperlink to another page. This reduces the likelihood of visitors reading a page on your site and leaving without further interactions.


Anatomy of an Effective Call to Action

'Sign up for our newsletter' on a tablet screen

We’ve established why they are essential. Now we need to determine how to write a call to action.

To create the ideal CTA, you must use action-oriented language, such as ‘buy now’, ‘add to cart’, or something else to suit your desired action. It is supposed to persuade your visitor to take a specific action, so your language must be authoritative and remove any uncertainty about that task.

Equally, ensure your call to action is clear and concise. You can’t expect your potential customers to complete an action if they don’t understand what you want them to do!

For example, specify what they’re downloading instead of saying ‘download now’. Is it a weekly newsletter? Is it a seasonal menu? Make it clear what your visitors will do and what they will gain (in this case, a weekly newsletter or a seasonal menu).

Conciseness is vital for a call to action. Effective CTAs are usually between 2-5 words long. If your call to action is too long, it can confuse your visitor or dissuade them from taking action.

Make your call to action visually appealing. This is an action you want potential clients to complete, so make it appear clickable and visible so it grabs their attention. However, don’t lose sight of your brand to make the CTA stand out. Ensure it still suits your brand online.


Strategies for Creating Engaging CTAs

web buttons collection for different purposes on white background

Creating a good call to action is more than just using authoritative language. Take advantage of persuasive techniques to make the most of your CTA.

For example, incorporating a sense of urgency can also help reduce decision uncertainty. Make the most of the fear of missing out (FOMO) when promoting products, especially if your business holds a sale. Highlight how this offer won’t last, and your customers should get involved while they can. Using FOMO in your website’s call to action is a great marketing tactic to compel your audience to act quickly, improving your conversion rate.

When constructing your call to action, use language that evokes enthusiasm or emotion from the reader. For example, having a boring call to action is less likely to encourage your online audience towards action than an exciting or enthusiastic CTA. An exclamation mark is a great way to promote these feelings.

Another technique is to focus on the value coming from the desired action. How will that action benefit your audience? How does buying your product better their circumstances? What value do they gain from signing up for your course? Give them a reason to follow your call to action.

Of course, writing a call to action for social media will be different to a CTA for a blog post or email marketing campaign. Your language should suit the platform through which you present your call to action.


Testing and Refining Your CTAs

A/B TESTING spelt out on wooden blocks on a wooden table

Finding the best way to create your call to action can take time, so experiment with them and test what works with your online audience.

You can use A/B testing to establish which CTAs work for your customers and clients, making you more effective over time. A/B testing presents two versions of something, such as an advert or website, to establish which works better to gain your desired result.

To do this, half your website’s visitors will see one version of your call to action, and the other half will see the other. The CTA a visitor sees is randomly established. After a certain amount of time, you can measure which call to action has the higher conversion rate and, therefore, which one you should use going forward.


Creating a compelling call to action relies on authoritative, persuasive language to encourage your customers to take a specific action. You must make your CTA concise and clear to avoid confusion, use emotive language and focus on value to convince your audience that your call to action benefits them.

Your call to action impacts your conversion rate, so use this information to influence your online strategy and create meaningful interactions with your potential customers and clients.

If you need help with your marketing strategy or conversion rate optimisation, Fly High Media offer bespoke solutions to help your business generate revenue and increase brand visibility. We are results-driven and passionate about our work, giving you impressive results and peace of mind.

Contact us today and see how our team of experts can support your marketing needs!

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How to Create a Compelling Call to Action

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Marketing Tricks & Tweaks To Boost Your Sales This Halloween (2023) Fri, 22 Sep 2023 14:40:12 +0000

Marketing Tricks & Tweaks To Boost Your Sales This Halloween (2023)

Halloween pumpkin next to keyboard.

Halloween provides a huge opportunity for you as a business to scream about your products/services, so you must prepare for it!

People from all around the world love celebrating Halloween. In the UK alone, spending over the spooky season has consistently risen, reaching well over £600 million in 2022.

Mortals tend to make impulse purchases as they plan for dark and silent nights, ones broken only by the glowing features of pumpkins and the sound of the little running feet of trick-or-treaters.

This makes it a perfect chance to update your website with several marketing tricks and tweaks to appeal to those searching for the uncanny, increasing your online sales and brand visibility.  

Discover how you can effectively prepare your business for Halloween, from exorcising your content to creating hair-raising campaigns and using spellbinding search engine optimisation (SEO).

Infographic of Halloween tips to boost online sales.

Create Captivating Copy That Chills 

Black and white image of a haunted mansion.

When coming up with Halloween content ideas, be fun and creative.

Encapsulate Halloween in your marketing efforts, including blogs, landing pages, social media posts, and email campaigns. 

Don’t be afraid to use Halloween puns! Even if your products/services are unrelated to the spooky season, you can still manifest to your audience that you’re embracing the magical and mysterious, the grim and the ghoulish. Matching people’s moods will help to nurture their shopping spirit!  

Hypnotise your audience with your insightful stories, imaginatively expressing how your products/services can improve their life, particularly as the nights grow darker. 

Use real-life case studies, reviews, and testimonials to prove your expertise, but don’t forget to clinch the segment with a compelling call to action (CTA) specifically created for Halloween.

A sure way to increase sales this Halloween is by offering some of your products/services at a temporarily reduced price during the weeks leading up to the 31st of October.

Create landing pages dedicated to your Halloween offers, helping people discover your deals. 

By using a concoction of power words on a landing page, you can effectively coax your visitors to click ‘buy now’ or ‘order today’, which will boost your sales and help your audience have a howling good month.



Ramp up the fear factor when creating your CTAs. Create a sense of urgency, putting a timeline on your sales to generate fear of missing out (FOMO) in your audience. 

For example, you could implement a timer next to one of your Halloween deals, counting the days to Halloween and when the promotion ends. This will be sure to get your website visitors quaking in their boots!

Exorcise Dead Copy

Spooky figures in hoods holding glowing lanterns.

Don’t let old, outdated copy drag your website down this Halloween. Your audience demands fresh, relevant, and authoritative content and will look elsewhere if you don’t have it. This applies any time of the year!

Outdated advice and discontinued products/services on your website will repel your visitors, giving them vibes that you are not current, reliable, or trust-worthy – they may even think you’re no longer operating.  

Equally, time-sensitive content, such as a campaign for summer during the spooky season, will give your readers chills, but not in a good way!

Even article headings that include a date from a decade ago will frustrate your website visitors and push them to go to other websites instead. Your business might offer great products or services, but if you don’t have the content to back them up or you’re not meeting your audience’s needs, they will likely buy from your competitors instead of you.

So, drop the hocus pocus and remove content that falls under any of the above, or, even better, revive it (more on this at the end of this section)!

Reviving content will not only improve user experience (UX) but will also help with SEO.

How is SEO affected by outdated content?

Well, Google may punish your website if your content is no longer relevant or up to date, classifying it as low quality. If the search engine considers your website to have low authority, it will be more challenging to rank.

RIP to dead content!



As mentioned, revive your existing content, specifically old or dead content. Enhance articles, blogs, product pages, and more by adding better infographics, expanding the word count, and updating any statistics. Don’t forget to implement relevant keywords, too, after conducting keyword research to discover what people are searching for (more on this later!).

You should also think about reviving your marketing campaigns.

For example, since 2012, Twix has heavily promoted the left and right sides of their chocolates. Instead of ditching this idea entirely for Halloween, they adapted it to suit the spooky celebrations – “The spirits have decided. Left or right, either is a good decision.”

Dress Up Your Website And Social Media Platforms

Smiling pumpkin with flower headdress.

When putting together your Halloween marketing ideas, pick a theme to suit the ominous occasion.

Whether based around clowns, ghosts, monsters, vampires, witches, or simply autumnal magic, your theme should be appropriate to your business and target audience. 

Decide if you’re aiming your campaign at adults or children. However, if you cater your products or services to people of various ages, target specific audiences and tailor your content accordingly.

Whatever your theme, stick to it and run with it!

Things to consider when creating a Halloween theme

Pumpkin on ground wearing witch's hat.

A colour scheme 

Pick a colour that creates Halloween vibes, like Orange, black, red, purple, yellow and green. These colours are traditionally connected with Halloween; however, over recent years, other colours have entered the mix, such as pink, so don’t be afraid to experiment!

Choosing a Halloween colour doesn’t mean changing your brand; instead, create Halloween-coloured banners for the important pages on your website, such as your homepage, product pages, and contact page. 

Also, create landing pages with your Halloween hues; you should dedicate these pages to your Halloween offers.


Update the photos on your website. This doesn’t have to be for your products (although you could add some spooky aesthetics to ones that are part of your Halloween promotion); you could simply upload some royalty-free Halloween-inspired photos, such as pumpkins and haunted mansions, to the most-visited pages on your website.

Also, if your employees are on board, conduct a mini Halloween photoshoot. Encourage your team to dress up in scary costumes, ideally, ones linked to your theme and chosen Halloween colours. Once you have some excellent spine-tingling shots, upload them to your website. Don’t forget to share them on your business’s social media platforms, too!


Consistency is key – use your chosen Halloween theme across all your online platforms, including your website, with the same colours, graphics, images, etc. This will help your business look more organised, professional, and omnipresent and trigger memory recall in your audience, enabling them to connect better with your brand. 

Choose Spellbinding Keywords And Hashtags

A hand writing spells in a book surrounded by candles.

Before putting together Halloween campaign ideas, research what your target audience is looking for online. 

Use tools like Google Trends to find out the popularity of topics, and use SEMrush to discover top keywords, i.e. words and phrases people type into their search engines.

Once you have a list of appropriate keywords, i.e. ones that are relevant to your business and ones that relate to Halloween, use them within your Halloween content.

For example, implement your research-backed keywords when creating new blogs and landing pages on your website.

The right keywords will help your content be seen by your target audience instead of merely being an apparition!

Also, implement your Halloween keywords into existing content where appropriate.

You can reach new audiences by updating your content with new keywords relating to Halloween, top trends, and what you offer, helping people discover your brand.

You should include keywords in your Halloween social media posts, too, increasing website visibility even further to help drive engagement.

As well as keywords, utilise hashtags. Conduct research to find the popular ones amongst your target audience and pop some of these on your posts.  

Furthermore, add spooky emojis to bring a bit of fun to your social media posts – try and align them with your chosen theme, i.e. if you’ve picked a ghost theme, then go with the ghost emoji!

If you haven’t done it already, create an account for your business on TikTok and Instagram. 

Promoting your business on TikTok and Instagram is particularly vital if your target audience mainly consists of Gen Zs. This is because these social media platforms are extremely popular amongst people born between 1996 and 2010.

So, get on TikTok and Instagram and create a coven for your brand!


Try to create your own hashtag. A trending hashtag will encourage people to share more about your brand and help build a community around it, like how a hashtag did to promote the Barbie movie

Inspirit User-Generated Content

Skulls on forest floor and hand coming out of ground.

User-generated content is a form of marketing that many modern businesses rely on to boost sales.  

So, what is user-generated content?

User-generated content (UGC) is original, brand-related content created by customers, influencers, and advocates, which they then share on social media. 

When a person creates content, such as an image, video, or review around a product they have bought and then shares it on TikTok, this is just one example of UGC.

This content is authentic, and authenticity is what buyers are looking for more and more; there are so many brands fighting to be seen online, making consumers more selective, astute, and determined to go with brands they trust.

Ultimately, UGC influences engagement, leading to higher conversion rates.

So, for Halloween 2023, incorporate UGC into your Halloween business ideas. Encourage your audience to unleash their creativity and interact with your brand. 

As mentioned, there are a lot of Halloween lovers out there just waiting to be spellbound in the run-up to Hallow’s Eve.  

Below are some examples of how you can inspirit your audience to create UGC:

  • Hold a pumpkin carving competition, encouraging people to relate their design to your brand.
  • Entice your customers to get creative and share creepy photos of any purchases they’ve made from your business. 
  • Ask your social media followers to post a 10-word spooky story to include your brand’s name.
  • Create a Halloween template for people to frame their petrifying photos.

What you can do to get your audience into a feverish excitement to create Halloween UGC is endless.


Use influencers to spread news on your brand. They will have a substantial following, which means they should already have gained their trust. 

Pick influencers with a following that matches your target audience, making any user-generated content they do for your business relevant.

Their following will become your following, too, haunting social media with your brand.

Pumpkins in a trolley.

If you find updating your website a nightmare or don’t know where to start when it comes to content marketing and creating compelling copy, we can help.

At Fly High Media, we have a dedicated team of content creation and SEO experts. We are 100% client-focused, meaning we are committed to understanding our client’s needs, enabling us to create bespoke solutions to ensure outstanding results.

Contact Fly High Media today to learn how we can improve SEO to increase your website visitors, sales, and overall conversions. 

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Black Friday Statistics and Marketing Tips: A Guide to Help You Increase Sales Over Black Friday 2023

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How to Create a Compelling Call to Action

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How to Repurpose Content for Maximum Impact Tue, 29 Aug 2023 09:48:07 +0000

How to Repurpose Content for Maximum Impact

Man and woman looking at Content Marketing ideas on a monitor

The world is no longer restricted to printed content. Digital marketing allows us to reach a wider audience online, boosting brand awareness and providing new business opportunities through various channels and platforms.

However, this also brings its challenges. To thrive in this digital age, companies must produce fresh, exciting, interesting content over these platforms to engage with their target audience and increase traffic and sales.

Creating ideas for these posts can, of course, be a struggle. How do you think of fresh ideas when you feel you’ve covered everything? How do you stand out when you can’t think of anything to add?

This is where repurposing content comes in.

Whilst some think of repurposing content as repetitive, it instead comes with a range of benefits your business can take advantage of. It is all about adapting what you already have, not copying it onto another site.

So, how can repurposing content help your organisation, and how do you do it?

In this article, we explain how to use this technique to increase your brand awareness and encourage user interaction with your website. Find out how to introduce repurposed content into your content marketing strategy!

Why Repurposed Content Matters for Businesses

Paper on a table reading 'Content Marketing' in the middle, surrounding by 'e-mail', 'VDO Viral', 'Roi', 'Website/AD' and small images

Your business can take advantage of the various benefits of repurposing content.

When your staff are busy helping clients and customers, repurposing content is a great way to save time and still produce relevant content. The time usually spent brainstorming and researching can now support your service users as they look for the product they need.

However, ensure you still conduct some research to ensure everything is still relevant. You don’t want to release content and discover the information is no longer accurate!

This method also expands your existing content’s lifespan, keeping it relevant after publication. That valuable information you once released can continue to benefit your audience and remain relevant as time goes on.

If you repurpose a blog post for social media, try linking the original content in your new release! Not only does it provide more information for your followers, but it can also increase website traffic when people click the link to read more.

Additionally, repurposing content enables you to diversify your communication, reaching a wider array of people and growing your audience.

For example, your followers on Instagram may not use X (formerly known as Twitter) and vice versa, so your followers on one platform won’t see and interact with your content on another.

In the same way, you can repurpose content to better appeal to different demographics, such as adapting what you publish to help reach a female audience.

Also, you get to optimise your resources, maximising the value of your original work and therefore bettering the investment you put in that content in the first place.

Crafting a Successful Content Repurposing Strategy

Now we’ve established why repurposing your content is important and how it can benefit you, how do you do it effectively?

Identifying Repurposing Opportunities

The word 'content' on a laptop screen, with 'efficient', 'searchable', 'accessible' and 'intuitive' listed next to it

First, you must establish what content you can repurpose and what content you should leave alone.

For example, if your website contains recipes, you can repurpose timeless instructions such as for a chocolate cake and ginger biscuits. However, Christmas cake recipes are more seasonal, so you should only repurpose them around that period.

Equally, some content is no longer relevant, no matter the time of year, so you would probably not benefit from creating new content surrounding the original piece.

Find your evergreen content, which is timeless content that remains relevant. These are the pieces you can repurpose on your various platforms.

You also need to find the content that performed well when posted initially. There’s no point repurposing your article on refurbishing a bathroom if your audience only interacts with your living room accessory blogs. These are the things your audience looks for, so take advantage of them and reuse those ideas.

However, these points are only relevant if the content is compatible with the new platform. Before repurposing anything, ensure it is suitable for the new channel and, if it is, establish how to alter the original to best suit that new platform.

Repurposing Techniques for Different Platforms


Facebook logos in a pile

When wondering how to repurpose blog content for social media, remember they can offer a wealth of information. Take advantage of that when you create your social media posts. Release blog snippets on Facebook with catchy headlines to draw attention to your blog and website.

Be aware that this is social media. Followers can interact with your posts, and you should encourage them to. Ask thought-provoking questions to promote user engagement.

For example, if your blog post covers easy skincare routines to follow, you could start your post by asking if your audience struggles to find time for skin maintenance in their busy schedule.

You can then finish your post with another question, such as if they have any skincare tips they recommend.

Also, include images! Use visually appealing graphics to draw attention to your Facebook post and accompany your content, such as relevant infographics or photos, that catch your audience’s eye and draw them in.

X (formerly known as Twitter)

Twitter logos in a pile

With the character limit, it can sometimes be difficult to encapsulate everything you want to say on this platform. However, X (formerly Twitter) is a great way to release short, snappy content to your audience and summarise a detailed blog post.

Focus on the key takeaways of your original article. Condense these important points into X-sized insights you can release to your audience and use them to encourage interest in the topic.

To increase your visibility and brand awareness, incorporate the relevant hashtags and expand your reach to new followers. However, the hashtags must be relevant to your content, or you won’t reach your target audience.

You can also use influencers on X to help promote your content and expand your reach. Tag relevant influencers in your posts to encourage potential interactions or retweets. If successful, this can bring your brand to their followers’ attention, widening your reach and encouraging more traffic to your website.


LinkedIn post about Barbie's Content Marketing

Professionals take advantage of the exposure LinkedIn can offer, and you can too. Create detailed articles based on your blog post to demonstrate your knowledge and attract businesses to what your company can offer.

Find the industry trends you can draw upon. Are handcrafted items becoming more popular with consumers? Are social media marketers using new techniques to promote their posts? Focus on these professional insights when creating your new content.

For example, we summarised our blog about the new Barbie movie to explain why the film’s content marketing was so effective and what businesses can learn from that.

You can also provide thoughtful commentary on a relevant topic in your field. Stimulate discussions with other experts in your industry and attract the attention of clients looking for the best people in your area of expertise.


YouTube Logo on a light blue background

Anyone who uses YouTube knows you can find videos of all lengths on this platform, and you can use this to your advantage.

Do you want to add a two-minute clip about what your business is doing about climate change? You can use YouTube. Do you want to create an in-depth tutorial about how to apply makeup to create a particular look? You can still use YouTube.

Use this platform to your benefit and create interest in your topic. For example, you can create video highlights about the main points to reach people who don’t want to watch longer videos.

The title of your video is key, so ensure it is compelling and encourages viewers to click on your content. The video thumbnail also impacts viewership, so ensure that it is equally eye-catching for your audience.

If you publish longer videos, include timestamps! This handy addition allows viewers to find the section of your video that most applies to or appeals to them, so you can still engage with your target audience if they want to watch only some of it.


Instagram logos on a white background

Instagram may be your ideal platform if you want to create shorter videos. On this platform, your content can appear on your follower’s main feed, allowing them to view snippets of your work as they scroll. Viewers can then share these clips with their friends and followers, increasing brand awareness on Instagram.

However, focus on more than just your expertise. Provide behind-the-scenes insights into your business and industry by creating engaging stories and showing the humanity behind the professional brand.

For those wanting to release longer videos, you need IGVT. Use it to repurpose longer content or more detailed topics, such as more complicated instructions.


TikTok logo on a white background

Your existing content contains lots of information that can help your clients find the best services or products for them. TikTok is a great way to summarise this information.

Condense your preexisting videos into 60-second snapshots that are entertaining to watch. Take advantage of trending challenges to show off the fantastic people that form your business, and incorporate relevant sounds or music to help your content appeal to audiences.

This is your opportunity to showcase your brand’s personality and be creative. Put a face to the company name and show your humanity behind the corporate jargon that comes with the business. Personal branding is a great way to appeal to audiences, so take advantage of it when repurposing content on this channel.


Retro microphone on coloured background

Podcasts are fantastic for people who prefer receiving information audibly, so take advantage of this style to reach wider audiences.

If you have webinars, extract some audio content to form podcast episodes focusing on different topics. Like YouTube videos, podcasts can come in various lengths, so find the style and form that suits you and your company.

To tailor your content to podcasts, add comments to introduce and conclude the episode, whether summarising the information or mentioning future podcasts your audience can also listen to. When you’re done, upload and share them on podcast platforms to reach that wider audience.

Email Newsletters

Woman checking her email in a meeting

If you have an email list, use it to send email newsletters summarising your webinars and workshops. Include the key takeaways so your audience can remember and refer to the most important points.

You can also include call-to-action buttons, encouraging people to watch the full webinar. Like linking your blog posts on social media, this increases traffic to your original content and, therefore, your website. You can also link to services or products you may have referred to within your webinar.

Use these newsletters to provide your subscribers with valuable, exclusive content that isn’t accessible elsewhere. For example, authors can release chapters from their novels told from another character’s perspective or additional scenes that didn’t make the final edit of the book.

This valuable content can keep your audience engaged with your brand, making them more likely to use your products or services in the future. You can also offer exclusive discounts to increase conversions on your site.

Repurposing content is a great way to adapt your existing copy into something that appeals to your target audience, whether to promote brand awareness or increase website traffic and conversions.

You can grow your audience and brand when you correctly alter your content to suit your respective platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook.

Whilst repurposing content saves time, there are other reasons people do this. It also allows your business to thrive in the online marketplace.

At Fly High Media, we offer bespoke solutions that are results-driven, so your business can flourish through digital marketing. With our extensive experience and our passionate team of experts, we are here to help with your online marketing needs.

Not only do we offer content marketing services, but we also help with web design and PPC to gain the best results for our clients.

Contact us today and see how we can help with your digital marketing.

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Black Friday Statistics and Marketing Tips: A Guide to Help You Increase Sales Over Black Friday 2023

The Molly Mae Effect: Understanding Her Social Media Dominance

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How to Create a Compelling Call to Action

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8 Types of Businesses that Can Benefit from Local SEO Wed, 23 Aug 2023 13:00:40 +0000

8 Types of Businesses that Can Benefit from Local SEO

Local SEO graphic with laptop and icons

Struggling to reach your local customers? Unsure why your store or business has few people visiting or calling your phone number? Now is the time to consider applying local SEO.

As more people use the web, local SEO is becoming an increasingly sought-after commodity to boost online businesses. After all, a staggering 46% of all online searches have some form of local intent.

With the volatility of Google’s algorithm and with the nation’s population increasing in most towns and cities, it is crucial to have the expertise at handling the digital aspects of business locally, such as managing your Google Business Profile listing, your directory listings and your target keywords within your website’s content.

There is no doubt that local SEO can help any industry, but some businesses benefit more from this digital marketing method than others.

That is why it is important to be aware if you are a business that fits these criteria, as you could be missing out on an essential channel for your website.

Local SEO Statistics 2023 (Editor’s choice)

  • 97% of individuals acquire information about a local business via the internet (Source: SEO Tribunal)
  • More than a quarter (over 25%) of individuals choose to click on the initial result in a Google search (Source: Search Engine Journal)
  • 86% of online consumers use Google Maps to source local businesses (Source: Safari Digital)
  • 78% of location-focused mobile searches resulted in an offline purchase (Source: SEO Tribunal)
  • Roughly 45% of global shoppers purchase a product online and then pick it up in-store (Source: Think With Google)

Why is Local SEO important for a website?

When assembling a digital marketing strategy, you should strongly consider local SEO since it can make your website more visible in local search results. Any business that has a physical location can benefit from this.

As more businesses are starting to utilise local SEO, and with how fast Google updates its search algorithm, you need to be ahead of the competition when using this channel. 

Not only can a successful local SEO campaign build trust and credibility with your local traffic, but it can also teach you more about your geographical area and its market.

Local SEO provides opportunities to connect more with people in your neighbourhood and build a local reputation. 

Other benefits of local SEO include:

  • Higher in-store foot traffic – Enhanced local presence attracts increased in-person visits to your physical store.
  • More phone calls – Thanks to Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business), optimising local SEO for your business can lead to improved Google Maps visibility, and result in more phone calls and in-person visit
  • More sales and conversions – Before enquiring or making a purchase, online consumers usually look at reviews to help with their decision-making process for a local business

1) Law firms

SEO provides significant benefits for law firms due to the specific nature of their practice.

Since individuals seeking legal assistance want to address their legal issues, implementing SEO strategies can help law firms attract relevant and organic traffic to their websites.

Previously, people would refer to Yellow Pages books to find local lawyers for their legal matters. However, today, the primary destination for seeking legal services is Google.

For instance, if someone suffers an injury, their first course of action would be to search for a personal injury lawyer on Google for more information on the necessary steps to help their situation.

These searches may consist of a keyword such as ‘personal injury lawyer London’ to find out more information on the law firms in their local area. 

Personal injury lawyers London search results

By integrating SEO strategies, especially focusing on local SEO, law firms have the opportunity to secure top rankings on Google in response to specific queries, thus increasing traffic and conversions for their business.

Also, if users search for lawyers in their local area, they can find results on Google Maps to meet their query. It helps them to instantly find contact information and the location of the business, so they can make their enquiry far quicker than they could in the past (especially when using a mobile device as they can tap the phone number and call the business instantly).

Google Maps search results London

You might be thinking ‘How can I rank my website at the top for these long-tail keywords?’

Ultimately, ensure you optimise your website’s content for both long-tail keywords and the locations you are targeting.

For example, if you have a landing page called ‘Personal Injury Lawyers’, consider changing the name of it to ‘Personal Injury Lawyers in Manchester’. You should also change your URL, metadata and page content to reflect this. If your business operates in multiple locations, create multiple location landing pages with the same goal of ranking for the local long-tail keywords.

It’s plain and simple – the local searches for law firms mean it’s essential for them to harness the power of SEO for their website to increase their revenue. Since so many users search for lawyers in their area, it would be crazy for these businesses to not make the most of this!

2) Property

Another industry that can benefit from local SEO is the property sector (both residential and commercial).

This is because many users on Google are searching for homes and offices to rent or buy in their local area. 

For example, if a business owner wishes to move to a new office space in Manchester city centre, they will likely search for ‘office space central Manchester’. Searching this will provide thousands of office options to choose from in search results, provided by commercial property agents.

Property search results

As with law firms, this same target market will also use Google Maps to see what commercial property agents are available in the local area.

Real Estate Google Maps

Of all the industries in this list, there is an argument that property agencies can benefit from local SEO the most. The high volume of users searching for local homes, office spaces and other types of property in geographical areas means it is essential for these websites to cater to the locations in their content and overall SEO strategy to set themselves apart from their online competition.

Ensure you are targeting each location with the most searched-for property keywords on your website for your geographical locations, and also consider the competitiveness of these keywords. Less competition on a keyword means it will be easier to rank for it.

Tools such as SEMRush and Ahrefs are great for conducting long-tail and local keyword research. Find your keywords, and begin to tailor your content around them.

3) Pet stores & services

If you have a fluffy companion at home that needs food, medical care or grooming, you will likely search for relevant pet services in your local area on Google. That is why pet stores and services must capitalise on local SEO to ensure they attract the online market in their geographical area.

If you own a pet store, an ideal place to start with local SEO is Google Business Profile. It is a fast-track way to get your business’s location to appear in Google Maps.

From here, you can increase your local visibility which can increase footfall, phone calls and enquiries from people in the vicinity of your business.

Another tip for pet websites is to optimise your content for relevant long-tail keywords such as ‘best dog leads for anxious puppies’. This can increase traffic to your landing pages as more users now use voice search on mobile devices to find what they are looking for.

4) Bars & restaurants

Once again, local SEO is at the forefront of another industry. Across the country, bars, pubs and restaurants greatly benefit from local targeting online.

Local SEO is critical for this industry because of the heavy usage of Google Maps by potential customers to find a suitable location for the food or drink they want. For example, a user may search for:

  • Sushi restaurant near me
  • Indian restaurant Manchester city centre
  • Pizza place near me that delivers

Indian restaurants in Manchester city centre

Once again, ensuring your website for location-based keywords and pages is the most important place to start. If your business appears at the top of Google for these search results, you are already on your way to beating your competition.

Also, you need to ensure that your business is registered on Google Business Profile. We have provided a guide further down this blog on how to claim your business listing if you are unsure.

By taking this step, you’ll not only establish your business presence on Google Maps but also empower customers with the ability to leave reviews, enhancing the credibility of your food and services.

5) Dental Practices

When you have throbbing tooth pain that will not go away, what’s the first thing you do? After rubbing whiskey on your gums, you would search for ‘dental practice near me’ in a search engine.

As previously mentioned, optimise your Google Business Profile page to ensure your dental practice appears in Google Maps, and make sure your website’s content optimises long-tail geographical keywords such as ‘dental practice in Manchester’.

But what else can you do if you want your dental practice to appear above other competitors in your local area?

There are some other important elements to focus on for your website’s content, such as:

  • Add your dental practice’s location and service area on your website.
  • Ensure you are creating high-quality, authoritative content utilising relevant keywords.
  • Make your website easy to navigate by including plenty of menubar categories, subcategories, and internal links using target keywords as anchor text.
  • Build your website to be mobile-friendly, and make sure it loads fast.
  • Optimise your website for voice search by using long-tail keywords, e.g. ‘teeth whitening in Manchester’. 

Also make sure your dental practice appears in local directories, such as the business directory on your local newspaper’s website.

6) Golf courses & driving ranges

Now stay with us on this one.

While it may appear different from the other industries we’ve covered, local golf courses and driving ranges actually hold huge SEO potential – a largely untapped resource that many of them have yet to capitalise on fully.

For example, if you are running an SEO campaign for a golf driving range, there are a lot of potential opportunities to attract more visitors via Google’s organic search results.

If the driving range offers lessons to beginners, you could optimise your website’s content for ‘beginner golf lessons near me’. It provides an opportunity for your website to rank high for this keyword in Google’s Map Pack featured snippet, and if your driving range offers online bookings, you can increase your online traffic and sales for golfing lessons.

Golf lessons near me results

This may sound like a quick win – but it can take time for Google to rank keywords on page 1 of search results.

Keep posting regular content to build topical authority whilst increasing backlinks from relevant websites and directories. Remember to ensure your website offers a fast, user-friendly experience to allow users to find your golf course or driving range easily and make a quick booking to practice their swing.

7) Mechanics & automotive services

Has your car got a flat tyre? Do you need an MOT or service at a garage near your house? These are all issues that you may want to find a resolution for on Google. 

And what better way to do that than to search for ‘tyre garage near me’, or ‘MOT service in Chester’. Searching for keywords that are related to your car issue and location will find you garages that are within your reach.

If you’re a mechanic, you are likely very busy and don’t have much time to focus on a full local SEO campaign for your website. That’s why it is best to ensure you add basic details on your website such as your garage’s address, phone number and an enquiry form that is easy to access on both desktop and mobile. 

Also, make sure you are ranking for local keywords. For example, you may name one of the website’s main landing pages in your menubar ‘MOT Service Chester’ if you are Chester-based or nearby.

8) Beauty and hairdressing

When you need a haircut and makeover, and if you’re new to town or visiting somewhere – what’s the first thing you do?

If you have just moved to the beautiful, historical city of Bath, and need your hair cut and styling, you will likely pull your phone out and search for ‘hair salons in Bath’.

It is important to make sure your website is ranking for local keywords, but you should also consider what users first see on your website if they are looking for a new hairdresser to pay a visit.

Promo codes online

Consider adding an offer for booking your first appointment online. If you have a discount code that users can apply when booking, this might be redeemed upon payment once you have your hair cut, washed and styled. It could attract more local customers to revisit your business in the future.

It will not only increase word of mouth for your business locally but can also increase conversions for local users landing on your website through local keyword searches on search engines.

If you own any of the above businesses and need some more tips to run an effective local SEO campaign, read on for more local SEO advice to help you fully optimise your businesses for local online traffic.

How to optimise a website for Local SEO

Fully optimise your Google Business Profile page

Realistically, this is where you should always start for any local SEO campaign. Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business) is fully supported and verified by the Google search engine itself, meaning it is a crucial tool for getting your business noticed online.

It is plain and simple – you MUST claim your listing on Google Business Profile to improve your business’s online presence locally. The good news is it is super easy to do this if you haven’t done it already.

First, type into your browser’s URL search bar.

Once you land on the page, enter the name of your business.

GBP listing claim page

If your business exists, you will be met with a page featuring a ‘Request Access’ button. All you need to do is click this, then fill in the access request form.

GBP request access

Once you have filled in the form, click ‘Submit’. The current profile owner will then receive an email requesting them to contact you about your request, and you will also receive a confirmation email.

If your business is NOT already registered on Google Business Profile, when you are on the ‘Find and manage your business’ page, you need to click ‘Add your business to Google’.

GBP creating listing

From here, you will need to fill in the step-by-step form where you fill in your business details such as the name, address, phone number and other important information. The phone number you entered will receive a 6-digit verification code that you need to enter to activate your listing.

Once you have claimed your listing, you need to fully optimise your Google Business Profile page. To do this, you need to:

  • Create and verify your page.
  • Add a phone number with a local area code.
  • Add your opening hours and make sure they are correct. 
  • Write a coherent and compelling business description.
  • Implement high-resolution photos that show off your business and services.
  • Regularly respond to reviews (good and bad).
  • Write and add relevant posts linking to your website’s blogs to engage users on Google.

If Google can see your business is authoritative, authentic and informative, you can increase your presence in Google’s search results and Google Maps alike.

Ensure your business’s NAP is consistent online

It needs to be easy for people and search engines to find your business, and one step towards this is setting up your NAP.

But what is NAP?

Simply put, NAP stands for ‘Name, Address, Phone number’ ​​and is pivotal in helping search engines understand and accurately list your business in local search results.

NAP contact form

Inconsistent NAP information can confuse search engines and potential customers, affecting your business’s online presence and reputation. So ensure you triple-check your business information across the web to save any issues.

Why does NAP consistency matter?

Search engines, especially Google, rely on accurate and consistent information to deliver relevant search results to users.

When there’s inconsistency in your business’s NAP information across various online platforms, directories, and websites, search engines can face difficulties in accurately discerning the essential details of your enterprise. It can result in your business being displayed incorrectly in local search results or, worse, not being displayed at all.

There are a few things you can do to ensure you maintain NAP consistency for your business:

  • Create a master record that stores all NAP information for your business.
  • Update your website with the correct NAP information.
  • Add your NAP details for your online directory and local citation listings.
  • Ensure your social media profiles contain the correct NAP details.
  • Implement ‘PostalAddress’ schema markup on your website to help search engines understand NAP.

Consistency is key with SEO, and your NAP info is no exception. So make sure you do everything you can to ensure your contact info is consistent across the web.

Optimise for voice search with long-tail keywords

Out of all the constantly changing trends in the SEO world, one that has gained significant momentum in recent years is voice search.

As voice-activated virtual assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa become more integrated into our daily lives, your website’s online presence for voice search can provide a competitive edge.

Long-tail keywords play a pivotal role in this optimisation strategy since they provide more specific phrases that people use when conducting searches online.

To make the most of this, you need to do your research. Optimise your website for long-tail keywords by:

  • Understanding the user intent – Voice search queries are often more conversational and question-oriented. Anticipate questions potential customers might ask about your business and services.
  • Focusing on the local context of your keyword research – Incorporate local identifiers in your long-tail keywords, such as city names, neighbourhoods, or landmarks. It helps connect your business to the local community. For example, try optimising your website for ‘Hair salon in Preston’ if you run a hairdressing business in Preston.
  • Using natural language – Long-tail keywords should mirror how people naturally speak. Consider how someone would ask a question verbally and incorporate that phrasing into your content.
  • Answering questions – Craft content that directly answers common questions related to your industry or business. You can research frequently asked questions in Google using tools like SEMRush or AlsoAsked. It increases the likelihood of your content featuring in voice search results.
  • Adding voice search on your website – Implement schema markup to provide structured data that search engines can easily understand. It can improve your chances of being selected as the voice search result.

Build local citations

If you want your business to be recognised locally, one of the best ways of doing this is by adding your NAP and website URL to local directories.

Adding listings on directory sites such as Yell, Yelp, and Foursquare can make your business more visible online, and it could lead to an increase in enquiries and sales if your contact details and website link are there.

Fly High Media Yell page

You can also look at adding your business information to local newspaper directories. For example, if you are based in Manchester, add your listing to the Manchester Evening News business directory to boost your local presence.

Other Local SEO methods you can implement

There are so many different angles to local SEO, but to make things easier, we have created a list of some other quick methods you can use to boost your business’s local presence:

  • Add your business info to your local Chamber of Commerce – This is one of the easiest backlinks you will ever get. In most cases, you do have to pay to join your local Chamber of Commerce. Nevertheless, it is still a place to get your business noticed by other business owners that can bolster your customer base and supply network.
  • Sponsor local charity events – Another backlinking method utilising local SEO. By registering your support for local charities and investing in their events, you can build a network for your business online and offline.
  • Embed Google Maps on your website – This makes it easier for users to see exactly where your business location is when visiting your website. To do this, all you need to do is:
    • Click on the burger bar in the top left to open the dropdown menu

Google Map share and embed tutorial

    • Click on ‘Share or embedded map’

Google map embed guide

    • Copy and paste the embedded code on your website’s contact, directions or about us page

What are the next steps for starting Local SEO?

If you follow our tips in this blog, you will go a long way to increasing your local and online presence, which can increase your business’s reputation and revenue. It is particularly relevant if your business is within one of the above industries.

For more help with a local SEO campaign, get in touch with our SEO team at Fly High Media.

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How Travelling Can Inspire You To Write Creatively Fri, 14 Jul 2023 10:39:19 +0000

How Travelling Can Inspire You To Write Creatively 

Old newspaper rolled up to focus on a mountain.

All writers face writer’s block at some point or other. We suddenly lack inspiration, experience self-doubt, or no longer feel passionate about the story we’re trying to tell. Most of us write because we love to, so it can be frustrating and disheartening when we can’t seem to put words on the page. How can we overcome this condition?

Travelling is a great way to conquer writer’s block. It frees our minds and opens our eyes to new places, people, and stories. 

Writer’s block is not limited to novelists; whether you’re a fiction writer, content creator for a website, or wordsmith, you’ll hit a wall when you least expect it.

If you’re wondering how to become a better writer or constantly looking for ways to be inspired, this may be a sign that you’re in a creative rut. You can either struggle to climb out of it or step away from your desk and discover a different route to inspiration. 

Find out why travelling can get your creative juices flowing and how you can make the most of your trip to enrich your writing. 

A list of reasons why travelling can inspire you to write creatively.


Explore New Places To Heighten Your Senses

A woman's nose and mouth surrounded by leaves and orange fruits.

We tend to get into a monotonous routine during our typical day-to-day lives. For example, we walk by the same buildings, sit at the same desk, and taste the same coffee; we experience these things until we no longer truly “experience” them.  

If we become immune to what’s around us, how can we write holistic content that is authentic and satisfying for the reader? 

We need to experience life to be able to write about it. The more experiences we have, the more we are equipped to write about various scenarios and aptly describe the world.

This is why you should travel. Give yourself a change of scenery. It will force your brain to take note of what’s around you, which will invigorate you and make your senses come alive.

Our most evocative sense is smell! Different scents are linked to different memories, so you can’t afford to forget about this when you write. To effectively put your readers in the moment, capture the scene by describing what it smells like.

So, when you walk around the streets of India, note the myriad smells. Breathe in the spicy aromas – the cardamom, turmeric, ginger, and nutmeg.

Activate all of your other senses, too.

Taste new foods. Try the street food you might usually avoid – the salmon masala curry, creamy payasam, dahi puri.

Bathe in the heat, feeling it radiate from the sun and the people around you. 

Purchase a silk saree. Closely admire the fabric’s intricate pattern and pick out the array of bright colours.

In short, travelling helps you be present – to live in the moment. It fully stimulates your senses, enabling you to add authenticity to your writing. This will captivate your readers and allow them to experience a taste of a different location, perspective, and life.


Use Travelling To Face Your Fears

Hiker looking at mountains at sunrise.

Travelling is about leaving what’s familiar by exploring new places. You should also see it as an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone.

Face your fears. 

Doing so will give you an adrenaline rush and help you to feel free – fearless! This will feed your mind, boosting your motivation and enhancing your ability to focus.

If you’re afraid of water, go on a boat tour in South-East Asia. The jade-coloured waters at Halong Bay in Vietnam are worth overcoming your fear for. Explore the caves and stop off at the floating villages. Talk to the people you meet. You’ll learn things that’ll bring colour and authenticity to your writing.

Scared of heights? Climb Conic Hill, which rises above Loch Lomond and offers inspiring water views.

If you can’t imagine anything more terrifying than sleeping outside in the middle of nowhere, camp in New Zealand to breathe in the clean air and listen to the chorus of insects.

The more discoveries you make on your journeys, the more you’ll find in your work. Equally, if you successfully face your fears, you’ll be braver in your writing. 

Great writing isn’t accomplished by playing it “safe”. You must push yourself to create something that your readers appreciate.


Keep A Travel Journal 

A woman writing in a journal next to a teacup and mobile phone.

A common mistake many writers make is that they think they’ll remember every great idea, and yet, a few weeks later, when finally they come to write it down, it’s gone – their great idea has vanished into thin air. 

So, to prevent this, take a notebook with you everywhere you go. This practice is even more critical when you’re travelling. 

Keep a travel journal to record what you discover. While hiking in Alaska, there might be something about a mountain you want to remember or the way the water flows in a creek. Whatever comes to mind, write it down. 

Record in your journal your feelings the very moment you’re transfixed by something – write down the extraordinary, beautiful, awe-inspiring, eerie, ethereal.

Also, remember to write about the unique and odd things you find. These unusual nuggets of information may be invaluable to you later. You can make a fantastical piece of content more realistic by including surreal aspects of your life experiences. 


Fully Immerse Yourself In New Cultures 

Why do people travel if they’re not going to immerse themselves in the place’s culture?

Travelling not only boosts creativity, it also strengthens character. It helps us to discover or even rediscover ourselves and our passions. By delving into other cultures, we realise how deeply rooted we are in our own and the values we have, which may be vastly different to others.

As a writer, you will miss out on so much if you don’t immerse yourself in the culture.

Expose yourself to new languages, religions, and customs – doing this every time you visit a place will help you to see the world differently; you’ll gain new perspectives, planting seeds for fresh ideas.

Absorb the history of a place. Discover the people who lived and died there. Learn about the famous and the infamous. Find out the stories behind the architecture. 

Take it all in, the good and the bad. You’ll develop a broader and more accurate view of the world, making your writing more honest and unbiased.


Write In Public 

When you travel to different areas of the world, you’ll most likely be using various modes of transport, i.e. plane, train, boat. There will probably be a lot of waiting around, too! Use these moments as opportunities to write in public.

Writing in a public space, for example, on a train or in a cafe, anywhere you can hear the buzz of many people, stimulates the brain differently than when working in a quiet space. It can make you more aware and present, enhancing the words you put on the page. 

There’s always expectancy in the air at train stations and airports, a tangible excitement for the unknown. This can help to heighten your adrenaline levels, firing up your brain and sparking new ideas.

Seeing new faces and ‘people watching’, noticing how they interact and the words they use can help you add new layers to your writing.

As mentioned previously, experiencing the world with all of your senses strengthens your writing, and nothing will bring as much texture and colour to your words as writing something while you experience it first-hand.


Don’t Forget To Read

Woman lying down reading.

Another great thing about travelling is that it gives us a chance to do plenty of reading.

Like any skill, if we want to be good at it, we need to hone it. While writing as often as possible is essential to develop our craft, reading is another critical part of becoming a great writer.

“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” —Stephen King.

Most of us write because we love words and the act of creating something unique from them. The words we put together become the root of our content, whether a story, article, or website copy. They anchor the piece and enable it to come to fruition.  

This love of words most likely came from reading, so we must regularly return to this first passion.

To learn more about words and how to arrange them to grow into something inspirational, entertaining, gripping, or educational, you need to understand how other writers have achieved this. 

Read content that is similar to what you wish to create. For example, if you want to write stories of a particular genre, then read stories of that genre. Read work by authors that inspire you.

Reading will fuel your motivation. It will help to build your vocabulary, increasing your mental toolkit for when you write. Reading will also help you to find your own ‘writer’s voice’.

There are several benefits of reading on the go, and there are many different formats to choose from, such as eBooks, paperbacks, and audiobooks, making reading while travelling easy.


How To Travel The World 

Back of woman in a white skirt looking at the sea.

The key is setting a goal before you start travelling the world. Which areas are you most interested in visiting? How many trips a year are you able to do? What can you afford? Even if your initial budget is low, write it down. It’s best to have a clear understanding of your finances to think about where you can cut back.

Research destinations and plan your itinerary, comparing prices of flights, hotels, insurance, and so on. Pick a destination that will boost your mood and inspire you the most. If you like the heat of the desert, vast beaches, and jaw-dropping mountains, then your first trip for writing motivation should be Africa.

Remember, whatever your estimate is for a trip, pad your budget; put more money aside than you think you’ll need to account for any unexpected events.

If you can’t physically travel, whether because of money, work, family, or a physical reason, then travel virtually. 

Explore YouTube, TikTok or Pinterest. While it’s true that you won’t be able to fully immerse yourself in your five senses, you’ll still be able to immerse yourself in the different cultures and get an idea of the textures of a place.

Support your research by reading books and movies based in specific locations around the world.

As mentioned, reading helps improve our writing, but it also ignites our imagination, transporting us to places we’ve never been. 

Watching movies will help you understand different languages and dialects, enabling you to create more fluid and authentic dialogue. Films will also inspire you on the mood and theme you want to express similarly in your work.

Additionally, if you can’t travel for whatever reason, nothing stops you from creating a journal containing the memories of your previous holidays.  

Once you start thinking about specific trips, you’ll be surprised at what you remember, what you were eating at that restaurant on the corner, how the sun felt on your face, what the waiter looked like, the clothes you were wearing – these are all critical details that can add depth to your writing!

If you need a change of scenery, visit local towns and mix with new crowds. Sit in the park with a notebook for a couple of hours. The feel of the grass beneath your legs and the warm breeze in your hair will help to invigorate you, boosting your creative juices.

Until you can travel far, travel locally. Embrace adventure.

To conclude, travelling inspires and motivates us, helping to build our character and develop the heart and soul of our writing.

Travelling has creative benefits not only for writers but for artists, producers, and other creators, too.

Website content writers should strike a balance between fluidity, creativity, and facts to ensure their audience can easily absorb their content and that they’re engaged, inspired, and educated. Valuable content doesn’t just come through research but also through experiencing the world.

Here at Fly High Media we have a dedicated and highly experienced team of digital marketing experts who can assist with SEO and content marketing for SMEs. We offer bespoke solutions to suit every client’s needs, ensuring they align with their goals to increase website visitors and improve their top line.

A content strategy is vital for any business that wants to grow and succeed. So if you’re wondering ‘why is content marketing important?‘ or ‘how to create a content marketing strategy‘, contact us today! We are incredibly client-focused and aim to ensure your business succeeds. 

Interested in growing your online business? Contact Fly High Media today!

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Digital Marketing News: Monthly Roundup For May 2023 Wed, 31 May 2023 09:42:00 +0000

Digital Marketing News: Monthly Roundup For May 2023

Flowers, mouse, and keyboard on a green wooden surface.

Welcome to our monthly roundup featuring the most-talked-about digital marketing news of May 2023.

This year has been busy, both in and outside the digital marketing world. Still, we have summarised some of the most recent prevalent stories useful to know if you’re a digital marketer or own an online business.

Get Ready for a Cookieless Future!

Chocolate chip cookie on white

Digital marketers love cookies. 

However, you may have to get used to not having a specific type of cookie because the days are numbered for the third-party kind!

If you’re new to marketing, you may need to understand how essential cookies are and how much digital marketers have come to rely on them.

So let’s explain.

First, second, and third-party cookies help reveal the behaviours and interests of website visitors. Cookies uncover this data by tracking a visitor’s browsing activity and purchases, amongst other things. This information enables marketers to create relevant ads and understand if they are effective. 

First-party cookies enable user-friendly experiences for website visitors because their preferences will be saved for that domain, i.e. passwords and shopping carts. 

These days, most websites use first-party cookies. Arguably, they are the most important kind because they collect information from the people marketers have the most to learn from: their website visitors, i.e. their audience. 

Second-party cookies allow a visitor’s data to be shared with another website. A website must ask for the visitor’s consent to use second-party cookies.

Third-party cookies enable websites to track users across different domains, gathering information about their online journey (browsing sessions) to map a clear picture of their interests. 

For example, imagine a user browsing a website looking for white trainers. Then, they leave the site and move to a different one, but ads for white trainers appear on the page. This is the result of third-party cookies.

Third-party cookies help businesses and marketers effectively target their ads!

First, Second, and Third Party Cookies Infographic (FHM) (1)

However, over recent years, Google has aimed to meet people’s growing online need for privacy. In 2021, the search engine giant announced that marketers striving to deliver relevant ads had created “a proliferation of individual user data across thousands of companies, typically gathered through third-party cookies”, resulting in people losing trust in websites.

Because of this, Google has been trying to find new ways to protect the anonymity of its users without impacting the results delivered to digital marketers and businesses. They aim to phase out third-party cookies in Chrome by 2024.

Once third-party cookies are no more, marketers will be unable to access crucial insights on Google users, which means they won’t be able to target their ads as effectively.  

So, if you’re a digital marketer or own an online business, what can you do to ensure your ads aren’t affected?

Well, Google has been building the Privacy Sandbox, which aims to create technologies that protect user privacy whilst still enabling marketers to advertise successfully so businesses can grow online. 

Google plans to implement Privacy Sandbox in July 2023, so you can use the Privacy Sandbox tools, enabling you to target Google Ads still.

You can also still rely on first-party cookies. They’re not going anywhere (yet!).

Software and platforms will likely be affected by the step away from third-party cookies; however, new doors will be opened to reveal innovative ways to advertise, which is excellent for businesses willing to adapt and evolve.

AI Is Everywhere

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is implemented in almost every industry to improve business operations.

Why is AI useful for marketers in particular?

As marketers, we are always trying to find ways to be more efficient and boost productivity. AI can help improve both of these areas. 

There are various forms of AI, some of which you already use within your role.

For example, if you use Google Docs, you may get the help of Smart Compose, which reads your writing to suggest what to type next.  

AI content writing tools like ChatGPT are a step from the above. But what is ChatGPT?

This chatbot generates human-like content in response to questions or commands that the user types in. 

At the moment, this AI tool is not a replacement for humans. Instead, it’s there to optimise content. It should help you overcome writer’s block and accelerate the content creation process.

So, what is the best way to use ChatGPT? 

Type your command/question, relevant keywords, and headings into ChatGPT and see what user-generated content it collects. Then strengthen the content by conducting further research on the topic and adding to it. Lastly, adapt the content to your business’s tone of voice.

You probably can’t get through a day without hearing about AI. Furthermore, your competitors are also hearing about AI and are likely using it! So don’t get left behind – start incorporating AI into your content marketing strategy!

Twitter’s Planned Purge

Mobile hovering in darkness with Twitter icons floating away.

Not so long ago, Twitter announced its plan to purge inactive accounts. 

This sparked fury amongst Twitter users concerned about the deceased’s accounts. 

Also, if inactive accounts are purged, many users will see a drop in their follower count.

Though you may think this news is irrelevant to your business, think of the potential leads you could miss out on if Twitter purges your account due to your not using it.

Furthermore, once your account is purged, your Twitter handle will be up for grabs! If a competitor has had its eye on your Twitter handle for some time, they will snap it up as soon as it becomes available.

Your Twitter handle is vital for your business as it helps your audience find you. So, to ensure you keep it, get tweeting!

Be A Transparent Marketer, Be A #Deinfluencer

Two paper megaphones on pink backdrop.

Overnight, a new trend emerged, turning the tables on inauthentic influencers, i.e. influencers who have bought followers, have fake accounts, or overly emphasise products and services in a less than candid way because they have been paid to do so.

To combat the above, the deinfluencer trend was born!

Before we go into what a deinfluencer is, let’s explain more about influencers.

An influencer is a person who can persuade people to buy products and services due to having a large following, either on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, or any other social media platforms. Influencers are often celebrities, but not always.  

Around 2009, many businesses began to see the potential of influencers and the visibility they could bring to their products/services, so they began incorporating them into their marketing strategy. Influencer marketing is crucial for most businesses when conducting social media marketing.

However, there is such a thing as influencer fatigue. People are becoming desensitised, and perhaps more astute, to this type of marketing, meaning influencers are failing to influence.

Modern consumers connect more with each other and brands, seeking more genuine and meaningful relationships. This terrain leaves no room for inauthentic marketing. Millennials and Gen Zs want ‘real’ content.

Now, what is a deinfluencer?

A deinfluencer is typically a content creator or social media user who tells people what not to buy. Funnily enough, a deinfluencer is an influencer; however, they are more transparent about products and services, giving honest reviews. 

Influencer vs Deinfluencer infographic

How can you use this new trend to your advantage as a digital marketer or business owner? 

You should promote your services by using ambassadors who are genuinely passionate about what you offer. This ensures they can speak about your brand with knowledge and enthusiasm. If social media users feel your content is ‘real’, they’ll be more likely to share it on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter.

Remember, be as transparent as you can with your target audience. This will help build their trust in your business and retain it.

Now you’re up to date with the latest digital marketing news! But before you go, find out what’s been happening more locally for Fly High Media.

Local News For Fly High Media


Rob McElhenney and Ryan Reynolds visit Wrexham Football Club

Since investing £10m into the Wrexham Football Club, Rob McElhenney and Ryan Reynolds have fully immersed themselves in it. On May 2nd, the pair celebrated their recent success with the club, i.e. the men’s and women’s teams gaining promotion to their respective football leagues.

McElhenney and Reynolds joined an open-top bus parade that toured the city, enabling thousands of fans to embrace the occasion and celebrate with the players.

Around 12 hours after the event, Reynolds tweeted, ‘this town and this sport is one of the most romantic things on earth’.

The story has captured people’s attention in the UK and also worldwide! 

Since the actors bought the club, they replaced their main sponsor, a local company, with a TikTok branding deal. This, undoubtedly, helped spread the word to millions of people, emphasising the power of social media!


Eurovision Train Competition Takes Place in Hooton

On May 10th, the Eurovision train came to Hooton!

To celebrate the world-famous event being held in Liverpool, one of the new Merseyrail Metro trains was draped in the Eurovision design. 

The brightly coloured train visited numerous areas of Liverpool, ramping up excitement ahead of the event. 

To further celebrate, Merseyrail gave a model of the new 777 trains to the person who captured the best image of the Eurovision train. An event was held at Hooton railway station, a 5-minute walk from our Fly High Media offices, to enable people to take pictures.

The team at Fly High Media strolled down to the station to admire the train and join in on the buzz. 

Find out more about the wider media impact of Eurovision 2023!

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The Ultimate Guide to Local SEO for Hotels Tue, 16 May 2023 10:33:00 +0000

The Ultimate Guide to Local SEO for Hotels

hotel reception area

With so much competition online, it can be tough to stand out in the hotel market. However, local SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) can help you get more guests through the door and REDUCE the number of bookings through sites like that charge high commission fees.

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about local SEO for hotels, from understanding the key factors that impact local search rankings to implementing a local SEO strategy for your hotel. 

Whether you’re new to local SEO or looking to take your hotel business to the next level, this guide is the ultimate resource for hotel owners who wish to succeed.


Understanding Local SEO

Local SEO is the process of optimising your website and online presence to rank higher in local search results.  This process is crucial for hotels since many travellers search for accommodation near the destination they’re visiting. If your website is optimised, your business stands a better chance of popping up in their search engine results, making it easier for them to find you!

Google looks at various factors to determine which results to show, i.e. the businesses and services to display on a SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

Google’s search engine will look at the following:

1. Relevance: How relevant is your hotel to the user’s search query? This includes your hotel’s name, category, and website content.

2. Distance: How far is your hotel from the user’s location? Google uses geolocation data to determine the user’s location and show nearby results.

3. Prominence: How well-known is your hotel in the local area? This includes factors like the number of reviews, your hotel’s ratings and how many other websites link to your hotel’s website.

Thankfully, there are things you can do to ensure your hotel’s website is meeting Google’s expectations.

Implementing Local SEO for Hotels

You need to focus on several key areas to improve your hotel’s local SEO and meet Google’s requirements. These are as follows:

Google Business Profile

Formerly Google My Business, Google Business Profile (GBP) listing is one of the most critical aspects of local SEO success. It’s essentially a profile for your hotel that appears in Google search results and Google Maps. 

Your GBP listing must include accurate and up-to-date information about your hotel, such as your address, phone number, website URL, and business hours. This is all helpful information for people seeking a hotel, making it easier for them to find you, get in touch, and book a room!

Local citations and directories 

Local citations are references to your hotel’s name, address, and phone number (NAP) on other websites. These citations help establish your hotel’s online credibility and authority. 

You can build local citations by submitting your hotel’s information to online directories like Yelp, TripAdvisor, and Yellow Pages. 

Reviews and ratings 

Online reviews and ratings are key factors in local search rankings. The more positive reviews and high ratings your hotel has, the higher it will rank in local search results. 

You can build up your reviews by encouraging guests to leave feedback on your GMB listing and other online review sites.

People are more likely to choose to stay at your hotel if you have plenty of positive reviews!  If you receive any negative reviews you should respond to them with a positive comment addressing the concerns.

On-page optimisation 

On-page optimisation refers to optimising your hotel’s website content so that it’s search engine friendly. On-page optimisation includes improving and revising your website’s title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags to include trending local keywords and phrases.  

Local link building 

Building links from other local websites to your hotel’s website can improve your hotel’s position in local search results. 

The best way to build local links is by contacting local websites, for example, popular tourist websites and offering to exchange links with them or by creating interesting local content to which other websites want to link.

Social media 

Social media can help improve your hotel’s online visibility by building informal connections with individuals and potential customers.

Ensure you create profiles on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to reach a broader and more diverse audience and post regular updates that include local keywords and hashtags.

Advanced Local SEO Strategies for Hotels

Advanced local SEO strategies can help hotels stand out in a crowded marketplace. Here are some strategies to consider:

  1. Schema markup

This is the process of converting unstructured data to structured data, which helps search engines better understand the content on your website. 

Implementing schema markup for your hotel’s address, phone number, and other important information, such as FAQs, will uncover featured snippet opportunities, boosting your visibility on Google. 

  1. Local content marketing 

Creating content that targets local keywords and phrases can help attract more guests to your hotel. This can include blog posts, videos, and social media updates that showcase your hotel’s amenities and local attractions.

  1. Mobile optimisation

With more and more people using mobile devices to search for local businesses, it’s essential to have a mobile-friendly website. This means ensuring your website is fast, easy to navigate, and optimised for smaller screens.

  1. Voice search optimisation 

As voice search becomes more popular, optimising your hotel’s website for voice queries is important. This can include using natural language in your content and targeting long-tail keywords (i.e. short phrases) which are more likely to be used in voice searches.

When implementing these strategies, it’s important to remember that they require ongoing effort and maintenance. Here are some tips for implementing these strategies effectively:

-Use a tool like Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper to implement schema markup on your website.

-Conduct keyword research using an SEO tool like SEMrush to identify local keywords and phrases to include within your content.

-Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to optimise your website for mobile devices.

Tracking Your Local SEO for Hotels

To track and measure the success of your local SEO efforts, you can use tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Moz Local. These tools can help you monitor website traffic, search rankings, and local citations.


Local SEO is crucial to any hotel’s digital marketing strategy. By implementing the steps outlined in this guide, a hotel can improve its visibility in local search results, attract more guests, and increase revenue. 

Remember to claim and verify your Google Business Profile listing, submit your hotel’s information to online directories, encourage guest reviews, optimise your website for local search, build local links, and create social media profiles. 

Additionally, advanced strategies like schema markup, local content marketing, mobile optimisation, and voice search optimisation can help your hotel stand out from the crowd 

With the right local SEO strategy, hotels can reach their target audience and drive more bookings. Why not contact Fly High Media today to see what we can do for you?

Looking for help with Local SEO? Contact Fly High Media.

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Efficiently Analysing Data with Google Analytics 4: A How-To Guide for Beginners Wed, 22 Feb 2023 00:13:00 +0000

Efficiently Analysing Data with Google Analytics 4: A How-To Guide for Beginners

From 1st July 2023, Universal Analytics (UA) will stop processing website and app data, and the latest version of the web analytics service, Google Analytics 4, will completely take over. This is why we have created this guide on using Google Analytics 4 for beginners so businesses can prepare to use the tool.

Although businesses can access their historical data and export reports for at least six months after UA has been replaced, no new data will be processed unless their properties are set up on GA4. 

But what exactly is GA4? Why is it so crucial for businesses? Before we go into how Google Analytics 4 works, we will explain what the tool does and how it can benefit you and your business.


What is Google Analytics 4?

Google Analytics 4 is a web analytics service offered by Google, which provides businesses with insights on their websites and apps. 

The data that GA4 gathers helps to build a picture of a user’s journey, i.e., how they interacted with content or the steps they took before a conversion. Additionally, the tool allows businesses to create reports, enabling them to analyse the results from their marketing efforts to be strategic when planning future campaigns. 

The type of insights businesses can track includes multiple aspects, such as where their website traffic is coming from or the devices used. You can monitor social media activities, track mobile app traffic, identify trends, and even integrate the software with other data sources (CRMs, WordPress, Facebook, and Shopify).

Will Google Analytics 4 be better than UA?

There have been many alterations made to improve the analytics service that Google offers but also to keep up with the industry and global changes.

Previously, there was a lot of observable data available, mainly thanks to website cookies. However, people have become more concerned about their privacy when searching the internet. More global data regulations have caused gaps in the data gathered by analytical tools. 

Google recognised the gaps in data and the problem it caused businesses, which is why UA has evolved into GA4 to provide more consistent data for businesses to analyse. 

Below are a few of the new GA4 features or areas of the analytical service that have improved:

1. Any Event Can Be Labelled As A Conversion

UA only classes ecommerce transactions or completed actions as conversions. In contrast, GA4 allows businesses to label any event as a conversion if they deem it important to track. 

It is worth noting that a user can only add 30 conversions per property. 

2. Tracks Users In A Single Journey

GA4 allows businesses to add multiple web and app streams (sources of data) to each property. It can track users in a single journey over multiple devices, bringing together data from different sources and platforms so that all of the information is considered. This is known as a unified data model.

The data will be more accurate, with a single user being recognised as such rather than their data being duplicated, even if they use multiple devices to access the website/app. Cross-device tracking also helps businesses to see which data sources are bringing in the most users, engagement, and conversions.

3. Less Session-Based, More Event-Based

The data collected by GA4 is less focused on sessions and pageviews compared to UA and more focused on events. 

An event allows businesses to measure a distinct user interaction on a website or app. For example, loading a page, clicking a link, and completing a purchase are all interactions businesses can measure with events.

A session is a group of user interactions on a website within a certain time frame. A session begins when a user lands on a business’s tracked webpage and will end when they click on another page. By default, a session times out after 30 minutes of no activity; however, this can be extended. 

In GA4, you can still see session data, but it collects user interactions as events. This allows businesses to see pieces of information that add further context to the event or user. 

4. Lifecycle Reports

UA only has the Acquisition report, but GA4 has several reports to provide a more in-depth and visual aspect of a user’s lifecycle. 

The reports available on GA4 include: 

– Acquisition

– Engagement

– Monetization

– Retention

These reports allow businesses to view more data, particularly after a customer has been acquired, which is where the Engagement, Monetization, and Retention reports help.

5. Updated Privacy Controls

GA4 allows more control of privacy settings. For example, there are features such as cookieless measurement and behavioural and conversion modelling. 

Additionally, there are new metrics in GA4, such as:

– View Per Session

Tracks the number of webpages or app screens people view during a single visit.

– Average Session Duration

Measures the time people spend on the website.

Should I Switch To Google Analytics 4?

If you have a property on UA, it is advisable to set up a Google Analytics 4 account and switch over to a GA4 property as soon as possible. This will prepare you for the change from July 2023, when no new data will be processed by UA. 

While you run your GA4 property alongside the UA property, it will help to strengthen your learning and allow GA4 to gather data which will enable you to build a bigger picture for future analysis. 

How To Use Google Analytics 4

Before we begin to explain how to set up a Google Analytics account, we will detail what is meant by ‘property’ and ‘data stream’.

When we mention ‘property,’ we refer to the business’s name or brand. When we mention ‘data stream’, we refer to the data source, such as the website, app, social media page, etc. 

For each app or website that your business has, you should put it under a new Data Stream. For example, if your business has one website and two apps, you should have one property and three data streams.


Setting Up Google Analytics 4

Below are simple steps to create a GA4 account if you do not already have an existing UA account or to upgrade.

How To Create A Google Analytics 4 Account

1.  Login to your Google account

2. Go to

3. Click ‘Start Measuring’

4. Create the name of your account (usually a business name)

5. Click ‘Next’

6. Provide a property name (again, usually a business name)

7. Select the appropriate time zone and currency

8. Provide your website’s URL

9. Select the option to create a GA4 and UA Property (you must click ‘Advanced Options’ and switch the toggle to ‘On’)

10. Provide the details of your business, such as your industry

11. Click ‘Create’

12. Accept the Google Analytics Terms Of Service by checking the relevant boxes

13. Click ‘I Accept’


How To Upgrade To GA4 If You Have An Existing UA Account

1. Click ‘Admin’

2. Under the ‘Property’ column, click ‘GA4 Setup Assistant’

3. Click ‘Get Started’

4. Click ‘Create Property’

5. Click ‘See Your GA4 Property’

6. Under ‘Tag Installation’, click the arrow (>)

7. Under ‘Data Stream’, click the arrow (>)

8. In the top right corner, it should display the Measurement ID for GA4.


How To Configure GA4 Event Tracking

Before you can configure event tracking, you need to set up and install Tag Manager and then place the Tag Manager snippets on your website. 

The GA4 Configuration tag ensures that data flows from a business’s website to Google Analytics without having to write pieces of code. For every page a business wants to track and collect data, they must create a tag.

To set up the GA4 Configuration tag:

1. Go to Google Tag Manager

2. Click ‘Tags’ and ‘New’

3. Provide a name for the tag

4. Enter your ‘G-’ ID in the Measurement ID field

5. Click ‘Trigger’ and select ‘Initialization – all pages’ trigger

6. Click ‘Save’


Creating New Events In GA4

As previously mentioned; an event allows you to measure a user’s interaction on a website/app.

Some events are automatically tracked by GA4, such as:

– First_visit

– Page_view

– Session_start

– User_engagement

A few more events are automatically tracked if Enhanced Measurement is activated.

The data gathered from event tracking is used to create the dimensions and metrics. ‘Dimensions’ answer the questions, ‘who, what, and where’, and ‘Metrics’ answer the questions ‘how many’. 

Businesses can also set up new metrics and dimensions to enable them to customise what they track according to what they deem important to measure for their business.

To create a new GA4 event:

1. On the ‘Events’ page, click ‘Create Event’ 

2. Select the data stream that contains the existing event 

3. Name your new event

4. Enter the conditions you wish to use

5. Select whether you want to modify or copy the parameters for your new event

6. When the conditions for your new event match an existing incoming event, you will start to see data from your new event on the ‘Events’ report.

For dimensions, the answers are given in words and can be used for both the ‘User’ or ‘Event’ scope (category).  

For metrics, the answers are numbers and can only be used for an ‘Event’ scope. A metric cannot be put in the ‘User’ scope because this category answers questions about the user, such as demographics, which must be displayed as a worded response.


Track Your Conversions

A conversion is when the user completes the desired action stipulated by a business. The action can be anything that is considered valuable to a business, such as a user purchasing a product or even as simple as downloading a form or signing up for a newsletter.

‘Conversion’ reports display the event data that is automatically collected by GA4. However, for any specific conversions that a business wishes to track, they will have to add these. 

You can add up to 30 conversions for each property in addition to the ones that GA4 automatically marks as conversions.


Setting Up Events As Conversions

1.On the ‘Events’ page, click the toggle to the right of the listed events

2.Once you have selected the event as a conversion, it will be included in the ‘Conversion’ report

 As a digital marketing agency that is committed to boosting the online presence of many businesses, Fly High Media offers several services, such as Conversion Rate Optimisation, to help increase the number of website visitors that convert into customers.


How To Get The Most From Your Google Analytics 4 Reports

There are different reports available on GA4, all of which enable a business to assess their website/app data in a format that suits their objectives.

In the right corner of each reporting page on Google Analytics 4, there are several icons. This is where you will find the ‘Share report’ icon, which enables you to share any of the reports with your team.


Realtime Report

UA already collects a business’s real-time data for their website/app; however, it only displays the number of users within the last 5 minutes, whereas Google Analytics 4 displays the number of users within the last 30 minutes. 

This extended amount of time provides businesses with a wider overview of up-to-the-minute data, allowing them to make more informed decisions, which is particularly useful when they are tracking how a new marketing campaign is performing. 

The features of real-time reporting allow you to:

– Monitor activity on your website or app as it is happening (per minute)

– Have a better understanding of how users enter the conversion funnel, and their behaviours 

– Track the number of people on your website/app in the last 30 mins 

– See where your users are coming from, i.e., source, medium, or campaign

– Compare your new users against existing ones

– Monitor the events that are triggered

– Track the conversions that are completed


How To Access The Realtime Report

1. In the left menu bar, click ‘Reports’

2. Click ‘Realtime’ 


Life Cycle Report

The ‘Life Cycle’ reports are focused around a user’s journey, helping businesses to understand each stage, from ‘Acquisition’ to ‘Retention’. 

‘Acquisition’ reports help you to discover how you have acquired new users by providing information on where they have come from, such as the channel, i.e., organic or paid.

‘Retention’ reports can help you to understand how valuable a user is, displaying how frequently they view your website, for how long, and the revenue they generate.

‘Engagement’ reports display data on how users engage with your website, i.e., their average engagement time, and the engagement sessions per user. Additionally, this is the section where you can track events and conversions.

‘Monetisation’ reports provide an overview of a business’s revenue and a detailed breakdown of how products/services are performing, according to the average spend per person and the number of transactions made per person.


How To Access The Life Cycle Reports

1. In the left menu bar, click ‘Reports’

2. Select either ‘Acquisition’, ‘Retention’, ‘Engagement’, or ‘Monetisation’


Use Explorer Reports Through The Analysis Hub

On Google Analytics 4, the Explore section offers a variety of reports to provide an in-depth, alternative view of the data gathered from a business’s website/app. It is the same data that is available within the other reporting sections; however, it is displayed in a more visual format to allow businesses to uncover new trends.

To display your data, the following techniques are available in ‘Exploration’:

1. Free-form Exploration 

Presents your data in a crosstab layout, where the rows and columns can be arranged to suit the business. Additionally, data can be measured in a visual format, i.e., via bar charts, pie charts, and scatter graphs.  

2. Cohort Exploration

Allows you to understand the behaviours of segmented groups, according to their common attributes. A group (cohort) is identified when the users share the same characteristic, i.e., they became new users on the same date.

3. Funnel Exploration  

Enables you to visualise the steps your users take before completing a key task or conversion. Additionally, you can better understand how users enter the funnel and where they drop off.

4. Segment Overlap 

Lets you compare up to three user segments to see how those segments overlap and relate to each other. ‘Segment Overlap’ effectively enables you to compare and isolate audiences under complex conditions.

5. Path Exploration

Similar to ‘Funnel Exploration’, it enables you to visualise the steps users took through your website/app; however, where ‘Funnel Exploration’ follows a predefined path, ‘Path Exploration’ is free-flowing, meaning you may discover paths that you weren’t aware of before, i.e., different stages to a user’s progression.

6. User Lifetime

Discover the value of a user by exploring their behaviours. Here, you can uncover key information about a user, such as the last time they purchased a product/service from your website and who is expected to be more valuable based on their historic purchases.

How To Access The Exploration Reports

1. In the left menu bar, click ‘Explore’

2. Select an ‘Exploration’ report

How To Create A GA4 Exploration

1. Click the plus icon (+) to create a blank exploration. For a quicker alternative, select a template

2. To begin exploring your data, select a technique

3. From the ‘Variables’ panel on the left, add items to the dimensions and metrics sections 

4. Drag and drop the ‘Dimension’ and ‘Metrics’ to the ‘Tab Settings’ panel

5. To refine the data, add segments and filters 


Lastly, in the ‘Advertising’ section of Google Analytics 4, you will find ‘Model Comparison’ and ‘Conversion Paths’ under ‘Attribution’.

The ‘Model Comparison’ section is where businesses can compare attribution models to decide which is most suitable for them. An attribution model is a data-driven algorithm that determines the touchpoint that gets the credit for a conversion. 

The ‘Conversion Paths’ section is where a business’s preferred attribution model is used; it allows them to see data differently to, hopefully, provide deeper insights and reveal how successful certain aspects of their campaign are.

The GA4 attribution models are: 

– Last Click – Attributes 100% of the credit to the last touchpoint in the user’s journey just before they made the conversion. 

– First Click – Assigns 100% credit to the first touchpoint in the user’s journey. 

– Linear – Distributes the credit for the conversion equally across all of the user’s touchpoints.

– Position-Based – Attributes 40% credit to the first and last interaction, and the remaining 20% credit is distributed evenly to the middle interactions. 

– Time Decay – Gives more credit to the touchpoints that happened closer in time to the conversion.  

– Data-Driven Attribution – Gives credit for conversions based on how users engage with various ads before converting. 

We hope that this guide on Google Analytics 4 will be useful to you when you set up your GA4 account and come to create reports to analyse your website/app data.

Do you need to increase your website traffic? Fly High Media can help. With our team of experts, we can optimise your website to achieve effective results. For further information on our services, contact us today. 

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5 Google My Business Tips That You Can Implement Today Sat, 21 Aug 2021 14:20:00 +0000

5 Google My Business Tips That You Can Implement Today

Google is a competitive space and especially in map listings. A well optimised profile and Google on-page Local SEO not only does it make you stand out, but it will also help you generate more leads for your business if done well.

Google My Business is a great tool to put your business on the map for potential customers, but it can also be a great hub for information about your business.

If you haven’t already, head to Google My Business and register. Fill in your details, soon after, in a few days time, you will receive a confirmation code in the post to confirm your physical address.

The goal of this blog is to help you generate more attention locally for your business, so let’s get started!

1. Provide as much detail as possible on your listing - don’t miss out on the basics

It’s critical that you provide your potential customers with all of the relevant information about your business on your Google My Business listing. This can be the difference when trying to boost new customers and sales – people need to know who you are and what you do!

On your profile, you are able to add what type of business you are operating under the ‘business category’ section. You can also add a link to your website, photos, opening hours, reviews and a phone number for customers to contact you. If you have multiple physical locations, then it is imperative that you complete these details for each location.

Providing as much information as possible makes your business look more credible, and it means prospective customers will have more trust when deciding to do business with you.

2. Keep customers informed with regular updates

Many businesses mistake Google My Business as a tool that only allows you to make a profile about a business with contact details and geographical information. What many people don’t realise is you can also post regular updates just like you can on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

When a post is submitted, it will be featured on your business page for users to see in Google search results. You have up to 1,500 characters to provide potential customers with relevant information about your business and the industry you are operating in.

This feature is also a great platform to provide customers with special offers. For example, if you run a cafe, you may want to share a 2-4-1 discount coupon code for a promotion you are running.

Also, if you ever have special opening hours or you are closed one day out of the norm, then don’t forget to update this on your listing. You wouldn’t want people showing up to your place of business to an empty premises!

3. Respond to Customer Reviews

Google has previously confirmed that responding to reviews can improve your business’s local SEO, so it is important to get back to any customers who have left you feedback.

It’s important to respond to positive and negative reviews. It can be hard receiving a negative review, however Google My Business allows you to publicly address issues and hopefully turn around with a positive spin.

4. Add high quality photos

Adding your own high-quality photos to your Google My Business page ensures that your profile looks credible. Not only that, but it can be an opportunity to provide potential customers with great images of your products and/or services and show off the personality of your business a little.

If you want to go one step further, then you can look into getting a 360° virtual tour of your business. You can find a list of photographers in Google’s directory seen below.

5. Include a list of your Products and Services

Not only can you share images of your products, but you can add your selection of items and services that you are looking to sell within the ‘Products’ section of Google My Business.

Initially, users will see a thumbnail image and title of the product/service. Once they click, this will open up a product description with a link to the specific page where the item is located on your website.

This is a great way to introduce potential customers to your business, and it can also be a great way to convert website traffic into a sale.

Want further assistance with your Google My Business listing to help drive more local business? Contact Fly High Media today!

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