Fly High Media News – Fly High Media Tue, 19 Sep 2023 12:53:02 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 How to Repurpose Content for Maximum Impact Tue, 29 Aug 2023 09:48:07 +0000

How to Repurpose Content for Maximum Impact

Man and woman looking at Content Marketing ideas on a monitor

The world is no longer restricted to printed content. Digital marketing allows us to reach a wider audience online, boosting brand awareness and providing new business opportunities through various channels and platforms.

However, this also brings its challenges. To thrive in this digital age, companies must produce fresh, exciting, interesting content over these platforms to engage with their target audience and increase traffic and sales.

Creating ideas for these posts can, of course, be a struggle. How do you think of fresh ideas when you feel you’ve covered everything? How do you stand out when you can’t think of anything to add?

This is where repurposing content comes in.

Whilst some think of repurposing content as repetitive, it instead comes with a range of benefits your business can take advantage of. It is all about adapting what you already have, not copying it onto another site.

So, how can repurposing content help your organisation, and how do you do it?

In this article, we explain how to use this technique to increase your brand awareness and encourage user interaction with your website. Find out how to introduce repurposed content into your content marketing strategy!

Why Repurposed Content Matters for Businesses

Paper on a table reading 'Content Marketing' in the middle, surrounding by 'e-mail', 'VDO Viral', 'Roi', 'Website/AD' and small images

Your business can take advantage of the various benefits of repurposing content.

When your staff are busy helping clients and customers, repurposing content is a great way to save time and still produce relevant content. The time usually spent brainstorming and researching can now support your service users as they look for the product they need.

However, ensure you still conduct some research to ensure everything is still relevant. You don’t want to release content and discover the information is no longer accurate!

This method also expands your existing content’s lifespan, keeping it relevant after publication. That valuable information you once released can continue to benefit your audience and remain relevant as time goes on.

If you repurpose a blog post for social media, try linking the original content in your new release! Not only does it provide more information for your followers, but it can also increase website traffic when people click the link to read more.

Additionally, repurposing content enables you to diversify your communication, reaching a wider array of people and growing your audience.

For example, your followers on Instagram may not use X (formerly known as Twitter) and vice versa, so your followers on one platform won’t see and interact with your content on another.

In the same way, you can repurpose content to better appeal to different demographics, such as adapting what you publish to help reach a female audience.

Also, you get to optimise your resources, maximising the value of your original work and therefore bettering the investment you put in that content in the first place.

Crafting a Successful Content Repurposing Strategy

Now we’ve established why repurposing your content is important and how it can benefit you, how do you do it effectively?

Identifying Repurposing Opportunities

The word 'content' on a laptop screen, with 'efficient', 'searchable', 'accessible' and 'intuitive' listed next to it

First, you must establish what content you can repurpose and what content you should leave alone.

For example, if your website contains recipes, you can repurpose timeless instructions such as for a chocolate cake and ginger biscuits. However, Christmas cake recipes are more seasonal, so you should only repurpose them around that period.

Equally, some content is no longer relevant, no matter the time of year, so you would probably not benefit from creating new content surrounding the original piece.

Find your evergreen content, which is timeless content that remains relevant. These are the pieces you can repurpose on your various platforms.

You also need to find the content that performed well when posted initially. There’s no point repurposing your article on refurbishing a bathroom if your audience only interacts with your living room accessory blogs. These are the things your audience looks for, so take advantage of them and reuse those ideas.

However, these points are only relevant if the content is compatible with the new platform. Before repurposing anything, ensure it is suitable for the new channel and, if it is, establish how to alter the original to best suit that new platform.

Repurposing Techniques for Different Platforms


Facebook logos in a pile

When wondering how to repurpose blog content for social media, remember they can offer a wealth of information. Take advantage of that when you create your social media posts. Release blog snippets on Facebook with catchy headlines to draw attention to your blog and website.

Be aware that this is social media. Followers can interact with your posts, and you should encourage them to. Ask thought-provoking questions to promote user engagement.

For example, if your blog post covers easy skincare routines to follow, you could start your post by asking if your audience struggles to find time for skin maintenance in their busy schedule.

You can then finish your post with another question, such as if they have any skincare tips they recommend.

Also, include images! Use visually appealing graphics to draw attention to your Facebook post and accompany your content, such as relevant infographics or photos, that catch your audience’s eye and draw them in.

X (formerly known as Twitter)

Twitter logos in a pile

With the character limit, it can sometimes be difficult to encapsulate everything you want to say on this platform. However, X (formerly Twitter) is a great way to release short, snappy content to your audience and summarise a detailed blog post.

Focus on the key takeaways of your original article. Condense these important points into X-sized insights you can release to your audience and use them to encourage interest in the topic.

To increase your visibility and brand awareness, incorporate the relevant hashtags and expand your reach to new followers. However, the hashtags must be relevant to your content, or you won’t reach your target audience.

You can also use influencers on X to help promote your content and expand your reach. Tag relevant influencers in your posts to encourage potential interactions or retweets. If successful, this can bring your brand to their followers’ attention, widening your reach and encouraging more traffic to your website.


LinkedIn post about Barbie's Content Marketing

Professionals take advantage of the exposure LinkedIn can offer, and you can too. Create detailed articles based on your blog post to demonstrate your knowledge and attract businesses to what your company can offer.

Find the industry trends you can draw upon. Are handcrafted items becoming more popular with consumers? Are social media marketers using new techniques to promote their posts? Focus on these professional insights when creating your new content.

For example, we summarised our blog about the new Barbie movie to explain why the film’s content marketing was so effective and what businesses can learn from that.

You can also provide thoughtful commentary on a relevant topic in your field. Stimulate discussions with other experts in your industry and attract the attention of clients looking for the best people in your area of expertise.


YouTube Logo on a light blue background

Anyone who uses YouTube knows you can find videos of all lengths on this platform, and you can use this to your advantage.

Do you want to add a two-minute clip about what your business is doing about climate change? You can use YouTube. Do you want to create an in-depth tutorial about how to apply makeup to create a particular look? You can still use YouTube.

Use this platform to your benefit and create interest in your topic. For example, you can create video highlights about the main points to reach people who don’t want to watch longer videos.

The title of your video is key, so ensure it is compelling and encourages viewers to click on your content. The video thumbnail also impacts viewership, so ensure that it is equally eye-catching for your audience.

If you publish longer videos, include timestamps! This handy addition allows viewers to find the section of your video that most applies to or appeals to them, so you can still engage with your target audience if they want to watch only some of it.


Instagram logos on a white background

Instagram may be your ideal platform if you want to create shorter videos. On this platform, your content can appear on your follower’s main feed, allowing them to view snippets of your work as they scroll. Viewers can then share these clips with their friends and followers, increasing brand awareness on Instagram.

However, focus on more than just your expertise. Provide behind-the-scenes insights into your business and industry by creating engaging stories and showing the humanity behind the professional brand.

For those wanting to release longer videos, you need IGVT. Use it to repurpose longer content or more detailed topics, such as more complicated instructions.


TikTok logo on a white background

Your existing content contains lots of information that can help your clients find the best services or products for them. TikTok is a great way to summarise this information.

Condense your preexisting videos into 60-second snapshots that are entertaining to watch. Take advantage of trending challenges to show off the fantastic people that form your business, and incorporate relevant sounds or music to help your content appeal to audiences.

This is your opportunity to showcase your brand’s personality and be creative. Put a face to the company name and show your humanity behind the corporate jargon that comes with the business. Personal branding is a great way to appeal to audiences, so take advantage of it when repurposing content on this channel.


Retro microphone on coloured background

Podcasts are fantastic for people who prefer receiving information audibly, so take advantage of this style to reach wider audiences.

If you have webinars, extract some audio content to form podcast episodes focusing on different topics. Like YouTube videos, podcasts can come in various lengths, so find the style and form that suits you and your company.

To tailor your content to podcasts, add comments to introduce and conclude the episode, whether summarising the information or mentioning future podcasts your audience can also listen to. When you’re done, upload and share them on podcast platforms to reach that wider audience.

Email Newsletters

Woman checking her email in a meeting

If you have an email list, use it to send email newsletters summarising your webinars and workshops. Include the key takeaways so your audience can remember and refer to the most important points.

You can also include call-to-action buttons, encouraging people to watch the full webinar. Like linking your blog posts on social media, this increases traffic to your original content and, therefore, your website. You can also link to services or products you may have referred to within your webinar.

Use these newsletters to provide your subscribers with valuable, exclusive content that isn’t accessible elsewhere. For example, authors can release chapters from their novels told from another character’s perspective or additional scenes that didn’t make the final edit of the book.

This valuable content can keep your audience engaged with your brand, making them more likely to use your products or services in the future. You can also offer exclusive discounts to increase conversions on your site.

Repurposing content is a great way to adapt your existing copy into something that appeals to your target audience, whether to promote brand awareness or increase website traffic and conversions.

You can grow your audience and brand when you correctly alter your content to suit your respective platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook.

Whilst repurposing content saves time, there are other reasons people do this. It also allows your business to thrive in the online marketplace.

At Fly High Media, we offer bespoke solutions that are results-driven, so your business can flourish through digital marketing. With our extensive experience and our passionate team of experts, we are here to help with your online marketing needs.

Not only do we offer content marketing services, but we also help with web design and PPC to gain the best results for our clients.

Contact us today and see how we can help with your digital marketing.

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Google Start Release Of Second Broad Core Update of 2023 Sat, 26 Aug 2023 09:00:00 +0000

Google Start Release Of Second Broad Core Update of 2023

Google’s planned August 2023 core update, the second Google core update this year, has begun its rollout this week and is expected to be completed in the space of two weeks.

The previous core update was back in March, which started around March 15 and was completed on March 28.

There were also product review and general review updates from Google in February and April respectively.

However, on the night of August 22, Google took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to announce the changes.

Subsequently, Google then updated its Search Status Dashboard with the estimated timeframes.

What to be aware of with Google’s Core Update

As with any core update, there can be impacts on your site as a result, so it’s important to be aware of these and what to consider if you are negatively affected.

You may not need to take any of these actions, and it can be frustrating to know that such a negative rankings impact does not translate to something being wrong with your pages.

However, it’s worth remembering the following when it comes to the content you already have in place.

Key Content Considerations

Originality is key; provide original information, reporting, research or insightful analysis where possible. Ensure you have a substantial, complete or comprehensive description of the topic.

If the content draws on other sources, avoid simply copying or rewriting those sources and instead provide substantial additional value and originality.

Identify if the headline and/or page title provides a descriptive, helpful summary of the content – do not allow for exaggerated or shocking claims.

Think whether this is the sort of page you’d want to bookmark, share, or recommend. Would you expect to see this content in or referenced by a printed magazine, encyclopedia or book? If so, you can feel comfortable in what is already present.

Having authority and trust through your content will give your site credibility, and something that is always best practice. Be clear with any sourcing, and be free of factual errors.

Being factually accurate is important, but having content that is free of spelling and style errors is equally crucial.

Consider the production time and value of your content, and assess whether it’s overly mass-produced or ad-filled. Excessive ads can hinder the main content and purpose of why it is on your site, meaning it is vital to ensure it displays well across all devices.

Lastly, is your content genuinely visitor-focused or driven by SEO guesses? You want to be relevant and purposeful, for your audience and your goals.

Keep On Top & Be Conscious Of Upcoming Results

Updates from Google for its search ranking algorithms can be both good and bad for your site concerning search results.

It helps to be aware of these updates so we have a benchmark to guide results by; it will help to understand if it was an algorithm change or something actioned by you on your site. 

Be aware of the date of August 22 and keep track of your analytics and rankings for the next few weeks.

If you need help managing your written content or optimising your SEO, contact Fly High Media for digital marketing solutions that will free up your time to concentrate on your business.

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Black Friday Statistics and Marketing Tips: A Guide to Help You Increase Sales Over Black Friday 2023

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Digital Marketing News: Monthly Roundup For May 2023 Wed, 31 May 2023 09:42:00 +0000

Digital Marketing News: Monthly Roundup For May 2023

Flowers, mouse, and keyboard on a green wooden surface.

Welcome to our monthly roundup featuring the most-talked-about digital marketing news of May 2023.

This year has been busy, both in and outside the digital marketing world. Still, we have summarised some of the most recent prevalent stories useful to know if you’re a digital marketer or own an online business.

Get Ready for a Cookieless Future!

Chocolate chip cookie on white

Digital marketers love cookies. 

However, you may have to get used to not having a specific type of cookie because the days are numbered for the third-party kind!

If you’re new to marketing, you may need to understand how essential cookies are and how much digital marketers have come to rely on them.

So let’s explain.

First, second, and third-party cookies help reveal the behaviours and interests of website visitors. Cookies uncover this data by tracking a visitor’s browsing activity and purchases, amongst other things. This information enables marketers to create relevant ads and understand if they are effective. 

First-party cookies enable user-friendly experiences for website visitors because their preferences will be saved for that domain, i.e. passwords and shopping carts. 

These days, most websites use first-party cookies. Arguably, they are the most important kind because they collect information from the people marketers have the most to learn from: their website visitors, i.e. their audience. 

Second-party cookies allow a visitor’s data to be shared with another website. A website must ask for the visitor’s consent to use second-party cookies.

Third-party cookies enable websites to track users across different domains, gathering information about their online journey (browsing sessions) to map a clear picture of their interests. 

For example, imagine a user browsing a website looking for white trainers. Then, they leave the site and move to a different one, but ads for white trainers appear on the page. This is the result of third-party cookies.

Third-party cookies help businesses and marketers effectively target their ads!

First, Second, and Third Party Cookies Infographic (FHM) (1)

However, over recent years, Google has aimed to meet people’s growing online need for privacy. In 2021, the search engine giant announced that marketers striving to deliver relevant ads had created “a proliferation of individual user data across thousands of companies, typically gathered through third-party cookies”, resulting in people losing trust in websites.

Because of this, Google has been trying to find new ways to protect the anonymity of its users without impacting the results delivered to digital marketers and businesses. They aim to phase out third-party cookies in Chrome by 2024.

Once third-party cookies are no more, marketers will be unable to access crucial insights on Google users, which means they won’t be able to target their ads as effectively.  

So, if you’re a digital marketer or own an online business, what can you do to ensure your ads aren’t affected?

Well, Google has been building the Privacy Sandbox, which aims to create technologies that protect user privacy whilst still enabling marketers to advertise successfully so businesses can grow online. 

Google plans to implement Privacy Sandbox in July 2023, so you can use the Privacy Sandbox tools, enabling you to target Google Ads still.

You can also still rely on first-party cookies. They’re not going anywhere (yet!).

Software and platforms will likely be affected by the step away from third-party cookies; however, new doors will be opened to reveal innovative ways to advertise, which is excellent for businesses willing to adapt and evolve.

AI Is Everywhere

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is implemented in almost every industry to improve business operations.

Why is AI useful for marketers in particular?

As marketers, we are always trying to find ways to be more efficient and boost productivity. AI can help improve both of these areas. 

There are various forms of AI, some of which you already use within your role.

For example, if you use Google Docs, you may get the help of Smart Compose, which reads your writing to suggest what to type next.  

AI content writing tools like ChatGPT are a step from the above. But what is ChatGPT?

This chatbot generates human-like content in response to questions or commands that the user types in. 

At the moment, this AI tool is not a replacement for humans. Instead, it’s there to optimise content. It should help you overcome writer’s block and accelerate the content creation process.

So, what is the best way to use ChatGPT? 

Type your command/question, relevant keywords, and headings into ChatGPT and see what user-generated content it collects. Then strengthen the content by conducting further research on the topic and adding to it. Lastly, adapt the content to your business’s tone of voice.

You probably can’t get through a day without hearing about AI. Furthermore, your competitors are also hearing about AI and are likely using it! So don’t get left behind – start incorporating AI into your content marketing strategy!

Twitter’s Planned Purge

Mobile hovering in darkness with Twitter icons floating away.

Not so long ago, Twitter announced its plan to purge inactive accounts. 

This sparked fury amongst Twitter users concerned about the deceased’s accounts. 

Also, if inactive accounts are purged, many users will see a drop in their follower count.

Though you may think this news is irrelevant to your business, think of the potential leads you could miss out on if Twitter purges your account due to your not using it.

Furthermore, once your account is purged, your Twitter handle will be up for grabs! If a competitor has had its eye on your Twitter handle for some time, they will snap it up as soon as it becomes available.

Your Twitter handle is vital for your business as it helps your audience find you. So, to ensure you keep it, get tweeting!

Be A Transparent Marketer, Be A #Deinfluencer

Two paper megaphones on pink backdrop.

Overnight, a new trend emerged, turning the tables on inauthentic influencers, i.e. influencers who have bought followers, have fake accounts, or overly emphasise products and services in a less than candid way because they have been paid to do so.

To combat the above, the deinfluencer trend was born!

Before we go into what a deinfluencer is, let’s explain more about influencers.

An influencer is a person who can persuade people to buy products and services due to having a large following, either on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, or any other social media platforms. Influencers are often celebrities, but not always.  

Around 2009, many businesses began to see the potential of influencers and the visibility they could bring to their products/services, so they began incorporating them into their marketing strategy. Influencer marketing is crucial for most businesses when conducting social media marketing.

However, there is such a thing as influencer fatigue. People are becoming desensitised, and perhaps more astute, to this type of marketing, meaning influencers are failing to influence.

Modern consumers connect more with each other and brands, seeking more genuine and meaningful relationships. This terrain leaves no room for inauthentic marketing. Millennials and Gen Zs want ‘real’ content.

Now, what is a deinfluencer?

A deinfluencer is typically a content creator or social media user who tells people what not to buy. Funnily enough, a deinfluencer is an influencer; however, they are more transparent about products and services, giving honest reviews. 

Influencer vs Deinfluencer infographic

How can you use this new trend to your advantage as a digital marketer or business owner? 

You should promote your services by using ambassadors who are genuinely passionate about what you offer. This ensures they can speak about your brand with knowledge and enthusiasm. If social media users feel your content is ‘real’, they’ll be more likely to share it on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter.

Remember, be as transparent as you can with your target audience. This will help build their trust in your business and retain it.

Now you’re up to date with the latest digital marketing news! But before you go, find out what’s been happening more locally for Fly High Media.

Local News For Fly High Media


Rob McElhenney and Ryan Reynolds visit Wrexham Football Club

Since investing £10m into the Wrexham Football Club, Rob McElhenney and Ryan Reynolds have fully immersed themselves in it. On May 2nd, the pair celebrated their recent success with the club, i.e. the men’s and women’s teams gaining promotion to their respective football leagues.

McElhenney and Reynolds joined an open-top bus parade that toured the city, enabling thousands of fans to embrace the occasion and celebrate with the players.

Around 12 hours after the event, Reynolds tweeted, ‘this town and this sport is one of the most romantic things on earth’.

The story has captured people’s attention in the UK and also worldwide! 

Since the actors bought the club, they replaced their main sponsor, a local company, with a TikTok branding deal. This, undoubtedly, helped spread the word to millions of people, emphasising the power of social media!


Eurovision Train Competition Takes Place in Hooton

On May 10th, the Eurovision train came to Hooton!

To celebrate the world-famous event being held in Liverpool, one of the new Merseyrail Metro trains was draped in the Eurovision design. 

The brightly coloured train visited numerous areas of Liverpool, ramping up excitement ahead of the event. 

To further celebrate, Merseyrail gave a model of the new 777 trains to the person who captured the best image of the Eurovision train. An event was held at Hooton railway station, a 5-minute walk from our Fly High Media offices, to enable people to take pictures.

The team at Fly High Media strolled down to the station to admire the train and join in on the buzz. 

Find out more about the wider media impact of Eurovision 2023!

Interested in growing your online business? Contact Fly High Media today!

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Fly High Media shortlisted as Finalists at the European Search Awards 2023 Fri, 31 Mar 2023 13:56:00 +0000

Fly High Media shortlisted as Finalists at the European Search Awards 2023

We are proud to announce that we have been shortlisted for the Best Use of Search – B2B (SEO) award at the prestigious European Search Awards 2023. This recognition acknowledges the agency’s innovative and effective B2B SEO strategies.

The European Search Awards is an annual event celebrating the best in SEO, PPC, digital marketing, and content marketing in Europe. The Best Use of Search – B2B (SEO) award is presented to the agency that has demonstrated exceptional skills in driving measurable results for their B2B clients through effective SEO strategies.

“We are delighted to be shortlisted for such a prestigious award,” said Matt Pyke, Managing Director at Fly High Media. “Some other great agencies across Europe are shortlisted, and it is a true testament to the Fly High Media team. Our team’s dedication to delivering exceptional results for our B2B clients is evident through this nomination.”

Fly High Media has a team of highly skilled SEO professionals who specialise in developing tailored SEO strategies to meet the unique needs of clients. Our expertise in SEO has helped clients improve their online visibility, quality of leads and increase revenue since 2016.

The winners of the European Search Awards 2023 will be announced at a gala ceremony on 25th May 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal.

At Fly High Media, we provide a range of services that can assist you to increase your online business. We encourage you to explore our offerings and discover how we can help your business today.

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Black Friday Statistics and Marketing Tips: A Guide to Help You Increase Sales Over Black Friday 2023

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Welcome Rob Jeffries, Our New Client Account Manager! Tue, 21 Mar 2023 14:18:00 +0000 After joining Fly High Media in January this year, we thought that we would catch up with our new Client Account Manager, Rob Jeffries after he has settled in.

Firstly Rob, what does your role consist of?

My role as Client Account Manager means being the glue between the client and the rest of the team here at Fly High Media. I work alongside our clients to understand their goals, report on the solutions and actions our team implement, as well as looking forward to carrying out continuous improvement and other ways we can get the most out of being online for our clients.

How have you found your new role so far?

It’s been fantastic to get to know our existing clients who we support, and a brilliant experience bringing on other clients from so many different industries. Discovering who and what these businesses represent and do daily has given me a huge sense of satisfaction in building strong connections and relationships.

I’m enjoying linking up the Fly High Media team with our clients and treating them all with the same respect, passion and enthusiasm. It is a testament to what we aim to achieve collectively.

What made you take an interest in digital marketing?

Previously I’ve had involvement within the world of sports journalism which saw numerous opportunities to build awareness of various American sports teams and leagues within the UK and ultimately set me on a path to subsequent marketing roles.

interviewing Kobe Bryant

Being involved in marketing is immensely satisfying to me because, not only does it play a vital part in business, but also a wider societal role in conveying important messages with the services we use every day.

What does a typical day look like for you at Fly High Media?

A short commute via train means I enjoy my morning coffee whilst checking emails and getting tasks in line for later in the day.

Once in the office, I need to make sure how everyone is doing and feeling and support the team where I can. Another vital job (unless an early bird has beaten me to it) is popping the kettle on for another tea or coffee!

Then it’s down to business – from internal team and client meetings, generating reports, and answering clients’ queries.

If we have written content for submission, I’ll read through it before sending it for final approval. This might involve setting up a client meeting for other services we provide. Ultimately, it is about ensuring we work together to get great results.

Finally, I make sure I clear down my desk at the end of the day – fortunately for me, my wife bought me a USB mini-vacuum which does just the job!

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I am a keen sports fan, but since the pandemic, spending quality time with family and friends has become more crucial to achieving a happy balance in life.

What would your death row meal be?

That would be a tough one considering another enjoyment in my spare time is good food! It has to be a classic fillet steak and triple-cooked chips, with a peppercorn sauce, onion rings, and grilled tomato. If I’m cheeky to get a dessert in there, it has to be a giant chocolate ice cream sundae to finish it all off!

Thinking of launching a digital marketing strategy?

The success of Fly High Media is built on helping our clients grow their sales. If you need to drive more organic traffic to your website, or you just want some help with social media marketing then get in touch with us.

Welcome Taylor Hughes, Our New PR and Outreach Executive Mon, 14 Nov 2022 19:18:00 +0000 At Fly High Media we continue to grow. This week we welcomed Taylor Hughes to the SEO team as a PR and Outreach Executive. Taylor has a degree in creative writing from Liverpool John Moores University and a real talent for PR and outreach marketing. On her first day in the office we asked her some questions about her role and personal life.

What does your role consist of?

Being a part of the SEO team, my main focus will be creating link building campaigns with our portfolio of clients. I will also be reaching out to and developing relationships with publishers to build contacts for our journalist database, as well as researching popular news stories and SEO strategies that may be of use to the team.

What are you most looking forward to in this role?

I am very much looking forward to expanding my knowledge of SEO and digital marketing in general. I am also excited to build relationships with the clients, and work with them, alongside the team, to help their businesses thrive.

What made you go into marketing?

Being a creative person, and having done a creative writing degree, I felt as if marketing was a way to use my creativity within the professional business world that I had always envisioned myself in.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love to socialise with friends and spend time with my family. I also love to shop. I have always been interested in fashion, so most of my money gets spent on clothes. The perfect Saturday night would probably be drinks with friends, or a date night with my boyfriend, home before midnight to snacks and a film in bed.

Travelling is also a huge part of my life- I love experiencing different cultures and exploring new places, ticking countries and cities off my travel list. My favourite place is Iceland- it was like no where i’d been before.

My alone time is usually spent reading or on Netflix watching films (rom-coms are my favourite) or series that are popular at the time.

What would your death row meal be?

When asked about my favourite meal, I usually struggle as it generally depends how I feel at the time. When choosing a restaurant, I usually go for an Italian. I love pasta (who doesn’t?), but I think if I had to choose a last meal, it would be steak and chips, medium rare with a glass of wine or a cocktail.

Thinking of launching a digital marketing strategy?

The success of Fly High Media is built on helping clients grow their sales. If you need to drive more organic traffic to your website, or you just want some help with social media marketing then get in touch with us. You can either email us at, phone on 0151 528 9502 or 0161 818 4645 or use our contact form.

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Welcome Abbie Christelow, our new Content Writer! Fri, 14 Oct 2022 11:17:00 +0000 At Fly High Media we are delighted that Abbie Christelow has joined our expanding team of SEO experts, as a Content Writer.  She has a degree in creative writing from the University of Winchester and a real passion for writing.  We caught up with her on her first day in the office to find out more about her role and personal life.

What will your new role at Fly High Media consist of?

I will be writing a range of content for our clients, including social media, blogs and web content, to promote client services and products to their respective target audiences.

What are you looking forward to working on the most?

I’m looking forward to working with all the different clients and learning more about their projects. I can’t wait to help each client meet the goals they have set for their business.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

When I’m away from the office, I like to improve my writing skills so I can be the best writer I am capable of being. Whether that be reading – I’m a long time fantasy enthusiast – while curled up under a blanket or writing something myself, there are always opportunities to improve!

Aside from the writing aspect, I love crocheting whilst catching up on whatever TV show has caught my fancy at that specific point in time. As a huge fan of Star Wars, it’s safe to assume that at some point, I’ll be watching whichever Star Wars series has come out this time, although I’ll gladly sit through Disney and Pixar films when they’re available.

What is your greatest achievement?

Being published in an online magazine would have to be up there! There’s something about having what you’ve been working on go from private to available for the world to see that’s unbelievably exciting and nerve wracking.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

The short answer is everywhere! I love the chance to immerse myself in different cultures and meet new people from all different walks of life. Eventually, I would love to go to Africa and see the wildlife, particularly the elephants (although how close I would actually get to them before nerves kick in is debatable). 

What would your death row meal consist of?

It would probably be a toss up between fish or chicken goujons, both with chips. Although, if I’m being really honest, it would be whichever food someone mentioned last, especially if that food was pizza!

What should people do if they need help with their digital marketing strategy?

Fly High Media’s success is built on helping clients grow their sales and leads. If you need to drive more organic traffic to your website, or you just want help with social media marketing then get in touch with us. You can either email us at or phone on 0151 528 9502 or 0161 818 4645.  

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Welcome to Fly High Media, Lucy! Thu, 26 May 2022 16:40:00 +0000 Lucy Hughes joins Fly High Media as our new SEO Executive. She is enjoying her time at Fly High Media so far and we thought we’d catch up with her to find out more!

What will your new role at Fly High Media consist of?

I will be working closely with James, the Head of SEO, to deliver outstanding results with client SEO strategies for current and any future projects. I will be involved in; website audits, keyword research, content planning, competitor breakdowns and more.

How did you start in the Marketing field?

In 2016, I found myself in the third year of Sixth Form in High School, not enjoying it. All my friends had left to go to university, which I found wasn’t the most appealing route for me. I looked online for available apprenticeships in the area and came across one for Digital and Social Media Marketing with a company called Escalla based in Crewe. We briefly touched on the subject of SEO and I had 2 job placements spaced over the year-long course. I found myself to be more drawn to organic search, researching it in my spare time. 

What do you do in your spare time?

Outside of work I study SEO as much as I can to continue to build my knowledge and experience. Apart from this, I am a Mum to 2 children – 1 and 3 years old. As you can imagine this takes up most of my time! We love to go for long walks in forests and on beaches – anywhere really that they can run around to drain some of their energy. We love visiting our family members with the kids when we have days off, particularly my partner’s Grandparents. The kids raid their fruit bowl and their fridge so much that they have to do a food shop once we have left!

In any child-free time I manage to grasp, I love to cook and try different recipes out for my partner, Sean, and kids to try. Trying new foods really excites me. Aside from that, I tend to find myself shopping, escaping the chaotic household that I live in! But never for myself – I always end up buying for the children, and not me like I intend to for once!

What is your greatest achievement?

Aside from my children, it would be completing a sponsored skydive at Tilstock Airfield, Whitchurch, in 2015 in aid of Coeliac UK. The feeling of falling over 15,000ft through the clouds I can only describe as insane. I raised over £1,200 for this charity as it is very close to my heart. If anyone ever wants to look into something like this, I highly recommend it!

What are you looking forward to working on the most?

I’m really looking forward to just getting stuck in with everything. Learning about every client and every project. 

What would your death row meal consist of?

Easy! Lamb shank, creamy mashed potatoes, sauteed garlic green beans and mint gravy. Also one of my children’s favourite meals too!

What is a motto that you live by?

‘You never know what is around the corner. It could be everything. Or it could be nothing. You keep putting one foot in front of the other, and then one day you look back and you’ve climbed a mountain.’

  • Tom Hiddlestone

It’s Friday night, what’s the plan?

Honestly? A typical 25-year-old girl would reply with ‘go to the pub’. But for me, I’d much prefer to put on a fluffy pair of pyjamas, cook up a storm in the kitchen once the kids have gone to bed and put a rom-com on Netflix, a glass of rosé wine in hand (with lemonade added of course). 

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Welcome to Fly High Media, Carla! Tue, 17 May 2022 11:45:00 +0000

Welcome to Fly High Media, Carla!

Fly High Media is happy to announce that Carla Price will be joining the team as Content Executive.

Carla enjoys creating engaging content, whether that be in a professional atmosphere or in her spare time. Before Covid, she was running a successful dance school for children. She set up the business in 2012 – after graduating from Middlesex University with a degree in teaching, and having completed several performing contracts touring the UK and America – and the school continued to grow for the next eight years.

Even during that time, Carla knew that she enjoyed writing. She has always appreciated the power of words – her love began after reading Anne of Green Gables as a child – so she hoped that she would be able to follow her desire to write at some point in the future. Then, after closing the dance school, and suddenly finding herself with more time, she threw herself into her second passion. She began to write regularly, creating short stories and posting them to her blog. This is where her interest in SEO and other digital marketing strategies developed.

What will your new role at Fly High Media consist of?

I’ll be writing content for our client’s websites and blogs, promoting their products and services by understanding what they offer and recognising their target audience.

What are you looking forward to the most while working at Fly High Media?

I can’t wait to get to know the clients, being able to create relevant and engaging content that will inform and inspire their target audience. I am also excited to learn more about writing copy and how to improve visibility and the user experience by successfully implementing SEO strategies.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love improving my skills as a writer – I’m passionate about it so I want to be the best I can be. I try to read as much as I can, fiction and nonfiction (my favourite genre is horror). I also try to write daily. My writing goals can change depending on what’s going on in life, so sometimes I aim to write 1,000 words per day, or maybe I’ll take the focus off the word count and instead try to write for at least an hour a day. Of course, my writing and reading schedule is all very much dictated by my three-year-old son – Paw Patrol can be a little distracting!

Other things I like to do: watch films – my favourite movie is Rocky; walk in the countryside – I try to get out in the countryside as often as I can; relax at home listening to records – mainly Elvis and other old stuff!

What is your greatest achievement?

My son. I’m also honoured to have had several of my short stories published in numerous anthologies. It’s a great feeling seeing your work in print knowing that others will be reading something that you’ve put your heart into; to hear reader’s thoughts, or to read their reviews – particularly when it’s a positive one – is amazing.

Do you have any hidden talents?

It’s not really hidden as I’ve performed in many theatre productions, but I used to be able to lift my leg by my head. If I tried that now I’d probably break something!

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Black Friday Statistics and Marketing Tips: A Guide to Help You Increase Sales Over Black Friday 2023

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Fly High Media Awarded with Google Partner Status Mon, 28 Mar 2022 11:25:00 +0000

Fly High Media Awarded with Google Partner Status

At Fly High Media, since 2016 we have been providing Google Advertising services across many different sectors including; financial services, professional services, education, health and social care, events, pharmaceuticals, ecommerce and more.

During our time running Search, Display and Shopping ads for our amazing clients, we have generated some incredible results which you can read more about in our case studies section.

On being awarded Google Partner status, Fly High Media Managing Director, Matt Pyke said:

We are extremely proud to be a part of Google’s Partner Programme. Our team works incredibly hard day in day out to ensure the best results for our clients. 

If you would like to improve the efficiency of your existing PPC campaigns or begin a new campaign then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us:

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Black Friday Statistics and Marketing Tips: A Guide to Help You Increase Sales Over Black Friday 2023

The Molly Mae Effect: Understanding Her Social Media Dominance

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How to Create a Compelling Call to Action

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