On-Page Optimisation – Fly High Media https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk Fri, 06 Oct 2023 16:06:37 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.2 How to Repurpose Content for Maximum Impact https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/how-to-repurpose-content-for-maximum-impact/ Tue, 29 Aug 2023 09:48:07 +0000 https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/?p=29535

How to Repurpose Content for Maximum Impact

Man and woman looking at Content Marketing ideas on a monitor

The world is no longer restricted to printed content. Digital marketing allows us to reach a wider audience online, boosting brand awareness and providing new business opportunities through various channels and platforms.

However, this also brings its challenges. To thrive in this digital age, companies must produce fresh, exciting, interesting content over these platforms to engage with their target audience and increase traffic and sales.

Creating ideas for these posts can, of course, be a struggle. How do you think of fresh ideas when you feel you’ve covered everything? How do you stand out when you can’t think of anything to add?

This is where repurposing content comes in.

Whilst some think of repurposing content as repetitive, it instead comes with a range of benefits your business can take advantage of. It is all about adapting what you already have, not copying it onto another site.

So, how can repurposing content help your organisation, and how do you do it?

In this article, we explain how to use this technique to increase your brand awareness and encourage user interaction with your website. Find out how to introduce repurposed content into your content marketing strategy!

Why Repurposed Content Matters for Businesses

Paper on a table reading 'Content Marketing' in the middle, surrounding by 'e-mail', 'VDO Viral', 'Roi', 'Website/AD' and small images

Your business can take advantage of the various benefits of repurposing content.

When your staff are busy helping clients and customers, repurposing content is a great way to save time and still produce relevant content. The time usually spent brainstorming and researching can now support your service users as they look for the product they need.

However, ensure you still conduct some research to ensure everything is still relevant. You don’t want to release content and discover the information is no longer accurate!

This method also expands your existing content’s lifespan, keeping it relevant after publication. That valuable information you once released can continue to benefit your audience and remain relevant as time goes on.

If you repurpose a blog post for social media, try linking the original content in your new release! Not only does it provide more information for your followers, but it can also increase website traffic when people click the link to read more.

Additionally, repurposing content enables you to diversify your communication, reaching a wider array of people and growing your audience.

For example, your followers on Instagram may not use X (formerly known as Twitter) and vice versa, so your followers on one platform won’t see and interact with your content on another.

In the same way, you can repurpose content to better appeal to different demographics, such as adapting what you publish to help reach a female audience.

Also, you get to optimise your resources, maximising the value of your original work and therefore bettering the investment you put in that content in the first place.

Crafting a Successful Content Repurposing Strategy

Now we’ve established why repurposing your content is important and how it can benefit you, how do you do it effectively?

Identifying Repurposing Opportunities

The word 'content' on a laptop screen, with 'efficient', 'searchable', 'accessible' and 'intuitive' listed next to it

First, you must establish what content you can repurpose and what content you should leave alone.

For example, if your website contains recipes, you can repurpose timeless instructions such as for a chocolate cake and ginger biscuits. However, Christmas cake recipes are more seasonal, so you should only repurpose them around that period.

Equally, some content is no longer relevant, no matter the time of year, so you would probably not benefit from creating new content surrounding the original piece.

Find your evergreen content, which is timeless content that remains relevant. These are the pieces you can repurpose on your various platforms.

You also need to find the content that performed well when posted initially. There’s no point repurposing your article on refurbishing a bathroom if your audience only interacts with your living room accessory blogs. These are the things your audience looks for, so take advantage of them and reuse those ideas.

However, these points are only relevant if the content is compatible with the new platform. Before repurposing anything, ensure it is suitable for the new channel and, if it is, establish how to alter the original to best suit that new platform.

Repurposing Techniques for Different Platforms


Facebook logos in a pile

When wondering how to repurpose blog content for social media, remember they can offer a wealth of information. Take advantage of that when you create your social media posts. Release blog snippets on Facebook with catchy headlines to draw attention to your blog and website.

Be aware that this is social media. Followers can interact with your posts, and you should encourage them to. Ask thought-provoking questions to promote user engagement.

For example, if your blog post covers easy skincare routines to follow, you could start your post by asking if your audience struggles to find time for skin maintenance in their busy schedule.

You can then finish your post with another question, such as if they have any skincare tips they recommend.

Also, include images! Use visually appealing graphics to draw attention to your Facebook post and accompany your content, such as relevant infographics or photos, that catch your audience’s eye and draw them in.

X (formerly known as Twitter)

Twitter logos in a pile

With the character limit, it can sometimes be difficult to encapsulate everything you want to say on this platform. However, X (formerly Twitter) is a great way to release short, snappy content to your audience and summarise a detailed blog post.

Focus on the key takeaways of your original article. Condense these important points into X-sized insights you can release to your audience and use them to encourage interest in the topic.

To increase your visibility and brand awareness, incorporate the relevant hashtags and expand your reach to new followers. However, the hashtags must be relevant to your content, or you won’t reach your target audience.

You can also use influencers on X to help promote your content and expand your reach. Tag relevant influencers in your posts to encourage potential interactions or retweets. If successful, this can bring your brand to their followers’ attention, widening your reach and encouraging more traffic to your website.


LinkedIn post about Barbie's Content Marketing

Professionals take advantage of the exposure LinkedIn can offer, and you can too. Create detailed articles based on your blog post to demonstrate your knowledge and attract businesses to what your company can offer.

Find the industry trends you can draw upon. Are handcrafted items becoming more popular with consumers? Are social media marketers using new techniques to promote their posts? Focus on these professional insights when creating your new content.

For example, we summarised our blog about the new Barbie movie to explain why the film’s content marketing was so effective and what businesses can learn from that.

You can also provide thoughtful commentary on a relevant topic in your field. Stimulate discussions with other experts in your industry and attract the attention of clients looking for the best people in your area of expertise.


YouTube Logo on a light blue background

Anyone who uses YouTube knows you can find videos of all lengths on this platform, and you can use this to your advantage.

Do you want to add a two-minute clip about what your business is doing about climate change? You can use YouTube. Do you want to create an in-depth tutorial about how to apply makeup to create a particular look? You can still use YouTube.

Use this platform to your benefit and create interest in your topic. For example, you can create video highlights about the main points to reach people who don’t want to watch longer videos.

The title of your video is key, so ensure it is compelling and encourages viewers to click on your content. The video thumbnail also impacts viewership, so ensure that it is equally eye-catching for your audience.

If you publish longer videos, include timestamps! This handy addition allows viewers to find the section of your video that most applies to or appeals to them, so you can still engage with your target audience if they want to watch only some of it.


Instagram logos on a white background

Instagram may be your ideal platform if you want to create shorter videos. On this platform, your content can appear on your follower’s main feed, allowing them to view snippets of your work as they scroll. Viewers can then share these clips with their friends and followers, increasing brand awareness on Instagram.

However, focus on more than just your expertise. Provide behind-the-scenes insights into your business and industry by creating engaging stories and showing the humanity behind the professional brand.

For those wanting to release longer videos, you need IGVT. Use it to repurpose longer content or more detailed topics, such as more complicated instructions.


TikTok logo on a white background

Your existing content contains lots of information that can help your clients find the best services or products for them. TikTok is a great way to summarise this information.

Condense your preexisting videos into 60-second snapshots that are entertaining to watch. Take advantage of trending challenges to show off the fantastic people that form your business, and incorporate relevant sounds or music to help your content appeal to audiences.

This is your opportunity to showcase your brand’s personality and be creative. Put a face to the company name and show your humanity behind the corporate jargon that comes with the business. Personal branding is a great way to appeal to audiences, so take advantage of it when repurposing content on this channel.


Retro microphone on coloured background

Podcasts are fantastic for people who prefer receiving information audibly, so take advantage of this style to reach wider audiences.

If you have webinars, extract some audio content to form podcast episodes focusing on different topics. Like YouTube videos, podcasts can come in various lengths, so find the style and form that suits you and your company.

To tailor your content to podcasts, add comments to introduce and conclude the episode, whether summarising the information or mentioning future podcasts your audience can also listen to. When you’re done, upload and share them on podcast platforms to reach that wider audience.

Email Newsletters

Woman checking her email in a meeting

If you have an email list, use it to send email newsletters summarising your webinars and workshops. Include the key takeaways so your audience can remember and refer to the most important points.

You can also include call-to-action buttons, encouraging people to watch the full webinar. Like linking your blog posts on social media, this increases traffic to your original content and, therefore, your website. You can also link to services or products you may have referred to within your webinar.

Use these newsletters to provide your subscribers with valuable, exclusive content that isn’t accessible elsewhere. For example, authors can release chapters from their novels told from another character’s perspective or additional scenes that didn’t make the final edit of the book.

This valuable content can keep your audience engaged with your brand, making them more likely to use your products or services in the future. You can also offer exclusive discounts to increase conversions on your site.

Repurposing content is a great way to adapt your existing copy into something that appeals to your target audience, whether to promote brand awareness or increase website traffic and conversions.

You can grow your audience and brand when you correctly alter your content to suit your respective platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook.

Whilst repurposing content saves time, there are other reasons people do this. It also allows your business to thrive in the online marketplace.

At Fly High Media, we offer bespoke solutions that are results-driven, so your business can flourish through digital marketing. With our extensive experience and our passionate team of experts, we are here to help with your online marketing needs.

Not only do we offer content marketing services, but we also help with web design and PPC to gain the best results for our clients.

Contact us today and see how we can help with your digital marketing.

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Google Start Release Of Second Broad Core Update of 2023 https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/google-start-release-of-second-broad-core-update-of-2023/ Sat, 26 Aug 2023 09:00:00 +0000 https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/?p=29520

Google Start Release Of Second Broad Core Update of 2023

Google’s planned August 2023 core update, the second Google core update this year, has begun its rollout this week and is expected to be completed in the space of two weeks.

The previous core update was back in March, which started around March 15 and was completed on March 28.

There were also product review and general review updates from Google in February and April respectively.

However, on the night of August 22, Google took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to announce the changes.

Subsequently, Google then updated its Search Status Dashboard with the estimated timeframes.

What to be aware of with Google’s Core Update

As with any core update, there can be impacts on your site as a result, so it’s important to be aware of these and what to consider if you are negatively affected.

You may not need to take any of these actions, and it can be frustrating to know that such a negative rankings impact does not translate to something being wrong with your pages.

However, it’s worth remembering the following when it comes to the content you already have in place.

Key Content Considerations

Originality is key; provide original information, reporting, research or insightful analysis where possible. Ensure you have a substantial, complete or comprehensive description of the topic.

If the content draws on other sources, avoid simply copying or rewriting those sources and instead provide substantial additional value and originality.

Identify if the headline and/or page title provides a descriptive, helpful summary of the content – do not allow for exaggerated or shocking claims.

Think whether this is the sort of page you’d want to bookmark, share, or recommend. Would you expect to see this content in or referenced by a printed magazine, encyclopedia or book? If so, you can feel comfortable in what is already present.

Having authority and trust through your content will give your site credibility, and something that is always best practice. Be clear with any sourcing, and be free of factual errors.

Being factually accurate is important, but having content that is free of spelling and style errors is equally crucial.

Consider the production time and value of your content, and assess whether it’s overly mass-produced or ad-filled. Excessive ads can hinder the main content and purpose of why it is on your site, meaning it is vital to ensure it displays well across all devices.

Lastly, is your content genuinely visitor-focused or driven by SEO guesses? You want to be relevant and purposeful, for your audience and your goals.

Keep On Top & Be Conscious Of Upcoming Results

Updates from Google for its search ranking algorithms can be both good and bad for your site concerning search results.

It helps to be aware of these updates so we have a benchmark to guide results by; it will help to understand if it was an algorithm change or something actioned by you on your site. 

Be aware of the date of August 22 and keep track of your analytics and rankings for the next few weeks.

If you need help managing your written content or optimising your SEO, contact Fly High Media for digital marketing solutions that will free up your time to concentrate on your business.

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8 Types of Businesses that Can Benefit from Local SEO https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/8-businesses-that-can-benefit-from-local-seo/ Wed, 23 Aug 2023 13:00:40 +0000 https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/?p=29307

8 Types of Businesses that Can Benefit from Local SEO

Local SEO graphic with laptop and icons

Struggling to reach your local customers? Unsure why your store or business has few people visiting or calling your phone number? Now is the time to consider applying local SEO.

As more people use the web, local SEO is becoming an increasingly sought-after commodity to boost online businesses. After all, a staggering 46% of all online searches have some form of local intent.

With the volatility of Google’s algorithm and with the nation’s population increasing in most towns and cities, it is crucial to have the expertise at handling the digital aspects of business locally, such as managing your Google Business Profile listing, your directory listings and your target keywords within your website’s content.

There is no doubt that local SEO can help any industry, but some businesses benefit more from this digital marketing method than others.

That is why it is important to be aware if you are a business that fits these criteria, as you could be missing out on an essential channel for your website.

Local SEO Statistics 2023 (Editor’s choice)

  • 97% of individuals acquire information about a local business via the internet (Source: SEO Tribunal)
  • More than a quarter (over 25%) of individuals choose to click on the initial result in a Google search (Source: Search Engine Journal)
  • 86% of online consumers use Google Maps to source local businesses (Source: Safari Digital)
  • 78% of location-focused mobile searches resulted in an offline purchase (Source: SEO Tribunal)
  • Roughly 45% of global shoppers purchase a product online and then pick it up in-store (Source: Think With Google)

Why is Local SEO important for a website?

When assembling a digital marketing strategy, you should strongly consider local SEO since it can make your website more visible in local search results. Any business that has a physical location can benefit from this.

As more businesses are starting to utilise local SEO, and with how fast Google updates its search algorithm, you need to be ahead of the competition when using this channel. 

Not only can a successful local SEO campaign build trust and credibility with your local traffic, but it can also teach you more about your geographical area and its market.

Local SEO provides opportunities to connect more with people in your neighbourhood and build a local reputation. 

Other benefits of local SEO include:

  • Higher in-store foot traffic – Enhanced local presence attracts increased in-person visits to your physical store.
  • More phone calls – Thanks to Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business), optimising local SEO for your business can lead to improved Google Maps visibility, and result in more phone calls and in-person visit
  • More sales and conversions – Before enquiring or making a purchase, online consumers usually look at reviews to help with their decision-making process for a local business

1) Law firms

SEO provides significant benefits for law firms due to the specific nature of their practice.

Since individuals seeking legal assistance want to address their legal issues, implementing SEO strategies can help law firms attract relevant and organic traffic to their websites.

Previously, people would refer to Yellow Pages books to find local lawyers for their legal matters. However, today, the primary destination for seeking legal services is Google.

For instance, if someone suffers an injury, their first course of action would be to search for a personal injury lawyer on Google for more information on the necessary steps to help their situation.

These searches may consist of a keyword such as ‘personal injury lawyer London’ to find out more information on the law firms in their local area. 

Personal injury lawyers London search results

By integrating SEO strategies, especially focusing on local SEO, law firms have the opportunity to secure top rankings on Google in response to specific queries, thus increasing traffic and conversions for their business.

Also, if users search for lawyers in their local area, they can find results on Google Maps to meet their query. It helps them to instantly find contact information and the location of the business, so they can make their enquiry far quicker than they could in the past (especially when using a mobile device as they can tap the phone number and call the business instantly).

Google Maps search results London

You might be thinking ‘How can I rank my website at the top for these long-tail keywords?’

Ultimately, ensure you optimise your website’s content for both long-tail keywords and the locations you are targeting.

For example, if you have a landing page called ‘Personal Injury Lawyers’, consider changing the name of it to ‘Personal Injury Lawyers in Manchester’. You should also change your URL, metadata and page content to reflect this. If your business operates in multiple locations, create multiple location landing pages with the same goal of ranking for the local long-tail keywords.

It’s plain and simple – the local searches for law firms mean it’s essential for them to harness the power of SEO for their website to increase their revenue. Since so many users search for lawyers in their area, it would be crazy for these businesses to not make the most of this!

2) Property

Another industry that can benefit from local SEO is the property sector (both residential and commercial).

This is because many users on Google are searching for homes and offices to rent or buy in their local area. 

For example, if a business owner wishes to move to a new office space in Manchester city centre, they will likely search for ‘office space central Manchester’. Searching this will provide thousands of office options to choose from in search results, provided by commercial property agents.

Property search results

As with law firms, this same target market will also use Google Maps to see what commercial property agents are available in the local area.

Real Estate Google Maps

Of all the industries in this list, there is an argument that property agencies can benefit from local SEO the most. The high volume of users searching for local homes, office spaces and other types of property in geographical areas means it is essential for these websites to cater to the locations in their content and overall SEO strategy to set themselves apart from their online competition.

Ensure you are targeting each location with the most searched-for property keywords on your website for your geographical locations, and also consider the competitiveness of these keywords. Less competition on a keyword means it will be easier to rank for it.

Tools such as SEMRush and Ahrefs are great for conducting long-tail and local keyword research. Find your keywords, and begin to tailor your content around them.

3) Pet stores & services

If you have a fluffy companion at home that needs food, medical care or grooming, you will likely search for relevant pet services in your local area on Google. That is why pet stores and services must capitalise on local SEO to ensure they attract the online market in their geographical area.

If you own a pet store, an ideal place to start with local SEO is Google Business Profile. It is a fast-track way to get your business’s location to appear in Google Maps.

From here, you can increase your local visibility which can increase footfall, phone calls and enquiries from people in the vicinity of your business.

Another tip for pet websites is to optimise your content for relevant long-tail keywords such as ‘best dog leads for anxious puppies’. This can increase traffic to your landing pages as more users now use voice search on mobile devices to find what they are looking for.

4) Bars & restaurants

Once again, local SEO is at the forefront of another industry. Across the country, bars, pubs and restaurants greatly benefit from local targeting online.

Local SEO is critical for this industry because of the heavy usage of Google Maps by potential customers to find a suitable location for the food or drink they want. For example, a user may search for:

  • Sushi restaurant near me
  • Indian restaurant Manchester city centre
  • Pizza place near me that delivers

Indian restaurants in Manchester city centre

Once again, ensuring your website for location-based keywords and pages is the most important place to start. If your business appears at the top of Google for these search results, you are already on your way to beating your competition.

Also, you need to ensure that your business is registered on Google Business Profile. We have provided a guide further down this blog on how to claim your business listing if you are unsure.

By taking this step, you’ll not only establish your business presence on Google Maps but also empower customers with the ability to leave reviews, enhancing the credibility of your food and services.

5) Dental Practices

When you have throbbing tooth pain that will not go away, what’s the first thing you do? After rubbing whiskey on your gums, you would search for ‘dental practice near me’ in a search engine.

As previously mentioned, optimise your Google Business Profile page to ensure your dental practice appears in Google Maps, and make sure your website’s content optimises long-tail geographical keywords such as ‘dental practice in Manchester’.

But what else can you do if you want your dental practice to appear above other competitors in your local area?

There are some other important elements to focus on for your website’s content, such as:

  • Add your dental practice’s location and service area on your website.
  • Ensure you are creating high-quality, authoritative content utilising relevant keywords.
  • Make your website easy to navigate by including plenty of menubar categories, subcategories, and internal links using target keywords as anchor text.
  • Build your website to be mobile-friendly, and make sure it loads fast.
  • Optimise your website for voice search by using long-tail keywords, e.g. ‘teeth whitening in Manchester’. 

Also make sure your dental practice appears in local directories, such as the business directory on your local newspaper’s website.

6) Golf courses & driving ranges

Now stay with us on this one.

While it may appear different from the other industries we’ve covered, local golf courses and driving ranges actually hold huge SEO potential – a largely untapped resource that many of them have yet to capitalise on fully.

For example, if you are running an SEO campaign for a golf driving range, there are a lot of potential opportunities to attract more visitors via Google’s organic search results.

If the driving range offers lessons to beginners, you could optimise your website’s content for ‘beginner golf lessons near me’. It provides an opportunity for your website to rank high for this keyword in Google’s Map Pack featured snippet, and if your driving range offers online bookings, you can increase your online traffic and sales for golfing lessons.

Golf lessons near me results

This may sound like a quick win – but it can take time for Google to rank keywords on page 1 of search results.

Keep posting regular content to build topical authority whilst increasing backlinks from relevant websites and directories. Remember to ensure your website offers a fast, user-friendly experience to allow users to find your golf course or driving range easily and make a quick booking to practice their swing.

7) Mechanics & automotive services

Has your car got a flat tyre? Do you need an MOT or service at a garage near your house? These are all issues that you may want to find a resolution for on Google. 

And what better way to do that than to search for ‘tyre garage near me’, or ‘MOT service in Chester’. Searching for keywords that are related to your car issue and location will find you garages that are within your reach.

If you’re a mechanic, you are likely very busy and don’t have much time to focus on a full local SEO campaign for your website. That’s why it is best to ensure you add basic details on your website such as your garage’s address, phone number and an enquiry form that is easy to access on both desktop and mobile. 

Also, make sure you are ranking for local keywords. For example, you may name one of the website’s main landing pages in your menubar ‘MOT Service Chester’ if you are Chester-based or nearby.

8) Beauty and hairdressing

When you need a haircut and makeover, and if you’re new to town or visiting somewhere – what’s the first thing you do?

If you have just moved to the beautiful, historical city of Bath, and need your hair cut and styling, you will likely pull your phone out and search for ‘hair salons in Bath’.

It is important to make sure your website is ranking for local keywords, but you should also consider what users first see on your website if they are looking for a new hairdresser to pay a visit.

Promo codes online

Consider adding an offer for booking your first appointment online. If you have a discount code that users can apply when booking, this might be redeemed upon payment once you have your hair cut, washed and styled. It could attract more local customers to revisit your business in the future.

It will not only increase word of mouth for your business locally but can also increase conversions for local users landing on your website through local keyword searches on search engines.

If you own any of the above businesses and need some more tips to run an effective local SEO campaign, read on for more local SEO advice to help you fully optimise your businesses for local online traffic.

How to optimise a website for Local SEO

Fully optimise your Google Business Profile page

Realistically, this is where you should always start for any local SEO campaign. Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business) is fully supported and verified by the Google search engine itself, meaning it is a crucial tool for getting your business noticed online.

It is plain and simple – you MUST claim your listing on Google Business Profile to improve your business’s online presence locally. The good news is it is super easy to do this if you haven’t done it already.

First, type business.google.com into your browser’s URL search bar. 


Once you land on the page, enter the name of your business.

GBP listing claim page

If your business exists, you will be met with a page featuring a ‘Request Access’ button. All you need to do is click this, then fill in the access request form.

GBP request access

Once you have filled in the form, click ‘Submit’. The current profile owner will then receive an email requesting them to contact you about your request, and you will also receive a confirmation email.

If your business is NOT already registered on Google Business Profile, when you are on the ‘Find and manage your business’ page, you need to click ‘Add your business to Google’.

GBP creating listing

From here, you will need to fill in the step-by-step form where you fill in your business details such as the name, address, phone number and other important information. The phone number you entered will receive a 6-digit verification code that you need to enter to activate your listing.

Once you have claimed your listing, you need to fully optimise your Google Business Profile page. To do this, you need to:

  • Create and verify your page.
  • Add a phone number with a local area code.
  • Add your opening hours and make sure they are correct. 
  • Write a coherent and compelling business description.
  • Implement high-resolution photos that show off your business and services.
  • Regularly respond to reviews (good and bad).
  • Write and add relevant posts linking to your website’s blogs to engage users on Google.

If Google can see your business is authoritative, authentic and informative, you can increase your presence in Google’s search results and Google Maps alike.

Ensure your business’s NAP is consistent online

It needs to be easy for people and search engines to find your business, and one step towards this is setting up your NAP.

But what is NAP?

Simply put, NAP stands for ‘Name, Address, Phone number’ ​​and is pivotal in helping search engines understand and accurately list your business in local search results.

NAP contact form

Inconsistent NAP information can confuse search engines and potential customers, affecting your business’s online presence and reputation. So ensure you triple-check your business information across the web to save any issues.

Why does NAP consistency matter?

Search engines, especially Google, rely on accurate and consistent information to deliver relevant search results to users.

When there’s inconsistency in your business’s NAP information across various online platforms, directories, and websites, search engines can face difficulties in accurately discerning the essential details of your enterprise. It can result in your business being displayed incorrectly in local search results or, worse, not being displayed at all.

There are a few things you can do to ensure you maintain NAP consistency for your business:

  • Create a master record that stores all NAP information for your business.
  • Update your website with the correct NAP information.
  • Add your NAP details for your online directory and local citation listings.
  • Ensure your social media profiles contain the correct NAP details.
  • Implement ‘PostalAddress’ schema markup on your website to help search engines understand NAP.

Consistency is key with SEO, and your NAP info is no exception. So make sure you do everything you can to ensure your contact info is consistent across the web.

Optimise for voice search with long-tail keywords

Out of all the constantly changing trends in the SEO world, one that has gained significant momentum in recent years is voice search.

As voice-activated virtual assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa become more integrated into our daily lives, your website’s online presence for voice search can provide a competitive edge.

Long-tail keywords play a pivotal role in this optimisation strategy since they provide more specific phrases that people use when conducting searches online.

To make the most of this, you need to do your research. Optimise your website for long-tail keywords by:

  • Understanding the user intent – Voice search queries are often more conversational and question-oriented. Anticipate questions potential customers might ask about your business and services.
  • Focusing on the local context of your keyword research – Incorporate local identifiers in your long-tail keywords, such as city names, neighbourhoods, or landmarks. It helps connect your business to the local community. For example, try optimising your website for ‘Hair salon in Preston’ if you run a hairdressing business in Preston.
  • Using natural language – Long-tail keywords should mirror how people naturally speak. Consider how someone would ask a question verbally and incorporate that phrasing into your content.
  • Answering questions – Craft content that directly answers common questions related to your industry or business. You can research frequently asked questions in Google using tools like SEMRush or AlsoAsked. It increases the likelihood of your content featuring in voice search results.
  • Adding voice search on your website – Implement schema markup to provide structured data that search engines can easily understand. It can improve your chances of being selected as the voice search result.

Build local citations

If you want your business to be recognised locally, one of the best ways of doing this is by adding your NAP and website URL to local directories.

Adding listings on directory sites such as Yell, Yelp, and Foursquare can make your business more visible online, and it could lead to an increase in enquiries and sales if your contact details and website link are there.

Fly High Media Yell page

You can also look at adding your business information to local newspaper directories. For example, if you are based in Manchester, add your listing to the Manchester Evening News business directory to boost your local presence.

Other Local SEO methods you can implement

There are so many different angles to local SEO, but to make things easier, we have created a list of some other quick methods you can use to boost your business’s local presence:

  • Add your business info to your local Chamber of Commerce – This is one of the easiest backlinks you will ever get. In most cases, you do have to pay to join your local Chamber of Commerce. Nevertheless, it is still a place to get your business noticed by other business owners that can bolster your customer base and supply network.
  • Sponsor local charity events – Another backlinking method utilising local SEO. By registering your support for local charities and investing in their events, you can build a network for your business online and offline.
  • Embed Google Maps on your website – This makes it easier for users to see exactly where your business location is when visiting your website. To do this, all you need to do is:
    • Click on the burger bar in the top left to open the dropdown menu

Google Map share and embed tutorial

    • Click on ‘Share or embedded map’

Google map embed guide

    • Copy and paste the embedded code on your website’s contact, directions or about us page

What are the next steps for starting Local SEO?

If you follow our tips in this blog, you will go a long way to increasing your local and online presence, which can increase your business’s reputation and revenue. It is particularly relevant if your business is within one of the above industries.

For more help with a local SEO campaign, get in touch with our SEO team at Fly High Media.

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Web buttons with different calls to action

How to Create a Compelling Call to Action

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10 Content Marketing Tips for Dentists https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/10-content-marketing-tips-for-dentists/ https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/10-content-marketing-tips-for-dentists/#respond Fri, 09 Jun 2023 08:57:33 +0000 https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/?p=25340 Regular visits to dental practices are a certainty in the dental sector. But how can dentists entice customers to use their dental practice over others?

In a world where online presence reigns supreme, it’s imperative to distinguish your dental business apart from your competitors. An aesthetically pleasing website and a well-run company aren’t enough to attract new clients.

Dentists can utilise content marketing strategies successfully on their websites to grow their business and reach new potential customers.

When patients are looking for a dental service near them, they will turn to a search engine, like Google, for help.

But what is content marketing? How can dentists utilise this marketing strategy?

Whether you’re an experienced dentist with a well-established business or a fresh-faced professional eager to increase their customer base, content marketing offers unparalleled opportunities for experienced dentists with established businesses and newcomers eager to expand their customer base.

What is Content Marketing?

As a long-term strategy, content marketing focuses on delivering relevant, knowledgeable, high-quality content to sell your business. 

Your content should exhibit so much value, that when a potential customer organically lands on your website, they make an enquiry or purchase. 

Content marketing can help your target keywords to rank higher in search engine results pages, increasing online visibility.

The most common forms of content marketing are:

1. Blogs

Having a blog section on your website where you frequently publish new content can attract new customers.

When users land on blog posts, they will have typed a question into a search engine.

For example, users may search ‘How much do porcelain veneers cost in the UK’. You could include this as a section on a blog or even the H1 title of an article to appear in organic search results, leading the user to click on your website.

Blog posts improve SEO and are a cheaper way of boosting your organic traffic and client base.

2. Video

If you want to engage an audience quickly, videos can be a good option for you, although cost more money.

Video content can come in the form of:
– Webinars
– Courses
– Live videos
– Self-hosted Videos
– Informational Videos
– Product Reviews

A variety of content can be created with videos which engage your target audience.

Video content marketing helps raise your online profile, engage your audience and trigger emotions necessary for building a long-term relationship.

As dental practices are usually in a single location, you will be a relatively small business. Some ideas for small business videos are:

– Behind the scenes

– Showcasing your products

– Introduce yourself and your team

– Dental trends

3. Email

Are you interested in utilising your list of customer emails? 

Email content marketing is a type of content marketing which dental practices can use to make customers aware of new lines of products, services or discounts. 

It is a softer way of engaging your audience and can be personalised to include, for example, their first name.

The screenshot shows an example of email marketing a dentist uses. They utilised their customer’s email to send reminder emails of their appointments.

You can even use email automation services like MailChimp to help you compose an email marketing campaign.

In the dental sector, you can utilise email marketing by upselling your current client base to additional services and sending reminder emails. Create separate email lists for your clients depending on what services they are undergoing, and suggest further treatments.

4. Infographics

If you want to implement eye-catching content into your marketing strategy, infographics may be a perfect option.

Above, you can see an example of an infographic that a dentist recently published. It highlights the important signs of gum disease that the reader will need to know about, but in a fun and interesting way. This is a good example as it also features a CTA of ‘Schedule a dentist appointment ASAP before it’s too late.’.

As a bright and vibrant option, they are captivating ways to display statistics, content or processes designed to engage your audience with your content. Users will be more drawn to exciting, colourful images rather than long pieces of dull text. Infographics are designed to engage the audience and provide detailed information, which can drive conversions.

5. FAQs

Having a list of FAQs on a website can help users find the answers to their questions.

For example, users might want to know what happens at a dental consultation or how long a new patient appointment takes. This information can be displayed in a quick fact sheet on your website.

FAQs are usually added to the bottom of blog posts, on social media reels/carousels or even a separate informational pages.

When you include FAQs on a page, you can implement ‘FAQ Schema’. This is a specialised content markup code you can add to a list of questions and answers.

Google then can read this markup and can generate rich snippets if your content is considered relevant.

You can use a schema generator to help you generate FAQ schema code, and add it to your website.

Above is a good example of FAQ schema. The question of ‘How is a tooth extracted’, which is widely searched by users, is ranking for a featured snippet. Featured snippets appear at the top of organic search and users are more likely to click on your website.

Content Marketing: 10 Tips for Dental Businesses

1. Include A Call To Action

As a way to push users to take action, a call-to-action can increase bookings, phone calls or other leads through your website.

Implementing a clear call-to-action in your content ensures your hard work isn’t wasted. Why write content without prompting your readers to get in touch with you?

Having a strong CTA in your content can eliminate decision fatigue that readers may be experiencing. CTAs with a sense of urgency can also boost your conversion rate.

The example above shows two clear CTAs in the header, instructing the user to call them or to book an appointment online. These are sticky and are visible to the user at all times.
The second example is within content reading ‘Book Now’, instructing the user to book the ‘Dental Implant Treatment’ they have just read about.

Examples of calls-to-action in content can be:
– Enquiry Forms
– Buttons e.g. ‘Download Now’ or – ‘Purchase Today’.
– Normal text linking the user to another page

A CTA should be concise, making it more persuasive.

Try and start with a verb, instructing the reader to perform an action, then follow with an adverb. For example, ‘Buy Now!’.

Some calls-to-action for dental websites attracting new customers are:

– Contact Us

– Get Started

– Learn More

– See How…

– Start Your…

Every dental content page should have some form of CTA, especially if your prime goal is to attract more customers.

2. Define Your Audience

When writing content, you need to choose who you are aiming to reach, as you can’t begin writing until you know who your audience is.

Sit down with your dental team and discuss what your customers ask the most. Or even better, learn about your audience through enquiries or emails.

What are your current customers asking? Is this information on your website? If not, could it be added?

Create the ‘ideal customer’ persona. What would they want to know from your content?

Knowing your audience in depth will help you to attract the correct customers to your dental practice.

3. Write In-Depth Content

It is known that longer content can perform better in search engines. 

So, why wouldn’t you dive in deep with a dental subject for users to explore? 

You should include everything they need to know about the chosen topic so the user doesn’t need to seek additional information elsewhere. 

You should refrain from writing content for the sake of it. Research what your customers want to know. Make it relevant to your audience.

Keep in mind that each article you create should only cover one topic in-depth, and target only 1-2 core keywords.

4. Understand Your Audience’s Thought Process

What is your typical customer’s thought process?

What do your customers need to know about your business or services to be able to book an appointment at your dental practice?

You must know the answers to these questions to create valuable content for your target audience.

You will be wasting your time generating content that your customers will not find useful.

Put yourself in your audience’s shoes. If you were searching for ‘alternatives to traditional braces’, what would you want to discover?

More than likely, you would want to know about the services a dental practice can offer a patient who isn’t looking for the traditional approach to braces. If you were to decide to write a blog post detailing the different types of braces available to patients, you would need to include the benefits, disadvantages, price points and relevant information regarding each type of brace.

CTAs need to be included as you now know!

5. Use A Pillar Content Cluster Model

If you want to create an enhanced reading experience for your users, you need to adopt a pillar content cluster model.

Above, a dentistry website called ‘Bloor West Smiles Dental’, produced an article titled ‘Root Canal Aftercare: A Complete Guide’. This is a great example of pillar content. Numerous smaller articles can be produced linking to this content. For example, ‘5 Signs You May Need A Root Canal’ could link to this pillar content, and vice versa.

In short, pillar content covers an umbrella topic. It will encompass a complete subject, giving a user everything they need to know about a topic. You then use smaller cluster articles to support the pillar piece.

Internal linking is used to connect pages, which tells search engines that the topics are related.

From the image above, you can see the way a pillar content model works. We’ve used a building as an example. The roof displays the pillar content, which is held up by the supporting articles, showing the more supportive articles you have, the stronger your pillar content will be.

6. Repurpose Existing Content

It takes time to write engaging and informative content.

However, repurposing content is an easy way of reaching wider audiences and growing your customer base.

As a dental practice, you might have already tried offline traditional marketing methods, like brochures or leaflets about your dental practice.

What if we said you could recycle and reuse the content on your brochures and leaflets?

For example, you’ve created a leaflet about Dental Implants listing the potential benefits your customer could experience.

This could be turned into a blog post titled ‘The 8 Benefits You WILL Experience From Having Dental Implants’.

Or, you have a blog post that performed incredibly well, created multiple leads and drove vast amounts of organic traffic to your website. This could be turned into a Youtube or TikTok video to reach a wider audience who use these platforms.

Above you can see a dental business called ‘Straight Teeth Direct’ took a blog post called ‘Is teeth bonding a good idea? What to do after aligner treatment’. They have repurposed this into a YouTube video to target a different audience.

7. Publish Your Original Research

With a bigger client base, you can gather original data.

Publishing original research can make your website look more authoritative in your field, creating linkable content that other businesses may find insightful by linking to your website.

You could create infographics with statistics to give your readers an insight into, for example, which treatments are most popular or how many clients suffer from a particular issue.

Or, a simple way to gather data, is to hand out a patient survey. Publishing the positive results once your survey is complete will help to attract new customers.

8. Implement SEO

If you’ve not heard of SEO before, it stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It is a crucial and long-term marketing method for websites to increase organic traffic through search engines, thus increasing leads and revenue.

SEO optimises content for search engines, like Google, so your website ranks high in search engine results pages for target keywords.

Developing SEO-friendly content should always be actioned with search engines in mind.
This used to mean stuffing your content with keywords, which is now a black-hat SEO technique and is frowned upon.

Instead, SEO is now a much wider field and there are many pieces of the puzzle you will need to build. You will need to perform extensive keyword research to discover what content you should produce.

If you want to look at keywords yourself, we like to use SEMRush and AlsoAsked for keywords and FAQ ideas.

Content and SEO work hand in hand. If you want your business to grow and excel, you need to do both.

9. Avoid Using Technical Dental Jargon

Think about your target audience. If you use words like ‘mesial, buccal, occlusal and incisal’, will they understand?

When businesses use incoherent technical jargon in their content, their intended audience becomes less trusting and less likely to stay on the website.

If you plan on discussing technical topics, you will want to simplify it. After all, your audience will not know much about the dental services you offer or the dental jargon you will use with staff on a daily basis.

However, this does depend on the audience. Some industries will engage with complex writing and topics.

Try and use layman’s terms or metaphors that the reader will understand and make the concepts you are discussing more accessible.

Additionally, if users aren’t using technical jargon in search terms, Google might not display your content to them. Using simple terms can expand your search traffic dramatically and creates content that targets your audience.

Bear in mind if you decide to use technical jargon, ensure you explain what it means.

10. Utilise Social Media Posts

Content marketing isn’t just about your dental practice’s website.

You can also write content for social media. This could be for LinkedIn, directing your attention to other dentists, or sharing your blog posts on social media.

As you can see from the screenshot above, a nationwide dentist utilises social media by mainly posting patient results and in-house news. The example above showcases the great results from using a teeth-straightening process, including a small section of content enticing the user to contact the company.

Posting on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, allows you to reach a different audience to blogs on your website.

You could use infographics or links to your newly published blog posts, with a piece of content explaining what they are.

Using hashtags on social media in your content is also a great way to attract new customers.

There has been an increase recently in the number of users turning to social media to find local businesses or services, which is why utilising social media content is important.

Need help with SEO for your dental practice or want to learn more about content marketing for dentists? Drop Fly High Media a message!

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11 Hidden Features of Link Whisper You NEED To Know About https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/11-hidden-features-of-link-whisper-you-need-to-know-about/ https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/11-hidden-features-of-link-whisper-you-need-to-know-about/#respond Mon, 22 May 2023 11:19:00 +0000 https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/?p=25526

11 Hidden Features of Link Whisper You NEED To Know About

Broken link building analogy of a broken chain

Are you looking to boost your website’s internal linking structure? Do you have the time to review every piece of content you upload to your website? For digital marketing agencies and business owners alike, Link Whisper has numerous features which can help save you time when improving internal links.

If you are writing content for your website, but struggling for ideas, Link Whisper can assist you.

Link Whisper is an intelligent WordPress and Shopify plugin that has revolutionised how websites optimise their internal linking structure. It offers two versions; free and premium.

The premium version enables you to purchase either 1, 3 or 10 site licences for your whole team to benefit from.

Whilst the core function of Link Whisper is widely known, we can reveal 11 hidden features which can rocket your SEO efforts to the next level.

Whether you are an experienced Link Whisper user or just finding out about this nifty plugin, these hidden features can maximise your website’s visibility, increase organic traffic, boost SERP rankings, and ultimately achieve your business goals.

1. Eliminate Orphan Posts

An orphan page happens when no internal links direct a user to it. As no other pages link to it, it can be harder for search engines, like Google, to find the page. 

Orphan pages can cause low amounts of traffic and decrease your rankings in SERPs, limiting the visibility of your website.

Below is a demonstration of an internal linking structure, which includes an orphan page. The top page represents a homepage, the next level depicts a category page, and the bottom shows a blog post. The circled icon is an example of an orphan page, showing no pages currently linking to it.

Using Link Whisper to reduce the number of orphaned posts your website has is one of the more known features, but is worth taking note of if you are a newbie to this plugin. 

You can opt to fix your orphan pages manually, which would take a long time. Or, you can install the Link Whisper plugin on your website. 

To find the orphan pages on your site, head to the Link Whisper plugin. If you have a WordPress website, you can find this on the main toolbar on the left. It should look like this:

Click on the ‘Orphaned Posts’ icon, which is purple. You can also view the number of orphan posts on your website. This will lead you to a list of every page which has no users directed to them through internal links. 

To view the internal linking suggestions from Link Whisper, press ‘Add’ under ‘Inbound Internal Links’ for the page you wish to improve the linking structure for. This will lead you to a page where you can view the different internal link suggestions and implement them all in one go. It is also worth noting that you can change the anchor text for each link. 

It is worth mentioning that a large number of the links will have the same target keyword suggestions. If you want to change this, then you can do by using the ‘Keyword or URL’ search box, to look for potential mentionings of anchor text you wish to use.

2. Link Reporting

There is nothing worse than trying to find statistics in a cluttered report. If you are looking for a general, simple insight into the links on your website, then Link Whisper is the plugin for you.

On the Link Whisper main dashboard, you can find a layout similar to the one below.

This shows a complete list of link statistics for you to explore further or write a task list of things to fix or improve. For example, a task to action from this list could be ‘Improve internal linking to orphan pages using Link Whisper’ or ‘Redirect broken links using Link Whisper’.

The list includes:

– Posts Crawled

– Links Found

– Internal Links

– Orphaned Posts

– Broken Links 

– 404 Errors

The pie chart insight shows the amount of internal vs external links. 

Implementing internal links helps users to delve deeper into a website and allows search engines to discover more pages on your site. 

External links show search engines that your content is credible and trustworthy. 

Both are important, but you should use more internal links to keep the users on your website. You don’t want to direct users away from your website!

3. Error Reporting

One less-known feature of the Link Whisper plugin is the ability to view site errors. This report pulls all of the broken URL links into one place. This includes, but is not limited to severe errors, request timeouts and 404 errors. The full list of status codes are:

– Server not found

– Request timeout

– SSL/TLS connect error

– Unknown error

– 403 forbidden

– 404 not found

– 502 bad gateway

– 520 unknown error

– 999 requests denied

When using the Error Report on Link Whisper, you are directed straight to the page where the error is, so you either replace the link or remove it. You can do this by clicking on the name of the post in Link Whisper.

Links on a website may break for numerous reasons, such as:

– Addition of extra characters to the link URL, which can happen automatically

– Spelling mistakes in the URL when implemented

– Removal of the page from the domain

Once you know why a link has broken, which Link Whisper can assist you with, it makes it easier to fix the issue.

The Error Reports page looks like this:

4. Assign Keywords to Links

If you decide to integrate WordPress plugins like RankMath or Yoast SEO, assigning target keywords to links would be beneficial. 

The target keyword feature automatically scans and finds your target keywords in your content, and creates link suggestions based on these keywords.

Using keywords for link anchor text helps post rankings in search engine results pages. 

As you can see from the screenshot above, you can view:

– Post name

– Publish date

– Active keywords for the post

– Organic traffic statistics

– RankMath keywords

– Custom keywords

The target keywords tell Link Whisper what types of queries you want specific posts to rank for, improving the link suggestions. 

When checking for target keywords in content, Link Whisper only looks for exact matches of the keyword. For example, if you wish to target the keyword of ‘best SEO practices’, Link Whisper will only look for the exact match to this. Keywords like ‘SEO practices’ will not be noted or used in link suggestions.

5. Update Old URLs

If you wish to change the URL of one of the pages, you can do this using the Link Whisper plugin.

The ‘URL Changer’ tool can change relative and absolute URLs across your site and can change absolute into relative links. 

This feature is useful when changing your overall site structure and to avoid changing each link manually.

You can change hundreds of internal links with just a couple of clicks, without using redirects.

It is as simple as entering the original URL, with the replacement. 

There will be a table of all the URL changes so you can edit them as you please.

6. Detailed Click Analysis

The ability to track how many clicks each of your pages get is a new feature for measuring engagement. 

All clicks on your website are recorded, allowing you to identify which links are popular among users and which ones are not receiving enough clicks.

The clicks report is easy to understand, as it is structured similarly to other reports.

On the clicks report you can see:

– Post name

– Publish date

– Post type

– Amount of clicks

For your ease, you can choose to sort each column from A-Z, publish date from earliest-oldest or order by the number of clicks.

The links drop-down box contains basic data. The data in the drop-down box includes:

– Total number of clicks 

– Number of clicks in the past 30 days

– The most popular link that visitors in the past 30 days clicked and the number of times it was clicked

7. Link Suggestions During the Writing Stage

Link Whisper utilises ‘natural language processing’ (NLP) to scan content on your website to offer a magnitude of link suggestions. 

Whilst you are writing or uploading content to WordPress or Shopify, Link Whisper scans the content as you are typing to offer suggestions there and then. 

Similar plugins which claim to boost internal linking can only do this once the content is published and indexed.

As you can see from the screenshot above, this is how Link Whisper looks when uploading content to WordPress. You have the option to filter down link suggestions to:

– Only show link suggestions in the same category as this post

– Only show link suggestions with the same tag as this post

– Select the post types to use in suggestions

You also can filter suggested posts by target keywords. 

You can usually find the Link Whisper suggestion section near the bottom of the WordPress upload post page.

8. Integration of SEO Tools

If you are using SEO plugins, they can be integrated into Link Whisper. 

This can include but is not limited to, RankMath, Yoast, All in One SEO and Google Search Console.

It is worth mentioning the target keywords you are using will be automatically pulled into Link Whisper, saving you time.

With Google Search Console integration into Link Whisper, you can access a comprehensive report on your content’s organic traffic, average position and ranking keywords. Below you can see where you can integrate GSC into Link Whisper. All you need to do is connect up your GSC account and allow Link Whisper to access your data. You can boost your rankings by integrating GSC, so why not!

9. Customise your Internal Linking Settings

You can get the most from this incredible plugin by customising your Link Whisper by clicking the ‘settings’ option on the right toolbar.

There are four categories under Settings where you can adapt and change your Link Whisper settings. These are:

General Settings

Here, you can change the generalised settings of the plugin.

Under general settings, you can:

– Ensure internal or external links open in a new tab

– Choose to ignore numbers when creating links

– Select the language you want to link to 

– Choose specific words to ignore

– Alter pages to implement links to

– Select the post statuses to create links to

– Select the minimum and maximum number of outbound links per post

Content Ignoring

Under content ignoring, you can choose which pages or categories you wish for Link Whisper to completely ignore when suggesting potential internal or external links.

Advanced Settings

It is recommended to have some basic understanding of this plugin to become aware of the different terminology before changing more advanced settings within Link Whisper.

You can find options to connect to analysis tools, point links from a staging site to your new live site and even prevent two-way linking to retain your internal linking structure.


It is not part of your Link Whisper settings, but it is worth noting that the Licencing section is where you input your updating licence key to ensure you still have complete access to Link Whisper.

Link Whisper has been fully designed to make your life easier, through being able to customise different components.

10. Auto-Linking

Link Whisper’s new feature enables you to build internal links even quicker.

The ‘Auto-Linking’ feature allows you to automatically build links to target keywords from all past and future mentions in the content on your website.

For example, you could target a keyword of ‘SEO’ or ‘search engine optimisation’ to target our SEO Manchester landing page. This would ensure that every single mention of these keywords would have a link to the chosen page, directing more traffic to service pages and potentially increasing conversions from that landing page. 

This feature would also be hugely beneficial when linking to affiliate websites using specific keywords to direct traffic. Remember when using Auto-Linking to enable the ‘only link once per post’ option to ensure there are no duplicate links in the content.

If you were to enter it into Link Whisper, it would look something like this:

This feature makes it dramatically easier to create internal links, not just to orphaned posts, but to improve your whole internal linking structure

This feature also can import CSV files for creating bulk auto-link rules. 

However, the only downside to this feature is that there is no option to remove links in bulk which you have implemented through Link Whisper. This is completed manually.

11. Customer Service

Unlike many plugins, Link Whisper offers a dedicated customer service platform on its website. This should give you enough confidence to make this plugin purchase.

If you experience any issues, their support team are incredibly knowledgeable and is on hand to answer any questions. You can submit an online ticket for a representative for Link Whisper to get in touch with you.

If it is a quick answer you need, there are a whole host of short videos and tutorials on how to use the Link Whisper plugin to its full potential or troubleshoot. 

You can also find an up-to-date blog where they publish the latest features, updates and any potential discount codes!

At Fly High Media, we can help you with the maintenance and installation of a wide range of plugins to benefit your website. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

If you think that Link Whisper is the plugin for you to improve your internal linking structure, you can get a $15 discount if you use the code ‘FLYHIGHMEDIA15’.

Contact Fly High Media for help with your website!

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Black Friday Statistics and Marketing Tips: A Guide to Help You Increase Sales Over Black Friday 2023

The Molly Mae Effect: Understanding Her Social Media Dominance

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How to Create a Compelling Call to Action

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Boost Your Shopify Business: Tips to Get More Customers https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/boost-your-shopify-business-tips-get-more-customers/ https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/boost-your-shopify-business-tips-get-more-customers/#respond Fri, 21 Apr 2023 13:26:00 +0000 https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/?p=25813

Boost Your Shopify Business: Tips to Get More Customers

Shopify Guide

Shopify is an ecommerce platform that facilitates the launch and operation of online stores for businesses of all scales. Whether you’re a fledgling company or a multinational corporation, Shopify provides you with the tools to sell your merchandise online effectively. Some of the largest stores built on Shopify include Gymshark, Penguin Books, and Fitbit.

Shopify offers many features and tools to get your store up and running quickly, including templates for creating custom storefronts, secure payment processing, and analytic tools for understanding customer behaviour. It’s an excellent option for those who don’t have the resources or expertise to build an online store from scratch.

Along with its convenience, Shopify also offers scalability and customisation options to accommodate growing businesses. Shopify stores can be modified and optimised using themes, plugins, and custom coding; this makes it easy to customise your store and add features that best fit your business’s needs.

Businesses should consider using Shopify for countless reasons, but the key is convenience, scalability, and customisation. With Shopify, you can create a professional store without spending a fortune or dedicating hours to learning the platform. As your store grows, you can adjust your store to keep up with demand.

Benefits of Using Shopify for Ecommerce Businesses

Man using credit card to pay for product on Shopify mobile

Shopify is an excellent ecommerce platform for businesses. With an easy-to-use design, robust feature set and scalability, Shopify offers many benefits for growing businesses.

First, Shopify makes setting up an online store easy in just a few steps. The intuitive drag-and-drop interface allows customers to customise the design of their store quickly and easily. Shopify also provides professional templates to help get customers started.

Secondly, Shopify has many features to help businesses optimise their store. From SEO capabilities to product management, Shopify has the tools businesses need to make their store successful. Additionally, Shopify offers analytics to track sales, understand customer behaviour and make informed decisions.

Thirdly, Shopify is highly scalable. Its powerful backend supports an unlimited number of products, orders and customers. The platform also supports multiple currencies and languages, allowing businesses to expand their reach globally.

Lastly, Shopify is secure and reliable. Its servers are always up and running, ensuring customers can access your store even during peak times. Shopify also uses the latest encryption technology to ensure safe payment processing.

In conclusion, Shopify is a great ecommerce platform for businesses. With its easy setup process, numerous features and scalability, Shopify can help businesses to increase efficiency, drive sales and reach a global audience.

Shopify and Search Engine Optimisation

Shopify logo on laptop, tablet and phone

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is critical to getting more customers through Shopify and increasing your sales. Here are some tips to optimise your Shopify store for SEO:

Keyword Research: Identify the words or phrases customers use when searching for products like yours and incorporate them into your product descriptions and titles.

Content Optimisation: Create engaging product descriptions with your identified keywords. Use high-quality images, videos, and other content to enhance user experience.

Meta Data: Write compelling meta tags, titles, and descriptions for each page on your store. Make sure to include the keywords you identified in the initial research.

By taking these steps, you can ensure your store is optimised for maximum visibility and customer engagement.

Creating a smooth and intuitive navigation experience when customers visit your Shopify store is essential for creating a positive user experience. A well-designed navigation menu should make it easy for customers to locate the products and pages they are looking for without becoming overwhelmed or confused. To achieve this, you must consider how to organise the structure of your navigation menu, what items need to be included, and how best to label each item. 

When designing your navigation menu structure, consider grouping items based on product type, brand, or other relevant criteria. If you sell shoes, you could group them by style, such as sneakers, dress shoes, and sandals. You can also create drop-down menus with additional subcategories. Once you have finalised your navigation structure, decide which items to include in the main menu and which should be added to the drop-down. 

When labelling your navigation items, use descriptive words that are easy for customers to understand. Avoid using abbreviations or technical terms. Avoid adding too many words; keep the titles short and sweet. 

Finally, don’t forget to test your navigation menu before launching your store. Ask someone to review it and tell you if it makes sense. If you find yourself struggling with the design, plenty of tools are available to help. Consider using a Shopify app like GemPages or Booster Theme to create a professional and engaging navigation menu.

Design is integral to any online store, and Shopify is no different. It is essential to have a well-organised, visually pleasing, and informative layout for your store. This encourages customers to browse your products and can improve the overall user experience. Here’s how to create a design that works for Shopify: 

Organisational Layout: Customers should be able to find the categories, collections and products they want quickly. Keep your navigation bar simple and easy, with clearly labelled categories. Ensure that all your product photos are uniform in size and style, making browsing easier. 

Woman on ecommerce clothes website homepage on laptop

Product Photo Quality: High-quality photos are essential for displaying your products in their best light. Ensure all product images are clear and free from blurred edges or distortion. If possible, feature lifestyle shots of people using the product, as this will draw more customers in. 

Handbag product photoshoot

Colour: Bright, attractive colours should be used to draw attention to your products. Choose a colour scheme that complements your brand and logo but also helps attract customers to the store. Avoid using too many colours at a time, as this can be overwhelming and confusing. 

Choosing a colour scheme

Following these steps, you can give your Shopify store a professional and stylish look that customers will love. Put thought into your design and ensure it reflects the high quality of your products. This will lead to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

Increasing Your Shopify Conversion Rate

Ecommerce growth

For any online store, the conversion rate is an essential factor in understanding the success of your business. Increasing the rate of how often visitors to your Shopify store become paying customers can improve sales and overall profits. Here are a few tips to help you get more customers through Shopify.

Offer Promotions & Discounts: Motivate customers to purchase from your Shopify store by offering promotional discounts or free shipping. This will help you to drive more customer conversions.

Create Engaging Content: Use videos, images, and articles to engage with customers. Focus on creating valuable content while highlighting the benefits of your products.

Harness the Power of Social Media: Social media platforms can drive more traffic to your Shopify store. Develop and implement a social media strategy to reach potential customers and spread your message.

Track & Analyse Data: Track customer behaviour using analytics and insights to measure, analyse, and adjust your strategy constantly. This will help you to understand what’s working and uncover areas where you may need to make improvements.

Video Content on Shopify

Woman demonstrating makeup products on video camera

Video content can be a great way to improve the user experience of your Shopify store. Adding videos to your product pages, landing pages, and other high-traffic areas can keep shoppers engaged while also helping them better understand your products and services. You can even add videos to your homepage to create an interactive atmosphere and make your store more unique.

If you’re interested in adding video content to your store, here are some tips for getting started:

(i) Choose videos relevant to your store – this could include product demonstrations, customer testimonials, company history, or any other content that adds value to your brand.

(ii) Keep videos short and engaging – aim for about 1 minute or less.

(iii) Optimise videos for mobile devices by compressing the file size so they don’t take too long to download.

(iv) Make sure each video has an associated headline or description to explain it.

(v) Always include a call-to-action at the end of each video. This could be a sign-up, a purchase, or a request to follow you on social media.


Analysing marketing report

For businesses looking to get the most out of their Shopify store, understanding the data behind their operations is essential. Fortunately, Shopify provides a comprehensive range of analytics that can be used to measure performance, providing valuable insights into what’s working and what needs improvement.

Analytics include user behaviour, revenue tracking, customer segmentation, inventory tracking and more. By interpreting this data and using it to inform decisions, businesses can ensure their Shopify store runs at peak efficiency.

To get started, businesses should set up their analytics in the Shopify dashboard, ensuring they’re tracking all the key metrics. They should also review reports regularly to identify trends and use these findings to inform their strategies. A range of third-party analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, are available for deeper insights, integrate with Shopify.

Securing Your Shopify Store

Secure website

Securing your Shopify store is a must if you want to protect your customers’ data and transactions. Fortunately, Shopify provides plenty of options for keeping your store secure. Here are some of the most important ones:

Using HTTPS and SSL: Shopify provides an SSL certificate, which is used to encrypt data that is sent between you and your customers. This helps ensure that no one can intercept and use the data for malicious purposes.

Two-factor authentication: With two-factor authentication, you and your customers will have to provide additional verification to access restricted areas of the site. This adds a additional layer of protection to keep your store safe.

Data encryption: Shopify also provides data encryption, which ensures that any sensitive data stored in your store is secure and not accessible by unauthorised users.

These features above are great for protecting your customers’ data and your store, but it’s also essential to take additional steps to ensure security. Regularly update your Shopify store, use secure payment methods like PayPal, and always back up your data.

Mobile Optimisation for your Shopify Store

Mobile ecommerce

If you’ve already got your Shopify store up and running, it’s time to consider optimising it for mobile. Mobile traffic is now one of the most popular sources of visits for online stores, and it’s essential to ensure mobile users can have the best possible experience when visiting your Shopify store.

Here are some tips to help ensure a smooth mobile experience: 

(i) Make sure all site elements, such as text, buttons, images and menus, look good on small screens and are easy to click.

(ii) Choose a responsive design template to look great on any device.

(iii) Optimize page loading time by compressing images, using CSS sprites, and reducing redirects.

(iv) Provide an easy-to-find search box for visitors to use.

(v) Ensure users can easily switch between product pages, categories and checkout pages.

(vi) Include “Back to Top” buttons to quickly jump back to the top of the page.

(vii) Integrate social media feeds to inform customers about promotions, new products, etc.

By following these tips, you can optimise your Shopify store for mobile users and provide them with the best possible experience.

Payment Processing with Shopify 

Ecommerce payment on laptop

When you are running an ecommerce business, the success of your store depends on how easy it is for customers to pay. With Shopify, various payment options are available, making it easier than ever to accept credit cards and other forms of payments online. 

To get started, you must set up an online checkout for your store. This can be done through Shopify Payments, which is the integrated payment processor that comes with your store. Shopify Payments allows you to accept all major credit cards and supports the most popular payment methods. It also has built-in fraud protection tools so that you can safely accept payments from customers.

You can also look into third-party payment gateways such as PayPal or Stripe for more payment options. Customers often prefer these as they offer more flexibility regarding payment methods and currencies. Additionally, they allow customers to pay directly from their accounts instead of entering their card details every time they purchase.

When setting up your payment system, it’s essential to consider the fees associated with each option. Shopify Payments typically charges 2.9% + an amount per transaction, while PayPal and Stripe charge a variable rate based on the type of product or service being sold. It’s also essential to ensure your checkout system is secure and compliant with the required data security regulations.

By setting up a secure and efficient payment system, you can give your customers the confidence they need to complete their purchases. This will also help increase your conversion rate, which is crucial to creating a successful online business.

To remain competitive in the ecommerce arena, it is imperative for any business to have a robust Shopify store. By dedicating time and effort to enhance your Shopify store’s SEO, design, and conversion rate, you can maximise the potential of your Ecommerce platform.

Contact Fly High Media today to learn more about our Shopify SEO services.

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The Ultimate Conversion Rate Optimisation Guide For Your Website


What is Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)?

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) is the process of improving a website to increase the percentage of visitors that complete a business’s desired action. For example, the desired action can be anything deemed important to the business, whether that be a visitor filling out a form, making a purchase, or signing up for a newsletter.

After reading this blog, download our CRO guide (by clicking the red button at the end of this blog) to discover tips to increase your website’s conversion rate.

CRO involves understanding how visitors move through a business’s website, their actions, and what prevents them from converting (completing a business’s desired goal). The process helps a business to establish how their visitors behave on their website, i.e. the content they engage with, and discover where they leave the conversion funnel (exit the website).

Conversion Rate Optimisation is beneficial if you wish to take your business to the next level. Changes to your website can make a huge difference to your bottom line. 

Why is Conversion Rate Optimisation important? 

There are many reasons why CRO is important for businesses. 

First, CRO can positively impact the efforts of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), which is the process of helping your website to rank on a Search Engine Results Page (SERP) with the aim of drawing in more website traffic organically. 

CRO also helps to:

-Improve your understanding of your target audience by giving you insight into which messages and call-to-actions (CTAs) work most effectively.

-Refine your acquisition efforts, such as helping you find ways to retain your customers and increase their value, rather than just trying to acquire new ones. 

-Enhance your visitor’s user experience (UX) by understanding the areas of your website that can be optimised.

-Generate more leads and sales.

Later in this guide, we will provide in-depth tips on how you can increase your conversion rate to achieve the above. But first, you need to learn how to measure this metric to gain an understanding of when your CRO is improving. 


How do you calculate a conversion rate?

A website’s conversion rate is calculated by adding the goals completed by website visitors, dividing them by the website traffic, and then multiplying it by 100.

For example, if a visitor converts each time they are on your website, i.e. if they purchase a product, then divide the number of conversions by the number of sessions (the number of unique website visits) before multiplying the number by 100.

Below are some example equations for working out various conversion rates.

You should now be able to work out your business’s conversion rate, which will help you to understand whether it is where you want it to be. 

What pages should be prioritised? 

When beginning the CRO process, there are certain pages that you should initially focus on as a priority. The pages we recommend you focus on first are the homepage and key landing pages/product pages; however, the pages you select after these may vary slightly depending on your business. 

For example, an e-commerce website will require its product pages to be optimised for conversions, and this should be the priority over blog posts. However, for a service-based website, the main objective may be to advise or inspire visitors by providing valuable information via blog posts, so it will be crucial to focus on CRO in this area. 

Ideally, all of your web pages should be analysed and optimised, but the following pages are the ones that have the most potential to benefit your business and should be treated as a priority. 

a) Homepage 

The homepage is generally the first impression a visitor has of a website (and your business). This is where they can either be intrigued enough to search the other pages on the site or the opposite and decide to exit. 

Your homepage should convey a clear message to visitors, so they instantly understand what you offer. For example, your unique selling point (USP) should be transparent so that your visitors can quickly evaluate how you compare against your competitors and the value you can bring to them. 

Additionally, across your whole website, you should have clear and simple navigation to help users get to their desired destination as quickly as possible.

b) Landing pages 

The purpose of a landing page is to encourage visitors to take action. For example, persuading them to sign up for a newsletter, submit a form, or to purchase. In simple terms, it is designed to convert visitors into users with the intent to buy. 

With regard to sign-ups, landing pages have the highest conversion rate at 23%, which emphasises the importance of optimising them for conversions.

Furthermore, a landing page should be one of the first pages you optimise on your website since it doesn’t tend to be evergreen content. This means a landing page may not be continually relevant, so it has to convert visitors whilst it is ‘current’.

c) Blog posts 

Blog posts are an important part of the buying journey for customers. You have the opportunity to take them to the next stage of the funnel or even to persuade them to convert. 

Additionally, valuable blog posts help to create long-lasting relationships between businesses and customers, so it is an area of a website that can bring in high conversion rates, which is achieved by implementing relevant keywords, relevant internal links, and compelling CTAs. 

As a part of the process of increasing conversions, you should conduct content audits to ensure that your blog articles are still relevant and up to date. Having out-of-date or inaccurate information can be damaging to your website. 

Quick tip: Check Google Analytics or Google Search Console to find your blogs with high traffic, and add call-to-actions if you haven’t already. This could be to download an ebook or sign up for a newsletter.

d) Product pages

Product pages are the critical stages of a visitor’s journey on your website, which means you need to make it as easy as possible for a visitor to convert, i.e. make a purchase. 

Product pages are where you can provide a breakdown of prices, descriptions of the products, and FAQs to disarm any objections people may have.  

To further improve your product pages, all images should be clear, relevant, and have ALT text. ALT text enables your content to be understood by a wider audience, ensuring that you are not excluding those with visual impairments. 

What are the main elements of a high converting website?


a) Solid CTAs

A Call-To-Action  (CTA) is an action that businesses want users to make whilst on their website. It could be that they make a contact form submission, phone call, purchase, or sign up to an email/newsletter. 

The key to a good call to action is to stand out from the rest of the site and to be as simple as possible.

b) A flawless user experience 

Your website should be designed primarily with people in mind, and not just search engines and algorithms.

You should focus on optimising areas of your website that help to improve user experience (UX), making the path you wish them to take visually clear (signposted) and easy to navigate.

For example, to assist with your user’s experience, your website should have a straightforward navigation bar, and prominent drop-down menus (if required), and the loading speed for each web page should be fast.

Additionally, any features, such as CTAs, should be in relevant places, your business’s contact details should be in a prominent position, and all links and buttons should be working correctly.

c) Content 

The results that appear in SERPs are driven by content, which means that content is key to driving qualified buyers. So, your content needs to work hard to help you increase your conversion rate.

Since 53% of consumers research a product before purchasing it would be a mistake to not optimise your content on a blog or webpage to ensure it first appears in their SERPs and, secondly, is a valuable source of information, whether that be educational or inspirational.

Quick tip: You must ensure that you carry out thorough content plans and keyword research so that the content on your website is relevant to your audience. If you send unqualified traffic to your site, then your website will always struggle with its conversion rate.

What are the best Conversion Rate Optimisation practices?

At Fly High Media, we recommend that you conduct the following CRO practices to help you reach your desired conversion rate.

1) Develop a CRO strategy 

If you want to improve your conversion rate, first, you need to find what is initially driving people to your website. Why are they there? What are their needs? Analyse your website data to discover where your visitors are coming from, i.e. the ad or specific search (the queries made in search engines) leading people to your website. 

Once you have gathered information around the above, you should be able to define your target audience and understand how to personalise a message/journey for them. This will enable you to prioritise the demographic most important to your business, tailoring content for them since you know it has the highest chance of leading to a conversion. 

To help you find the answers you need, you should conduct keyword research using a tool, such as SEMrush, to discover the keywords that are helping rank in Google. Additionally, you could implement an on-page survey that includes a few specific questions for your visitors.

For example, you could ask, ‘how would you describe yourself?’ (to help understand the demographic), ‘what’s the main reason for your visit?’ (to learn the driver), and ‘was there anything you weren’t happy with today?’ (to identify what might be preventing visitors from taking action).

It’s important to discover what persuades your visitors to act. So also consider including questions for your customers to help you find out the tool, piece of content, or factor that persuaded them to convert. 

It is equally important to discover what stops a reader from going further down the funnel, whether that be early on in their journey or just before they are about to convert from a visitor to a customer.

Identify where your visitors leave your website. Your high-exit pages should be optimised for conversions. Alternatively, ask yourself, ‘are these pages necessary?’. If the answer is no, then consider removing them. Inefficient web pages can be an extra hurdle for your visitors, creating another reason for them to leave your website. Instead, focus on optimising the pages that draw the most traffic.

Consider building a Custom Funnel to help you visualise the steps a visitor took to complete a task and to identify the final touchpoint before a conversion.

2) Test your contact forms 

Contact forms provide an efficient way to gather your audience’s information so that you can contact them in the future and, ultimately, convert them into customers. 

However, successfully gathering contact details from your target audience can be considered a conversion in itself, and it can be difficult to achieve.

To create an effective contact form (one that increases the likelihood of a visitor converting), you should:

-Make the benefit for your visitors very clear.

Your visitors will not give you their contact information if they don’t understand what they will gain from it. More and more people are limiting how their contact details are used, so if you are asking a visitor to take the time to leave their contact details, there needs to be a benefit for them. What are you going to offer them? Will you be sending them regular discounts on products/services? Is there a monthly newsletter full of valuable information that is relevant to them? Whatever the benefit is, state it clearly on the contact form. 

-Include a compelling CTA.

You must provide benefits for your visitor. Without either of these aspects, your contact form is unlikely to gain much traction. Your CTA should be in a prominent position on the page and the message should be clear and persuasive so that your visitors understand what you would like them to do. Essentially, your CTA is a button that acts as a signpost, indicating to your visitor the next step they should take, pushing them further down the funnel.

-Include a thank you message.

Once your visitor has converted (provided their contact information), it is a good idea to have a thank you message appear. This will help to build trust with your visitor as it will indicate to them that you value their presence. Trust is a necessary foundation you can keep building on to help your visitors feel more inclined to take any desired next steps, such as purchasing a product/service from you. The thank you message can pop up as soon as the visitor submits their contact information. This can also include a reminder of how the visitor will benefit from leaving their contact details along with what they can expect from you shortly and when to expect it. Additionally, this would be a good opportunity to let your visitors know how they can opt out of receiving your emails if they decide to.

-Optimise for mobile devices.

Since it is estimated that 6.8 billion people use a smartphone you should ensure that your website is accessible on mobile devices. For example, your content should be readable, and all features/buttons should be large enough to tap. To optimise your contact form for mobile devices, you should use a responsive design. This will ensure that the copy, fields (where the visitor needs to input their contact information), and CTAs are appropriate sizes according to your visitor’s screen size.

3) Implement CTAs strategically

As previously mentioned, CTAs can be an effective tool for gaining conversions.

But many CTAs fail in their purpose. Why is that?

First, not everyone reads to the end of a blog or to the bottom of a page, where CTAs are typically placed. Additionally, many people have become accustomed to certain forms of advertising, learning to ignore banner-like information and prefer to respond to a more soft-selling approach.  

To help with your conversion rate, consider implementing CTAs within your content itself. For example, include internal links within your blogs, which will lead readers to a page where you hope to make a conversion, such as a product page, once they click on it. 

The internal links that tend to work effectively are positioned in a way that makes sense to the reader. For example, internal links should not interrupt the flow of the copy, and they should be relevant to the blog so as not to distract the reader. 

If applied correctly, internal links within a blog can be a subtle, non-pushy method to gain conversions, which is a soft-selling technique.

You could also place a CTA near the top of a landing page, which will not be easily missed because of its prominent position. 

When creating CTAs, be sure that:

-They include actionable words, such as “Learn more” or “Download now”.

-The benefit to the reader is clear. 

4) Identify and recycle high-performing blogs 

Try to identify your high-performing blogs. These are the blogs that you should continue to improve. 

First, you could expand upon your high-performing blogs, implementing popular keywords so that they appear on more people’s SERPs. 

Conduct keyword research using a tool, such as SEMrush, to discover the high-ranking keywords relevant to your blog and then add to the copy, headings/subheadings, meta description, and URL, if possible. 

When implementing keywords, remember to:

-Use content that is relevant to the keyword and vice versa. You should create your content with the reader in mind, not just search engines, so the information you provide should make sense and be valuable.

-Avoid keyword stuffing (no more than 1 to 2 mentions of the keywords per 100 words). 

-Add your most important keyword within the first paragraph of your blog.

-Use variations of your keywords throughout your content to help the language flow naturally. This can also assist with LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing), which is the process that search engines use to scan and retrieve information.

Additionally, once you have discovered your high-performing blogs, you could consider updating them so that they remain current with up-to-date facts. Recycling content will save you time, plus it will enable you to keep your valuable content current, expanding the likelihood of it being seen by a wider audience.

Quick tip: SEMrush can help you to discover your most popular blogs. Use the tool to assist you when conducting a content audit

5) Format your landing page copy 

A landing page should be structured in a way that guides your visitor into converting, i.e. from visitors into customers, or readers into subscribers, so every element needs to be persuasive rather than littered with distractions that could prevent a conversion. For example, on a landing page, the ability to navigate off the page should be limited or non-existent, and competing internal/external links should not be present. 

The first few seconds of a visitor viewing your landing page are crucial; they should be able to quickly evaluate the value your business can bring to them, otherwise, they may exit your landing page, which will increase your bounce rate. 

Here’s how you can reduce the exit rate for your landing pages:

-Your USP (Unique Selling Point) should be clear. It should be defined by your headline (a brief, succinct line at the top of your page) and in the first few lines of your copy. Both the headline and introduction should be short and succinct so that your readers can quickly understand what you are offering.

Additionally, you could add media to support your USP, such as an image or video, to help emphasise the benefits of what you are offering, 

-Your landing page should demonstrate the social proof of your business. For example, you should include reviews, case studies, or scores from Google and Amazon.

-The copy on a landing page should be compelling and optimised for search engines by using relevant keywords.

-Only include one CTA. This can be implemented on your landing page as a form, a link, or a button

6) Optimise your website’s navigation structure 

Your website should be designed to make it as easy as possible for your visitors to navigate around. 

For a navigation bar to be effective, it should:

-Be consistent, from page to page.

-Be divided into categories, i.e. categories and subcategories should be clearly defined.

-Be relevant, with all categories named accurately to suit the page it is linking to.

-Include a logo that links back to the homepage if a visitor clicks on it.

-Include a search bar to make it easy for visitors to find something in particular.

You should consider your top-performing pages and create categories for them, positioning them in places where they will be spotted easily by visitors, such as near the beginning or the end of the navigation bar.

Page depth is also an important aspect to think about. For example, how many clicks a user has to make to reach the page they are after.

Ultimately, the menu type you use will depend on your website and the products/service you offer. There are various menu options, such as the hamburger menu, double menu bar, and the mega drop-down. 

7) Improve the loading speed of your website 

The loading speed of a website can affect the user experience. For example, if it takes too long for a page to load, your visitors may become impatient or even stressed, increasing the likelihood of them abandoning your website.  

Ideally, your web pages should load within 3 seconds. If you have an e-commerce website, then it should load, ideally, between 1 and 2 seconds. Most visitors will exit if it takes any longer than this, which will increase your bounce rate.

A slow-loading page can also affect your SEO ranking. According to Google, they only allocate a certain amount of time to crawl and index a page. So, if the pages of your website take too long to load, Google will not have time to review them all. This means that you may receive a lower ranking since your whole website could not be assessed.

To improve the loading speed of your website, you should:

-Optimise images. Give them descriptive names, add ALT text to include relevant keywords, use smaller images that give visitors the option to zoom in, decrease the size of image files, and choose the right file type. 

-Enable compression to reduce the size of larger files, such as CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files. This is the process of compressing data files before they are sent to your visitor’s browsers. 

Leverage browser caching, so that when someone returns to your website, the entire page will not have to reload. 

8) Conduct an A/B test 

A/B testing (also referred to as split testing) is a method that can be used to test the most effective version of a tool to help provide an optimised user experience. 

For example, if you are unsure of the CTA to use on a page, you could test two versions to see which performs better, i.e. which makes the most conversions.

9) Add trust signals 

If your visitors feel secure on your website, they are much more likely to trust your business and feel inclined to convert, i.e. make a purchase. 

For example, if your visitor can see that your URL contains the letters HTTPS, then this will indicate to them that your website is certified (by way of an SSL certificate), so that communication is encrypted to help prevent unauthorised access.

Additionally, if you have an e-commerce website, you should emphasise to your visitors the security levels that are in place once they reach the payment stage. For example, use visual clues, such as the padlock icon (to indicate that the security measures implemented are to industry standards) and sensitive credit card fields.

10) Deliver content for every stage of a customer’s journey 

To lead your visitors effectively to where you wish for them to convert, it’s important to include relevant content for where they are in the funnel.

You should aim to provide content at every stage of the funnel, i.e. the awareness, consideration, and conversion stages. For example, you should:

-Make your potential customers aware of the products/services that you offer. You can do this via social media, paid ads (PPC), or by gaining backlinks to high-authority sites, which will help to emphasise your credibility. 

-Increase your customer’s interest in your services. You can do this by creating blogs that contain valuable information on a product/service or through visual content, such as a video demonstrating how a product/service works as well as how it can meet your customer’s needs.

-Develop your visitor’s interest and confidence in your products/services to increase the likelihood of them converting (becoming a customer). You can do this by including case studies and reviews on your products/services pages to social proof your business and further build trust.

What are the best tools to use for CRO?

To help you devise a CRO strategy and keep track of the results gained from your CRO efforts, there are a variety of tools you can use, such as:

-Google Analytics 4




Ideally, you should create a CRO checklist to help you spot any areas that could be optimised further for conversions. 

Can a chatbot improve CRO? 

Chatbots can either be automated (artificial intelligence technology) or a live chat where the business’s employees can message customers.

This technology allows businesses to respond quickly and effectively, helping to personal a website visitor’s journey.

Furthermore, chatbots can also collect real-time data, providing businesses with insights into how users are behaving on a website. These insights can assist businesses when looking for ways to improve UX, and, ultimately, conversion rates.

To conclude, conversion rate optimisation is a process that every business should undertake, particularly if they wish to increase their ROI. 

Hopefully, this CRO guide will have emphasised the importance of optimising your website and the most effective ways you can increase your conversion rate. 

From Website Design to content creation, Fly High Media can offer a variety of services to help you improve your website.

Additionally, we have devised a downloadable CRO guide for you to refer to if you wish to know how to increase your conversion rate.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is CRO?

CRO (Conversion Rate Optimisation) is the process of improving a website to help increase the percentage of visitors who convert, i.e. become a customer. 

A business may class any particular action that a visitor completes as a conversion, whether that be purchasing a product, downloading a brochure, or signing up for a newsletter.

Why is a good conversion rate important?

A good conversion rate is important for businesses because it means that their marketing efforts are effectively converting their website visitors into customers.

For example, the CTAs that are implemented, the layout of the website, and the quick loading time of a web page can make all the difference between a visitor exiting the website or, instead, converting from a visitor to a customer. The more people that convert, the higher a business’s conversion rate.

What is a good conversion rate?

An average conversion rate for a website is between 2 and 5%, so any website that can achieve a higher conversion rate than this is considered well-optimised. 

How can I optimise the conversion rate on a website?

To increase your conversion rate, you should target particular areas of your website, such as the homepage, any landing pages, blogs, and, for e-commerce websites, product pages.

To optimise these areas, you should:

-Develop a CRO strategy.

-Test your contact forms.

-Implement compelling CTAs.

-Recycle high-performing blogs.

-Format any landing pages.

-Improve your navigational structure.

-Improve your website’s loading speed.

-Conduct an A/B test.

-Add trust signals.

-Deliver content for every stage of a customer’s journey.

What are conversion optimisation tools?

CRO tools collect a website’s data to enable businesses to understand how their visitors behave on their website. Additionally, CRO tools help businesses to learn what is working well and what isn’t by analysing and measuring the results gained from their efforts. 

If you wish to learn more about how your website is performing to help you improve your conversion rate, consider using the following:


-Google Analytics 4



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Copywriting vs Content Writing: What’s The Difference?

What is copywriting? And how does it differ from content writing? 

Well, to put it simply, their purposes are different.  

Copywriting is the art of creating content that “sells” a product or service to its reader. It is a quick and effective way to help increase brand awareness. It’s similar to a call-to-action (CTA), but on a slightly bigger scale. A copywriter’s main goal is to persuade.

Content writing falls under the same umbrella as copywriting, but it’s a longer form of writing that’s more subtle in its marketing approach. It is an effective way of maintaining brand awareness. A content writer’s main job is to tell a story that inspires, entertains, and/or educates.

Both copywriters and content writers are necessary for brands that want a well-rounded marketing strategy to target audiences at every point in their customer journey

To help you better understand the differences between copywriting and content writing, I’ve put together a list of key elements that each has, along with 5 tips to help you effectively hone your skills, whether that be as a copywriter or content writer.


1. Persuading vs Inspiring



A copywriter’s job is to persuade their readers. They aim to convince readers to take action, such as signing up for a newsletter, buying a product/service, or simply clicking on a CTA.  

The best copywriters are concise, which enables them to deliver a clear message to their readers. They maintain brevity in their writing by cutting out unnecessary words. 

For example, too many adverbs and adjectives can be distracting to readers. Additionally, throwing in too many descriptive words could be considered too pushy. The idea is to persuade rather than try to force your readers into action by overwriting.

A quick, snappy piece of copy is ideal for grabbing the attention of people who may not have heard of the brand before. The copy is designed to “sell” a product or service that can solve a problem for the reader. Once hooked, the new customer is maintained – nurtured – through valuable content. 

Copywriting Tip: Cut out unnecessary words. Be frugal when using adverbs and adjectives.


A content writer’s job is to provide useful information that can inspire, entertain, and/or educate readers. This doesn’t mean that their long-term goal isn’t to persuade readers to take action, such as purchasing a product/service; it may well be that this is the desired result, but their approach is subtle, and the content that is delivered provides something of value to the reader.

For example, consider a yoga school that is wishing to recruit more students for their classes. Instead of writing short copy that specifically directs readers to a CTA, such as a ‘Book Now’ button – although this would be perfectly okay to do, too – they could write longer, valuable content, such as a blog post on the benefits of practising yoga. This is free content, which a reader would find useful and inspiring. The good thing is that you could still stick a CTA at the end of the blog post, encouraging readers to ‘Book Now’.

Valuable content helps to build trust in existing customers or to gain trust from prospective ones. If done well, the brand can be strengthened through the content they deliver as it demonstrates that the business is knowledgeable in its field. 

Content Writing Tip: As with copywriting, use adverbs and adjectives sparingly. It can be tempting to be more descriptive when writing longer pieces of content; however, remember that readers can easily lose focus. To refrain from wandering off topic, continually remind yourself of the purpose of the piece.

2. Short-Form vs Long-Form



Copywriters tend to write more short-form pieces.

Examples of short-form writing include ads, social media posts, taglines, and (depending on the length) blog posts. 

Content that is around 1,000 words and under is considered short-form writing. 

Copywriting Tip: Be clear about what problem the product or service is solving.


Content writers create long-form content.

Examples of long-form writing include blogs, articles, white papers, email newsletters, and ebooks.

Content that is above 1,000 words is considered long-form writing.

Content Writing Tip: Consider the dual readership path. You should try to write for a true reader as well as for a reader that skims. Break up the content with subheadings and bullet points. 

3. Igniting Emotions vs Building Trust


Igniting Emotions

Good copy should ignite emotion in the reader. 

For example, if an ad evokes an emotional response, such as desire or fear, then the reader is much more likely to take action – they’re much more likely to click the CTA. 

Certain words and phrases are deliberately used in short-form writing with the sole purpose of triggering an emotion.

For example, ‘deadline’ or ‘act now’ are used to ignite fear – FOMO (fear of missing out) – and a general feeling of urgency. 

Consider the modes of persuasion below:

Ethos – Establishes credibility. Aims to convince the reader of a brand’s trustworthiness.

Pathos – Appeals to the reader’s emotions, such as joy or envy.

Logos – Appeals to the reader’s logical side through facts and figures.

Kairos – Appeals to the reader’s sense of time, such as creating a sense of urgency.

While emotive words and phrases are catchy and can help in persuading an audience to purchase a product/service, copywriters should try to avoid using jargon or idioms within their content. In addition to being overused, these words/phrases could make the content appear unoriginal.

Copywriting Tip: Avoid overused jargon. Be unique and compelling. Connect with your reader on an emotional level, but be honest. Be bold and unexpected, but don’t “shock” your audience into reading something only for them to find out you were being disingenuous.

Building Trust

Long-form content is designed to help build trust.

Good content writers should be able to convey to the reader why the content matters. Then, more importantly, how it directly relates to the reader. It should inspire readers to continue reading.

Valuable content is useful to a reader because of either its educational, inspirational, or entertaining aspects. However, the benefits may not be immediately apparent to a reader. So, for them to relate to the content, first, they need to be able to recognise the problem the content is fixing; they need to be able to see where or how their life can be improved. This is where long-form content can help. Over time, content writers can develop a reader’s trust in a brand. 

By offering consistent and knowledgeable content, which can offer a “fix” for a problem, a wider audience will be able to relate to the brand at different stages in their customer journey. 

Additionally, with more useful content behind them, a brand can be seen as more genuine, and be considered a thought leader in its field.

Content Writing Tip: Provide original content. Avoid simply copying and pasting existing content from other sources. Think of your own experiences as well as conduct thorough research.  

4. Listening vs Answering



Good copywriters are only able to create effective copy after they’ve researched and “listened” to their audience. 

Ads and social media posts are supposed to give the audience what they’ve been asking for. It’s about solving a problem that the audience has. Copywriters can only discover these problems by looking at what their competitors are doing, and through “listening” on various platforms, such as social media.

Copywriting Tip: Be clear, but conversational. Use the language of your audience. Imagine the person you are talking to since this can help your writing appear more “real”.


Long-form content can help to answer readers’ questions. This is where a good knowledge of SEO (search engine optimisation) and, more specifically, keyword research, can make a difference.

Both short-form and long-form writing should be optimised with the reader in mind. For example, both should include relevant keywords or phrases that readers are most likely to type into a search engine when looking for an answer to a question, or a solution to a particular problem.

Long-form content provides more opportunities for writers to apply more SEO strategies since content writers can delve deeper into a topic which means that they can cover a wider range of keywords.

Content Writing Tip: Create your content with relevant keywords in mind. (Include the main keyword in the title, header, subheaders, and in the main text body). However, do ensure that the overall content isn’t negatively affected. Sentences should be optimised for readers, not search engines; the content should make sense and be conversational. 

5. Short-Term Goal vs A Long-Term Strategy



The goal of most copywriters when creating short-form content is to achieve an instant result.

For example, some content may be specifically designed to persuade readers to ‘Order Now’. This sales-driven form of content can help businesses to achieve their short-term goals, such as improving their sales.

However, this type of marketing, via ads and taglines, cannot help to maintain an audience. Most people need substance to back up a brand. For example, an active online presence, through blogs and social media posts, etc, can help an audience establish trust in a brand.

Copywriting Tip: Even if your message is short, be consistent with it. Ensure that the voice of the brand is clear and unique and that it remains consistent over different platforms and marketing campaigns.


Long-form content is created in the hope that it will maintain a reader’s interest in the brand. It helps to keep the brand at the forefront of people’s mind without being too much like a sales pitch.

For example, valuable content in the form of a blog post can easily link back to a brand’s website in a non-invasive way. Readers may decide to click on the website link, not because they have been persuaded to take instant action, but because they’ve been inspired, and are interested in finding out more. This helps to lay the groundwork needed to build new and long-lasting customers.

Long-form content makes up a big part of a long-term marketing strategy. The more valuable content a brand has, then the more evergreen content they accumulate.

Evergreen content is search optimised content that stays relevant for longer, or that can easily be adapted and reused.

Content Writing Tip: Inject value into every sentence. Avoid repetition. If you’ve written a sentence that is just a slightly reworded version of a previous sentence, then delete it. Again, the aim is not to distract your reader from the message you’re trying to deliver.

I hope that you’ve found this blog informative and that these writing tips will be useful for when you next write content, whether that be short-form or long-form.  

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How to Generate More Organic Traffic

If you create a landing page without SEO in mind, it is unlikely to perform to its full potential.

There is also a real gap in the market when it comes to developing a high volume of quality landing pages. After all, 62% of branded websites have six or less landing pages.

Before you dive into optimising your page, it is important to focus on targeted traffic. This is because if you bring in the wrong users, your landing page will serve no purpose for your website and business.

Now you might be thinking ‘How do I optimise a new landing page to convert traffic?’ The answer isn’t as complicated as you might think, but there is a process to follow.

In this article, we will discuss what you need to do to ensure your landing page is optimised for the right organic traffic and, as a result, more conversions.

What is SEO?

The results at the top with the yellow box are known as ‘paid ads’, but what we want to focus on is the SEO results. The top results are what Google deems to be the most accurate results for my search query. This then descends in the order of relevance, which is calculated by Google’s search algorithm.

What are Landing Pages for SEO?

Landing pages that are designed with SEO in mind are pages that have been fully optimised for search engines such as Google and Bing. 

These pages usually have elements that appeal to search algorithms that are designed to decide whether a page is or isn’t of value to searchers.

It is important to not get confused with landing pages for PPC and also for SEO. There is a difference between the two.

PPC Landing pages are designed to work as either a one-time promotion or as a quick sell to users. The information on these pages is usually limited to simply try and attract sales.

On the other hand, SEO Landing pages are also there to convert, but they tend to be far more content-heavy for searchers. This is because Google’s search algorithm likes high-quality, original content on websites that answer queries that users are searching for. 

With this in mind, here are the steps on how to create an SEO landing page.

1. Conduct thorough keyword research

Keyword research is what determines the terms that are used within a page to match relevant search engine queries. 

Whilst this can be a long process, it is quite a simple one if you have the right toolkit available. There are certain types of software that you can use to conduct effective keyword research for your website:

a. SEMRush

This is arguably the best all-in-one SEO tool on the market. It is also excellent for conducting thorough keyword research.

The main reason SEMRush is such a great keyword research tool is it’s so versatile, and also offers a range of export options such as PDFs, Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel for your data.

To filter the best keywords, simply weigh up the monthly search volume against the keyword difficulty (this is how competitive a keyword is). 

Every keyword will also be tagged under one of the following four keyword intents:

  • Commercial – searchers that are investigating brands, services or products.
  • Informational – searchers that are looking for an answer to a query, question or more general information
  • Navigational – searchers that are looking for a specific website or page
  • Transactional – Searchers that are looking to complete a transaction or purchase

In addition to the above, users can also conduct Keyword Gap Research, which provides a list of keywords that competitors are ranked on Google for, as well as the landing page associated with the ranking terms.

By using SEMRush, you will find relevant keywords to use for your landing page that will help it rank above competitors.

b. Ahrefs

Also known as the main competitor of SEMRush, Ahrefs is another brilliant SEO tool that allows users to conduct versatile and thorough keyword research.

The tool allows users to conduct effective keyword research, and just like SEMRush, it allows users to analyse the search volume, keyword difficulty and the position either your website or competitors’ sites are ranking within Google.

b. Google Trends

Whilst this tool does not offer as much depth as SEMRush or Ahrefs, it provides transparent insight into how a keyword or topic has performed over time, as well as how well it has performed in different countries.

To do this, all you need to simply do is visit the Google Trends and search for the terms you want to know more about.

This is an excellent tool to use when you are working within an industry that changes paces regularly.

2. Strategically place keywords on your landing page

It’s all well and good to collect a list of target keywords for your landing page, but they will be useless if you do not implement them properly. 

It is important to already know where the keywords will be implemented before writing anything. This will help you to get ahead of the competition in SERPs.

There are a few things to consider when deciding where to implement your target keywords on your landing page:

a. Metadata

When your page ranks on Google, you will see a title and description underneath the URL. This is what is known as ‘metadata’.

The meta title (also known as the title tag) and the meta description are what appear in search results, but you can edit these within the website CMS such as WordPress. 

It is important to note that the meta title should not exceed 60 characters, whereas the meta description should be a maximum of 155 characters.

b. Header Tags

When you want an official header on a page, the best SEO practice is to edit the HTML code to implement a header tag.

Header tags range from H1 to H6. The official best practice guidelines are to:

c. Image file names

It is important to give your images descriptive file names when you implement them on a page. This is because Google’s search algorithm cannot see your images, so it can only use a written description. In this case, this is the name of the image file.

Make sure you include relevant keywords in your image name to help Google understand the context of your image. You should also make sure to use dashes as spaces as well (do not use underscores) as this is preferred by Google.

d. Landing page copy

Ensure your keywords are implemented within your copy, but also make sure they are sparingly spread across the page. Aim to include your keyword every 100-200 words. Mentioning it in the first paragraph is also good for user experience.

If you use too many keywords within your copy, this might be listed by Google’s algorithm as a black hat SEO technique known as ‘keyword stuffing’. This can lead to your website being penalised by Google.

3. Acquire backlinks to your landing page

For years now, it has been essential to generate links to your page via external websites to boost organic traffic and rankings on Google. In today’s world, this is no different.

You might be thinking ‘why is this?’ and the simple answer is that Google sees other websites linking back to your site as someone vouching for you. 

There are different methods of link building, and you should combine these in your off-page SEO strategy for the best results.

a. Broken link building

This is a quick and effective way to build links back to your landing page and website. 

The correct way to do this is by only looking for pages that have 404 errors.

To find 404 links, you will need to focus your search on resource pages that are within your niche. For example, if your website is within the nutrition sector, you will search the below search strings in Google:

This will filter results to find more specific results than a generic search query would.

Once you find a broken link from the on-page results, the best strategy for success is to contact the site owner and inform them of any broken links you have discovered.

To find broken links, you can use the ‘Check My Links’ extension for Google Chrome. This highlights any broken links in red, so you will easily find some opportunities by using this.

b. Blogger outreach

Another great method of building links back to your website is by writing guest blog posts for other websites that have some kind of relevance to your site.

You don’t just have to write blog posts. You can also appear in interviews in podcasts, videos and other forms of media. A link can still be added back to your website via the page these are posted on.

The best thing to do before submitting guest posts is to conduct research into your industry. Try and find an influencer that writes a high number of posts, and within one of their published blogs, click on the author and find the URL of the headshot they are using for their profile.

From here, you can add the URL of the headshot into Google’s Reverse Image Search. You will then find a list of websites that contains published guest posts relevant to your industry. 

From here, you can begin the outreach process and add guest posts to these sites.

c. Infographics

Contrary to popular belief, Infographics are still an effective way to build links back to a website.

Whilst this might be a slightly more costly way of link building, it still isn’t as expensive as other methods and it can have a positive impact on your website.

There are some key pointers to follow when developing an infographic for link building:

There are some other ways you can build backlinks to your website, such as:

4. Optimise your page speed

In any case, it is really important to ensure your page speed on your website is fast for both desktop and mobile.

This is important because it is one of the few factors that Google has confirmed it uses to rank pages within search results.

It is also important to optimise page speed, as website conversion rates drop an average of over 4% with every additional second of page-load time (between 0 to 5 seconds).

To monitor your website’s speed, you can use Google’s Pagespeed Insights tool which scores your page’s load speed out of 100 for desktop and mobile. Ideally, you want to be 90+ for both devices.

If you need to speed up your page, use the following techniques:

5. Add FAQs to the bottom of your landing page

This might seem like a strange suggestion, but it does work. This is because you can implement structured data to your page that is specialised for FAQs.

If you’ve not come across structured data (also known as Schema) before, it is data that is hosted in a fixed field within a file. Ultimately, this is Javascript code that is added to a page that communicates to Google’s algorithm what the page is exactly.

An example of this would be FAQ schema. Within the code, you would include the questions and answers that are within your FAQ section on your landing page (or any other pages that include FAQs) in your structured data code, and you would implement this on your webpage.

From here, this gives your page the best chance of ranking higher on Google by being displayed as a ‘Rich Snippet’ in the SERPs. This is when a result in a search engine is displayed in a large box at the top of the results page.

You might be thinking ‘I don’t know how to implement Javascript code, so how do I do this?’ Fortunately, there are alternatives for those who do not know how to edit code.

If you are using WordPress for example, you can use the Rankmath SEO plugin which provides a schema implementation for each page. All you would need to do is select the ‘FAQ’ schema and add that to the page.

From here, all you would need to do is add the FAQ’s questions and answers in the schema fields, and then click ‘Update’ on the page.

Once completed, you will have the relevant FAQ schema on your webpage.

Developing a landing page can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to optimising it for SEO. After reading this, you should have the confidence to create a fantastic landing page that uses all of these techniques. By using the above, you will have a content-rich landing page that is favoured by Google’s ranking algorithm.

For any further SEO help, fill in the contact form below.

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The 5 Step Beginners Checklist For a Technical SEO Audit

SEO Audit on laptop

The key to good SEO is a good experience on all devices. This is because in 2020, 55% of all worldwide online traffic came from a mobile device, whilst 42% came from desktops. By conducting a Technical SEO audit, you can find what you need to improve on your website to make your site perform at its best and outrank your competitors.

Before beginning an audit, it is important to consider what your business goals are, and what you want from your website. Is it more visitors, or maybe you need more sales? Maybe you need both? Since technical SEO audits can be time-consuming, these are all questions that you want to answer before diving into fixing any issues. Setting priorities are key.

1. Identify the most important issues on your website

At the beginning of the technical SEO audit process, there are some issues that will need to be prioritised. The errors on your website that you want to look out for are:

  • Unoptimised pages for mobile – Since it is more than likely that most online users will be using their mobile devices, you want to make sure that the pages are suitable for smartphone and tablet users.
  • Slow loading pages – If a webpage takes more than 3 seconds to load, then this increases the likelihood of a user leaving the website to go elsewhere. This can be caused by uncompressed code, or by elements that are large in file size e.g. images that are above 100kb.
  • Invalid structured data items – If your website has pages with missing schema markup elements, then this can harm your rankings as you are not communicating everything on the page to Google’s crawler bots.
  • Duplicate content – If you have two pages or more with the same content, and if none of them contain canonical tags, then Google may not rank any of these pages on its search engine.
  • Metadata issues – If there are pages on your website with missing meta title tags or descriptions, or if they have too many characters (meta titles maximum limit is 60 characters, meta descriptions maximum is 160 characters) then this can hurt your website’s SEO efforts.
  • H1 Tag Issues – If you do not have a title at the top of a webpage, or if the title exceeds 70 characters, then Google can move that page down the search engine rankings.
  • Uncrawable pages – Sometimes some pages need to be marked as ‘Noindexed’ as they don’t need to be crawled (e.g. Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions pages). However, if the pages that should be crawled are noindexed, then they will be ignored by Google. Also, make sure that your pages provide a good user experience as this will optimise the amount of time a crawler is on the page, and ultimately it will have the time to fully navigate your website.
  • Broken links – Broken internal links on your website can have a negative effect on the user experience and can result in a higher bounce rate (users leaving the page soon after they’ve entered it). 
  • 404 Error pages – This does not look good when it comes to Google looking at your site. Ensure you delete any 404 pages and reoptimise the URL structure, or if you are on a time limit and/or tight budget, set up 301 redirects to another relevant page on the website.
  • Incorrect pages in sitemap – Make sure that the sitemap you submit to Google Search Console contains the same URL structure as your website, otherwise you will end up confusing Google’s crawler bots.
  • Uncompressed code – If there is a lot of unnecessary code on a webpage, it can result in a slower page loading speed and have a negative impact on core web vitals.
  • Ensure all content is within Google’s guidelines – If there is any black hat SEO techniques or anything that goes against Google’s webmaster guidelines within your content, then Google can end up penalising your website.

2. Create a site audit spreadsheet that contains an action plan

Once you have run your site audit and have determined what the problems are, it is now time to collate this information in an informative spreadsheet. 

Whether this is for you, your directors or for one of your clients, this should provide separate tabs named after each technical issue. Each tab should contain the URLs that have been affected, and you should also provide a column with further detail about each problem and the source of where the site audit was conducted should also be concluded (e.g. Source: SEMRush). The more detail you include, the easier it is for the recipient to understand.

Site audit data

You also want to create an action plan within the spreadsheet. This is a great way to implement project management for all of those involved in fixing these issues as this will provide a priority list, the category the issue falls under and whether it is affecting the entire website or if it’s just impacting one page. The plan also needs to provide time frames for each issue so that the website owner has realistic expectations of when it will be completed by. Not only this, but you should include a link to the relevant tab in the row containing the technical issue. If you’re using Google Sheets, you can simply do this by clicking the hyperlink icon (image below) and then opening the ‘Sheets and named ranges’ drop-down menu. From there, you can select the relevant tab you want the cell to link to.

Fly High Media technical SEO site audit

This is a really easy way to manage expectations and keep track of where the project is up to for the website owner, and it also makes it much easier for those that are working on fixing the issues on the website as well. If you don’t create a detailed plan after conducting a technical SEO audit, then it will end up creating confusion and will ultimately result in being a waste of time!

3. Conduct a meeting with all involved parties

Now that you have laid out a coherent action plan with every issue and time frame included, you want to sit down with all of those involved in fixing the problems with the website. 

This should involve not only those who are technically savvy such as SEO and web development and design experts, but it should also include the people who own the business and the website. If you are working within a single business, this may include the board of directors, or if you’re at a more junior level it might be your line manager. If you’re working in an agency, this is most likely going to be your client.

It is important to make sure that everyone understands what the issues are, what the priorities are and the time frames everything can be fixed in. 

It is also essential that you communicate this in a way that all involved parties can understand. Not everyone has a strong technical background, so you need to make sure that you understand the issues yourself so that you can explain them in a language that everyone involved can understand. If you do not have a solid understanding, don’t be afraid to ask someone who has a background in technical audits! Speak to a web or SEO professional and ask them the questions you need answers to. You should never be in the dark before managing a technical website project.

Make sure that every technical team member understands what they need to do. There might be some issues that an SEO expert understands but a web developer doesn’t, and vice versa. The best recommendation would be to create separate action lists for each team member so that they clearly understand what they need to do and the time frame it needs to be fixed in. Clear and concise communication is key!

4. Once the issues have been attended to, rerun the site audit

After the issues have been fixed, it is time to check the results of your efforts. If this is on SEMRush, all you need to do is hit the ‘Re-run campaign’ button in the ‘Site Audit’ tab on the left-hand side of the interface. 

Hopefully by now, all of the most essential issues have been fixed and your site health score has increased. Ideally, you want to make sure that your website has a minimum score of 80%, but of course the higher the better. By aiming for this benchmark, you increase your website’s chances of beating your competitors in the search engine results. 

If there are still some issues present, don’t panic. Just make sure that you note these down on your site audit spreadsheet and communicate them to the technical parties involved to ensure that they are fixed in an efficient amount of time. Re-run your site audit again, and your site health score should have once again improved.

5. Claim a Free Site Audit From Fly High Media

Now that you have read this article, hopefully you have a greater understanding of how to approach a technical SEO audit in the right way. However, if you still need some guidance for checking the status of your website, get in touch with Fly High Media’s SEO team to claim a free Technical SEO Site Audit today.

In addition to the above, we have our own Technical SEO checklist that you can download so you can get a step ahead of your competitors with your site audit. You can not go wrong with this, and with the combination of this helpful document and our free site audit, you will be more than ready to tackle all of the issues on your website and rank higher on the search results!

You can also take a look at our interactive Technical SEO Audit below to get an idea of what you need to look for when it comes to reviewing your website.

Technical SEO Audit

Action Items - Your website's technical issues

Impact Level - Prioritises your tasks

Issue Category - Technical, Content or Design related

Issue Requirements - Defines who works on the issue

Timeframe - How many working hours are needed to resolve

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