Search Engine Optimisation – Fly High Media Fri, 06 Oct 2023 16:06:37 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 8 Types of Businesses that Can Benefit from Local SEO Wed, 23 Aug 2023 13:00:40 +0000

8 Types of Businesses that Can Benefit from Local SEO

Local SEO graphic with laptop and icons

Struggling to reach your local customers? Unsure why your store or business has few people visiting or calling your phone number? Now is the time to consider applying local SEO.

As more people use the web, local SEO is becoming an increasingly sought-after commodity to boost online businesses. After all, a staggering 46% of all online searches have some form of local intent.

With the volatility of Google’s algorithm and with the nation’s population increasing in most towns and cities, it is crucial to have the expertise at handling the digital aspects of business locally, such as managing your Google Business Profile listing, your directory listings and your target keywords within your website’s content.

There is no doubt that local SEO can help any industry, but some businesses benefit more from this digital marketing method than others.

That is why it is important to be aware if you are a business that fits these criteria, as you could be missing out on an essential channel for your website.

Local SEO Statistics 2023 (Editor’s choice)

  • 97% of individuals acquire information about a local business via the internet (Source: SEO Tribunal)
  • More than a quarter (over 25%) of individuals choose to click on the initial result in a Google search (Source: Search Engine Journal)
  • 86% of online consumers use Google Maps to source local businesses (Source: Safari Digital)
  • 78% of location-focused mobile searches resulted in an offline purchase (Source: SEO Tribunal)
  • Roughly 45% of global shoppers purchase a product online and then pick it up in-store (Source: Think With Google)

Why is Local SEO important for a website?

When assembling a digital marketing strategy, you should strongly consider local SEO since it can make your website more visible in local search results. Any business that has a physical location can benefit from this.

As more businesses are starting to utilise local SEO, and with how fast Google updates its search algorithm, you need to be ahead of the competition when using this channel. 

Not only can a successful local SEO campaign build trust and credibility with your local traffic, but it can also teach you more about your geographical area and its market.

Local SEO provides opportunities to connect more with people in your neighbourhood and build a local reputation. 

Other benefits of local SEO include:

  • Higher in-store foot traffic – Enhanced local presence attracts increased in-person visits to your physical store.
  • More phone calls – Thanks to Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business), optimising local SEO for your business can lead to improved Google Maps visibility, and result in more phone calls and in-person visit
  • More sales and conversions – Before enquiring or making a purchase, online consumers usually look at reviews to help with their decision-making process for a local business

1) Law firms

SEO provides significant benefits for law firms due to the specific nature of their practice.

Since individuals seeking legal assistance want to address their legal issues, implementing SEO strategies can help law firms attract relevant and organic traffic to their websites.

Previously, people would refer to Yellow Pages books to find local lawyers for their legal matters. However, today, the primary destination for seeking legal services is Google.

For instance, if someone suffers an injury, their first course of action would be to search for a personal injury lawyer on Google for more information on the necessary steps to help their situation.

These searches may consist of a keyword such as ‘personal injury lawyer London’ to find out more information on the law firms in their local area. 

Personal injury lawyers London search results

By integrating SEO strategies, especially focusing on local SEO, law firms have the opportunity to secure top rankings on Google in response to specific queries, thus increasing traffic and conversions for their business.

Also, if users search for lawyers in their local area, they can find results on Google Maps to meet their query. It helps them to instantly find contact information and the location of the business, so they can make their enquiry far quicker than they could in the past (especially when using a mobile device as they can tap the phone number and call the business instantly).

Google Maps search results London

You might be thinking ‘How can I rank my website at the top for these long-tail keywords?’

Ultimately, ensure you optimise your website’s content for both long-tail keywords and the locations you are targeting.

For example, if you have a landing page called ‘Personal Injury Lawyers’, consider changing the name of it to ‘Personal Injury Lawyers in Manchester’. You should also change your URL, metadata and page content to reflect this. If your business operates in multiple locations, create multiple location landing pages with the same goal of ranking for the local long-tail keywords.

It’s plain and simple – the local searches for law firms mean it’s essential for them to harness the power of SEO for their website to increase their revenue. Since so many users search for lawyers in their area, it would be crazy for these businesses to not make the most of this!

2) Property

Another industry that can benefit from local SEO is the property sector (both residential and commercial).

This is because many users on Google are searching for homes and offices to rent or buy in their local area. 

For example, if a business owner wishes to move to a new office space in Manchester city centre, they will likely search for ‘office space central Manchester’. Searching this will provide thousands of office options to choose from in search results, provided by commercial property agents.

Property search results

As with law firms, this same target market will also use Google Maps to see what commercial property agents are available in the local area.

Real Estate Google Maps

Of all the industries in this list, there is an argument that property agencies can benefit from local SEO the most. The high volume of users searching for local homes, office spaces and other types of property in geographical areas means it is essential for these websites to cater to the locations in their content and overall SEO strategy to set themselves apart from their online competition.

Ensure you are targeting each location with the most searched-for property keywords on your website for your geographical locations, and also consider the competitiveness of these keywords. Less competition on a keyword means it will be easier to rank for it.

Tools such as SEMRush and Ahrefs are great for conducting long-tail and local keyword research. Find your keywords, and begin to tailor your content around them.

3) Pet stores & services

If you have a fluffy companion at home that needs food, medical care or grooming, you will likely search for relevant pet services in your local area on Google. That is why pet stores and services must capitalise on local SEO to ensure they attract the online market in their geographical area.

If you own a pet store, an ideal place to start with local SEO is Google Business Profile. It is a fast-track way to get your business’s location to appear in Google Maps.

From here, you can increase your local visibility which can increase footfall, phone calls and enquiries from people in the vicinity of your business.

Another tip for pet websites is to optimise your content for relevant long-tail keywords such as ‘best dog leads for anxious puppies’. This can increase traffic to your landing pages as more users now use voice search on mobile devices to find what they are looking for.

4) Bars & restaurants

Once again, local SEO is at the forefront of another industry. Across the country, bars, pubs and restaurants greatly benefit from local targeting online.

Local SEO is critical for this industry because of the heavy usage of Google Maps by potential customers to find a suitable location for the food or drink they want. For example, a user may search for:

  • Sushi restaurant near me
  • Indian restaurant Manchester city centre
  • Pizza place near me that delivers

Indian restaurants in Manchester city centre

Once again, ensuring your website for location-based keywords and pages is the most important place to start. If your business appears at the top of Google for these search results, you are already on your way to beating your competition.

Also, you need to ensure that your business is registered on Google Business Profile. We have provided a guide further down this blog on how to claim your business listing if you are unsure.

By taking this step, you’ll not only establish your business presence on Google Maps but also empower customers with the ability to leave reviews, enhancing the credibility of your food and services.

5) Dental Practices

When you have throbbing tooth pain that will not go away, what’s the first thing you do? After rubbing whiskey on your gums, you would search for ‘dental practice near me’ in a search engine.

As previously mentioned, optimise your Google Business Profile page to ensure your dental practice appears in Google Maps, and make sure your website’s content optimises long-tail geographical keywords such as ‘dental practice in Manchester’.

But what else can you do if you want your dental practice to appear above other competitors in your local area?

There are some other important elements to focus on for your website’s content, such as:

  • Add your dental practice’s location and service area on your website.
  • Ensure you are creating high-quality, authoritative content utilising relevant keywords.
  • Make your website easy to navigate by including plenty of menubar categories, subcategories, and internal links using target keywords as anchor text.
  • Build your website to be mobile-friendly, and make sure it loads fast.
  • Optimise your website for voice search by using long-tail keywords, e.g. ‘teeth whitening in Manchester’. 

Also make sure your dental practice appears in local directories, such as the business directory on your local newspaper’s website.

6) Golf courses & driving ranges

Now stay with us on this one.

While it may appear different from the other industries we’ve covered, local golf courses and driving ranges actually hold huge SEO potential – a largely untapped resource that many of them have yet to capitalise on fully.

For example, if you are running an SEO campaign for a golf driving range, there are a lot of potential opportunities to attract more visitors via Google’s organic search results.

If the driving range offers lessons to beginners, you could optimise your website’s content for ‘beginner golf lessons near me’. It provides an opportunity for your website to rank high for this keyword in Google’s Map Pack featured snippet, and if your driving range offers online bookings, you can increase your online traffic and sales for golfing lessons.

Golf lessons near me results

This may sound like a quick win – but it can take time for Google to rank keywords on page 1 of search results.

Keep posting regular content to build topical authority whilst increasing backlinks from relevant websites and directories. Remember to ensure your website offers a fast, user-friendly experience to allow users to find your golf course or driving range easily and make a quick booking to practice their swing.

7) Mechanics & automotive services

Has your car got a flat tyre? Do you need an MOT or service at a garage near your house? These are all issues that you may want to find a resolution for on Google. 

And what better way to do that than to search for ‘tyre garage near me’, or ‘MOT service in Chester’. Searching for keywords that are related to your car issue and location will find you garages that are within your reach.

If you’re a mechanic, you are likely very busy and don’t have much time to focus on a full local SEO campaign for your website. That’s why it is best to ensure you add basic details on your website such as your garage’s address, phone number and an enquiry form that is easy to access on both desktop and mobile. 

Also, make sure you are ranking for local keywords. For example, you may name one of the website’s main landing pages in your menubar ‘MOT Service Chester’ if you are Chester-based or nearby.

8) Beauty and hairdressing

When you need a haircut and makeover, and if you’re new to town or visiting somewhere – what’s the first thing you do?

If you have just moved to the beautiful, historical city of Bath, and need your hair cut and styling, you will likely pull your phone out and search for ‘hair salons in Bath’.

It is important to make sure your website is ranking for local keywords, but you should also consider what users first see on your website if they are looking for a new hairdresser to pay a visit.

Promo codes online

Consider adding an offer for booking your first appointment online. If you have a discount code that users can apply when booking, this might be redeemed upon payment once you have your hair cut, washed and styled. It could attract more local customers to revisit your business in the future.

It will not only increase word of mouth for your business locally but can also increase conversions for local users landing on your website through local keyword searches on search engines.

If you own any of the above businesses and need some more tips to run an effective local SEO campaign, read on for more local SEO advice to help you fully optimise your businesses for local online traffic.

How to optimise a website for Local SEO

Fully optimise your Google Business Profile page

Realistically, this is where you should always start for any local SEO campaign. Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business) is fully supported and verified by the Google search engine itself, meaning it is a crucial tool for getting your business noticed online.

It is plain and simple – you MUST claim your listing on Google Business Profile to improve your business’s online presence locally. The good news is it is super easy to do this if you haven’t done it already.

First, type into your browser’s URL search bar.

Once you land on the page, enter the name of your business.

GBP listing claim page

If your business exists, you will be met with a page featuring a ‘Request Access’ button. All you need to do is click this, then fill in the access request form.

GBP request access

Once you have filled in the form, click ‘Submit’. The current profile owner will then receive an email requesting them to contact you about your request, and you will also receive a confirmation email.

If your business is NOT already registered on Google Business Profile, when you are on the ‘Find and manage your business’ page, you need to click ‘Add your business to Google’.

GBP creating listing

From here, you will need to fill in the step-by-step form where you fill in your business details such as the name, address, phone number and other important information. The phone number you entered will receive a 6-digit verification code that you need to enter to activate your listing.

Once you have claimed your listing, you need to fully optimise your Google Business Profile page. To do this, you need to:

  • Create and verify your page.
  • Add a phone number with a local area code.
  • Add your opening hours and make sure they are correct. 
  • Write a coherent and compelling business description.
  • Implement high-resolution photos that show off your business and services.
  • Regularly respond to reviews (good and bad).
  • Write and add relevant posts linking to your website’s blogs to engage users on Google.

If Google can see your business is authoritative, authentic and informative, you can increase your presence in Google’s search results and Google Maps alike.

Ensure your business’s NAP is consistent online

It needs to be easy for people and search engines to find your business, and one step towards this is setting up your NAP.

But what is NAP?

Simply put, NAP stands for ‘Name, Address, Phone number’ ​​and is pivotal in helping search engines understand and accurately list your business in local search results.

NAP contact form

Inconsistent NAP information can confuse search engines and potential customers, affecting your business’s online presence and reputation. So ensure you triple-check your business information across the web to save any issues.

Why does NAP consistency matter?

Search engines, especially Google, rely on accurate and consistent information to deliver relevant search results to users.

When there’s inconsistency in your business’s NAP information across various online platforms, directories, and websites, search engines can face difficulties in accurately discerning the essential details of your enterprise. It can result in your business being displayed incorrectly in local search results or, worse, not being displayed at all.

There are a few things you can do to ensure you maintain NAP consistency for your business:

  • Create a master record that stores all NAP information for your business.
  • Update your website with the correct NAP information.
  • Add your NAP details for your online directory and local citation listings.
  • Ensure your social media profiles contain the correct NAP details.
  • Implement ‘PostalAddress’ schema markup on your website to help search engines understand NAP.

Consistency is key with SEO, and your NAP info is no exception. So make sure you do everything you can to ensure your contact info is consistent across the web.

Optimise for voice search with long-tail keywords

Out of all the constantly changing trends in the SEO world, one that has gained significant momentum in recent years is voice search.

As voice-activated virtual assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa become more integrated into our daily lives, your website’s online presence for voice search can provide a competitive edge.

Long-tail keywords play a pivotal role in this optimisation strategy since they provide more specific phrases that people use when conducting searches online.

To make the most of this, you need to do your research. Optimise your website for long-tail keywords by:

  • Understanding the user intent – Voice search queries are often more conversational and question-oriented. Anticipate questions potential customers might ask about your business and services.
  • Focusing on the local context of your keyword research – Incorporate local identifiers in your long-tail keywords, such as city names, neighbourhoods, or landmarks. It helps connect your business to the local community. For example, try optimising your website for ‘Hair salon in Preston’ if you run a hairdressing business in Preston.
  • Using natural language – Long-tail keywords should mirror how people naturally speak. Consider how someone would ask a question verbally and incorporate that phrasing into your content.
  • Answering questions – Craft content that directly answers common questions related to your industry or business. You can research frequently asked questions in Google using tools like SEMRush or AlsoAsked. It increases the likelihood of your content featuring in voice search results.
  • Adding voice search on your website – Implement schema markup to provide structured data that search engines can easily understand. It can improve your chances of being selected as the voice search result.

Build local citations

If you want your business to be recognised locally, one of the best ways of doing this is by adding your NAP and website URL to local directories.

Adding listings on directory sites such as Yell, Yelp, and Foursquare can make your business more visible online, and it could lead to an increase in enquiries and sales if your contact details and website link are there.

Fly High Media Yell page

You can also look at adding your business information to local newspaper directories. For example, if you are based in Manchester, add your listing to the Manchester Evening News business directory to boost your local presence.

Other Local SEO methods you can implement

There are so many different angles to local SEO, but to make things easier, we have created a list of some other quick methods you can use to boost your business’s local presence:

  • Add your business info to your local Chamber of Commerce – This is one of the easiest backlinks you will ever get. In most cases, you do have to pay to join your local Chamber of Commerce. Nevertheless, it is still a place to get your business noticed by other business owners that can bolster your customer base and supply network.
  • Sponsor local charity events – Another backlinking method utilising local SEO. By registering your support for local charities and investing in their events, you can build a network for your business online and offline.
  • Embed Google Maps on your website – This makes it easier for users to see exactly where your business location is when visiting your website. To do this, all you need to do is:
    • Click on the burger bar in the top left to open the dropdown menu

Google Map share and embed tutorial

    • Click on ‘Share or embedded map’

Google map embed guide

    • Copy and paste the embedded code on your website’s contact, directions or about us page

What are the next steps for starting Local SEO?

If you follow our tips in this blog, you will go a long way to increasing your local and online presence, which can increase your business’s reputation and revenue. It is particularly relevant if your business is within one of the above industries.

For more help with a local SEO campaign, get in touch with our SEO team at Fly High Media.

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Online Toy Store SEO: Marketplace Analysis Wed, 16 Aug 2023 15:13:55 +0000

Online Toy Store SEO: Marketplace Analysis

toy store uk seo strategies

In recent years, parents and grandparents alike have been shopping online for presents for children rather than stepping foot into a toy store.

This may be down to the expense which is incurred by letting a child run loose in a shop piled high with toys of all types, or the convenience of getting toys delivered to your door in a matter of days!

This comparison will explore the leading UK toy stores that allow users to shop online, examining their organic traffic, keyword usage and landscapes.

For this comparison, we are taking a closer look at Smyths Toy Store, The Entertainer, Toys R Us, Toy Street and Hamleys.

Website Traffic Analysis 

online toy stores brand traffic

Notably, all of the stores except Hamleys and Toys R Us are focusing more on non-branded keywords. Why is this?

Toys R Us and Hamleys are well-known household names for toy shopping but represent different ends of the market. Hamleys is high-end and is also the world’s oldest toy store. On the other hand, Toys R Us represents the more affordable end of the market, where parents can purchase almost anything for their child from birth to their teens.
It is worth noting that Toys R Us has recently reopened some stores in the south of the UK after closing for an extended time.

Smyths, The Entertainer and Toy Street have similar amounts of website traffic from non-branded means. This gives them a significant advantage when users type into search engines queries such as ‘toddler interactive toys’ or ‘toys for a 4-year-old’. They are attracting new customers from non-branded keywords, having the upper hand when improving their user base.

When comparing the number of keywords the websites are ranking for, this has a similar result.

total keywords online toy stores

I thought Toy Street would have ranked for more keywords, given that 82% of their traffic is non-branded. They must be doing something right, as they are currently ranking 2nd for ‘online toys’, one place behind The Entertainer.

Hamleys, however, I am not surprised by. Millions and people know this world-renowned company can also visit the huge store in the centre of London.

Website Visibility

To compare the online toy stores’ keyword rankings, the bar chart below helps you understand where they place in search results.

online toy stores keyword positions

As you can see, Smyths is miles ahead of the other online toy stores when ranking between position 1 and 100 in Google. They have successfully optimised their SEO strategy for both popular and niche keywords, giving way to numerous keywords ranking in search engine results pages.

To our surprise, Hamleys is lacking in positioning for keywords. The main bulk of their keywords are positioned between 21-50 in SERPs. This isn’t good as users don’t tend to go past page 2 in search results.

But how does this correspond to their online traffic share?

online toy stores seo traffic share

The pie chart above shows each online toy store’s traffic share. The results go hand in hand with the keyword positioning, with Smyths again leading the way and taking most of the traffic.

Due to the immense footfall with Hamleys have to their historic and landmark store in London, it seems like they don’t rely too much on online traffic due to their share only being 2%.

Toy Street and Toys R U resulted in a 1% organic traffic share.

Backlink Analysis

One of the biggest factors in organic search rankings is backlinks. The number of backlinks is important, but not as much as the quality of the source.

The higher the quality of a backlink, the more trust signals that point to your website. This lets search engines know that your content is valuable and trustworthy, improving search rankings.

See below the number of referring domains from the online toy stores we compare.

number of referring domains online uk toy stores

It’s no surprise that Toy Street is the lesser-known online-only brand with the least referring domains. If only a handful of users know about your website, how will they link to specific pages in their content?

With Hamleys leading the way with the number of referring domains, they seem to have the most valuable content on their website. It also helps that they are the most well-known around the world.

Below you can see the domain authorities of the referring domains of each online toy store.

referring domain authority online uk toy stores

When reviewing the number of high-quality links, there don’t seem to be many across the board.

Hamleys carries the most low-quality links, but they are the most well-known.

Smyths holds the top position for the number of high-quality backlinks, improving their organic rankings and trust signals.

Let’s take a closer look at the number of backlinks each online toy store has accumulated over the past 12 months.

number of backlinks online uk toy stores

What stands out is The Entertainer’s rapid backlink increase during Jan and Feb 2023.

Each store has maintained a steady increase in its backlink total, which is a good SEO strategy to have.

The main competition is between Smyths, The Entertainer and Hamleys, fighting for the backlink crown.

Analysis Round-Up

To conclude this online toy store comparison, we have discovered valuable insights into how each player in this sector utilises SEO to their advantage, with some relying on it more than others.

The significant importance of utilising non-branded traffic is apparent for the companies that are online only, like Toy Street. However, seeing how little non-branded traffic a large department store like Hamleys was attracting was interesting.

Smyths are the landslide winner regarding keyword positioning and their online traffic share. With over 4,000 keywords in the top 3, it shows they’ve made a big effort with their SEO strategy.

The Entertainer has more referring domains overall, but most have low domain authorities. The difference is apparent when compared to Smyths, who have fewer overall referring domains. Smyths have more high-quality domains linking to them than any other brand in this comparison, which means that they could be working with bloggers.

By utilising SEO effectively, online toy stores can improve their organic traffic and create a strong, reputable brand website they want to link to.

In this crowded sector, staying ahead with up-to-date SEO tactics is important to sustain business growth and success.

At Fly High Media, we have extensive experience working with online stores to generate more sales and increase organic traffic. Get in touch today!

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What Are The Black Friday 2022 Statistics? Tue, 06 Dec 2022 11:08:00 +0000

What Are The Black Friday 2022 Statistics?

Black Friday 2022 sales are continuing, but as most of you probably know, the peak of Black Friday sales was on 25th November. So, we researched how the event played out this year, comparing the statistics of 2022 to those of previous years. 

For various reasons, Black Friday 2022 was predicted to be a tumultuous event. This was due to Covid-19 restrictions having eased, meaning more people were able and willing to go out and shop. 

However, with rising inflation impacting the UK, it was difficult to gauge whether people would have any disposable income for Black Friday, or if they would be more inclined to seek a Black Friday bargain to save money over the Christmas period.

Before we reveal the statistics of Black Friday 2022 we would like to delve into where Black Friday derived from and why.

What is Black Friday?

The UK only became familiar with Black Friday after Amazon introduced Black Friday sales to the country in 2010. However, the public did not thoroughly embrace Black Friday until ASDA took part in the event in 2013. The years that followed showed more and more retailers getting involved, helping Black Friday to grow bigger in the UK.

But where does the term ‘Black Friday’ come from? Well, there are many theories.

Some people believe the term refers to when businesses were ‘in the red’, operating at a financial loss until the day after Thanksgiving, at which point the huge sales would put them back ‘in the black’. The idea behind this term was spread by retailers during the 1980s in the hope that it would boost their sales. Now, it has evolved into the big shopping event we know today. 

However, the term ‘Black Friday’ was not always synonymous with shopping. For example, it was used by the Philadelphia police in the 1960s. They are believed to have used the term to describe the day that tourists flocked to the city to do their holiday shopping, creating bedlam on the streets.

Also around this time, factory managers are said to have referred to the day after Thanksgiving as Black Friday since it was the day a lot of their workers would phone in sick.

To conclude on the history of Black Friday, it is most likely that the familiar term was coined even further back than the 1960s, but because it has been used to reference many occurrences it is difficult to accurately pinpoint its origin. 

In recent years, the ‘from red to black’ theory is one that shoppers can relate to since bagging a bargain in the Black Friday sales can help to put everyone ‘back in the black’. 

Black Friday 2022

Although many predicted that this year’s Black Friday would not be as successful as previous ones, it turned out to be the biggest day for online sales with many retailers receiving record-breaking revenue.

We have gathered together some of the key Black Friday statistics of 2022 and we have provided further insight into each one later in this blog.

Black Friday 2022 Shopping Habits 

Infographic showing the Black Friday statistics for 2022.

People are continuously changing the way they shop, so businesses need to evolve with their customers to ensure they are consistently delivering as well as keeping up with their competitors. 

A particular area that businesses should focus on in a buyer’s shopping journey is how their customers are shopping, such as recognising what devices they are using.

Most-Used Device To Shop On

The number of people who shop online is continuing to grow, which may be why Black Friday remains such a successful event, even since Covid-19.  

In 2020, there were 400 million online sessions of which 74.17% were mobile sessions. The figures were similar in 2021 with mobile sessions being at 73.84%.

This year, although online sessions were lower overall, mobile sessions increased to 78%.

With the above figures in mind, retailers should endeavour to optimise their websites for mobile devices to help improve the user journey and user experience (UX). 

For example, if you own an e-commerce business, you should try to use a responsive design for your website to ensure it is rendered appropriately, according to the various screen resolutions and sizes that your audience may be using. 

A Web Design & Development service offered by a digital marketing agency, such as Fly High Media, can help to optimise your website.

Black Friday Peak Shopping Time

On Black Friday 2022, online sessions in the UK peaked between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., which was very much the same as the peak time in 2021. 

This year, the online sessions began to climb from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., after which they began to drop, particularly in the afternoon.  

As mentioned, the amount of people who shop on mobile devices is increasing, allowing them to easily make their online purchases during short sessions in the middle of the working day, such as on their lunch breaks. 

With this in mind, businesses need to recognise the peak time they can reach their target audience to help them effectively optimise engagement. 


Graph showing the footfall increase in stores.

Although e-commerce sales are continuously growing, this has not made much of a negative impact on offline sales. 

On Black Friday 2022, there was still a 9.3% increase in UK shoppers at retail parks, shopping centres, and on the high streets. 

Compared to Black Friday 2021, footfall in retail parks rose by 7.1% and shopping centres rose by 16.8%. The footfall on the high streets rose by 11.3%.

Black Friday Online Spending 2022

In 2016, UK customers spent a total of £7.28 billion over the Black Friday weekend, of which £2.79 billion came from e-commerce sales.

In 2021, online spending was even higher at £5.74 billion, with total spending coming to £9.42 billion.

Pie chart showing the value of spending over Black Friday.

So, with the cost of living rising, we were interested to see the total value of revenue that was generated over Black Friday 2022.

Average Online Order Value

As already mentioned, Black Friday 2022 saw a small dip in online sessions compared to previous years; however, the online sales value did slightly increase.

This year, people who made Black Friday purchases online spent, on average, £125.43, which was a £17.33 increase compared to 2021. The increase is an indication that people are spending more individually per online session.

Total Online Sales

On Black Friday 2022, people from around the world spent over $40 billion online.

This higher-than-predicted figure could be due to items still being costly as a result of inflation, despite them being reduced. 

Alternatively, it could be high because people were bagging many bargains to save money and help them prepare for financially hard times ahead, which we are all likely to face in 2023.

Popular Products and Retailers on Black Friday 2022

Overall, home appliances and apparel were popular items that customers bought during the Black Friday sales. However, depending on the retailer and the location, the most popular Black Friday products did vary.

Record-Breaking Retailer

First of all, Boots had a record-breaking Black Friday. The retailer’s online sales had an increase of 18% compared to last year’s Black Friday online sales. 

Furthermore, their in-store sales improved over Black Friday 2022, with a 17% increase compared to in-store sales last year.

The health and beauty retailer had over 18,000 products discounted for Black Friday. Some of Boots’ best sellers include the Benefit Star Gift set, its No7 Ultimate Beauty Calendar, and the No7 Beauty Collection. 

Most-Sold Black Friday Products

John Lewis had thousands of products discounted for Black Friday, and some of its top sellers included Apple Airpods, iPads, and TVs. 

On Amazon, the best-selling categories were Home, Fashion, Toys, Beauty, and Amazon devices. Amazon’s best-selling items in the US were the Echo Dot, Fire TV Stick, and Apple AirPods, which aren’t dissimilar to John Lewis’s top sellers 

Online Search Trends For Black Friday


Overall, it was a successful Black Friday for many retailers, despite, or maybe due to, the rising cost of living.

However, as the keywords that people type into search engines suggest, the amount of people who actively searched online for Black Friday deals in 2022 has reduced compared to last year.

Table showing the number of people who types in Black Friday keywords.

What does this mean for retailers?

Primarily, the drop in online search volume means that retailers who wish to increase their e-commerce sales during Black Friday next year, must identify how their desired customers are shopping, and begin to implement changes to evolve with them and their shopping habits, ready for 2023.

Specifically, retailers should optimise their website to ensure it works effectively across all devices and it includes content that is valuable and relevant to their desired audience. 

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is important for any business to develop a good online presence. If you own a business and wish to improve your online revenue, then consider getting in touch with Fly High Media. We can boost your online presence through services, such as SEO and Pay-Per-Click advertising

Contact us today to find out more!

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