Off-Page Optimisation – Fly High Media Mon, 24 Jul 2023 21:21:15 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 The Anatomy of the Perfect Backlink Thu, 11 May 2023 12:00:00 +0000

The Anatomy of the Perfect Backlink

Backlink anatomy

There are many components to look out for when prospecting a good and valuable backlink to your website. The right links can help you boost your rankings, and increase traffic and revenue.

In this article, you will learn all about what makes the perfect backlink!

What is Domain Authority?

You will probably hear the term “Domain Authority” or “DA”. Typically, people judge websites based on their DA. However, this is a third party metric made by the SEO tool, Moz. Google does not take into consideration your DA, there are correlations between a good DA and a high-performing website, but Google doesn’t look at it.

The metric is made up by taking into account the quality and relevancy of the content, quality and quantity of inbound links, domain age and more. Similar to the way Google scores your site, however, Google’s algorithms are much more advanced.


The links that you are looking for should be highly relevant to your niche. The link needs to appear as natural as possible.

A website accepting a link from a site outside of its niche is often a sign of a PBN (private blog network), which is a website built solely to build links. These are sometimes seen as dishonourable in the eyes of a search engine. You will want to thoroughly check through the contents of the website’s articles to see the standard of the written content.

Overall, a contextual backlink can add value to a website and boost its credibility in the eyes of Google. In contrast, if a link is irrelevant and non-contextual, Google may label it as spammy. This could harm the credibility and authority of both the linked-to and linked-from sites.

Search Traffic

An indicator of a quality website is looking to see how much organic traffic the site is getting. You can use tools such as aHrefs or Semrush to check this. It can also be valuable to look at the keywords that the site is ranking for to get a true feel for the website and how they appear to search engines.

Anchor Text

It is critical that anchor text appears as naturally as possible within a backlink. You don’t want it to stick out like a sore thumb. Make it appear as if it is just part of a sentence for example in a guest post, you wouldn’t just mention “Accountant services Chesteryou would include something more subtle such as Accountancy services in Chester”.

Top tip: use different variations of the anchor text, for example: “ iPhone cases”, “cases for iPhones”, “iPhone 14 Pro Max case”. Avoid using the exact same anchor text each time. 

Overall, when it comes to building links, always remember: Quality over Quantity. 

One natural, high-quality backlink from an authoritative and trustworthy website will benefit you much more than five links from a PBN or low-authority website. 

The process is generally longer and harder to find the “perfect” link, but when your website’s search traffic and domain authority grows, you’ll be thankful you didn’t fall into the trap of unnatural, lazy link building. 

Contact Fly High Media today, we will help businesses like yours consistently grow online through link building.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is generally recommended to focus on pages that are informative, useful, and relevant to your target audience. This can include your homepage, product or service pages, blog posts or articles, resource pages, infographics or other visual content. By building backlinks to these pages, you can increase their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and establish your website as a source of authoritative and useful information.

There is no set number of backlinks that you need to have for your website. The number of backlinks you need depends on various factors, such as the competitiveness of your industry or niche, the quality of the backlinks you are able to acquire, and the goals of your SEO strategy. Generally speaking, it’s more important to focus on building high-quality backlinks from authoritative and relevant websites than to focus on acquiring a specific number of backlinks.

These are some of the effective ways to generate backlinks to your website including: creating high-quality content, conducting original research, guest posting on other websites, reaching out to influencers or website owners, participating in online communities, promoting content on social media, building relationships, creating and promoting infographics, submitting your website to directories, and using broken link building.

Dofollow links allow search engines to follow them to reach the linked website and pass on link authority and SEO value to the linked site. They are the standard type of link and are used for most links on a website.

Nofollow links, on the other hand, include a “nofollow” attribute in their HTML code, which instructs search engines not to follow the link to the linked website. As a result, no SEO value is passed on to the linked site. Nofollow links are often used for user-generated content, paid advertisements, and untrusted links.

The impact of backlinks on a website’s SEO can vary based on various factors. In general, it can take several weeks or even months for the impact of new backlinks to be reflected in search engine rankings. 

Factors that can affect the speed at which backlinks impact SEO include the authority and relevance of the linking website, the quality of the backlink, the frequency of search engine crawls, and the competitiveness of the keywords being targeted.

It’s important to note that building backlinks is not a one-time activity but an ongoing process. It takes time and effort to acquire high-quality and relevant backlinks, and the impact of these backlinks on SEO will depend on the overall quality and relevance of your website.

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How to Develop a Broken Link-Building Strategy Mon, 02 Aug 2021 17:13:00 +0000

How to Develop a Broken Link-Building Strategy

how to develop a broken link-building strategy

Developing a successful link building strategy takes time, and there are a lot of methods to consider. One of the first methods that should be considered is broken link-building.

If conducted correctly, this can significantly increase your website’s authority and in turn increase organic traffic to your site.

In the past, Google ranked websites based on the volume of inbound links it had from other external websites. However, since Google’s 2012 Penguin algorithm update, this has changed, and now the quality of the link matters far more than the quantity of links. That is why it is important to be selective about which sites you target for broken link building.

In this article, I will provide you with a step-by-step guide on why broken link building is so important, and how to go about successfully achieving links to your site by using this effective SEO strategy.

Why Consider Broken Link Building?

This method carries significant SEO value and if done correctly, it can increase your website’s authority and in turn grow your online presence. When you fix a broken link, you are gaining a link from a page that has already hopefully been indexed and “seasoned” a little, which may include ranking for some key terms and have some page authority.

If a website has broken external links, it can harm the site’s SEO. This is a key point you need to get across to webmasters when pitching to fix broken links. If a webmaster leaves a broken external link on their website, then this is bad for their own site.

To successfully build broken links to your site, there is a process that you need to follow. You must make a plan before executing your strategy if you want to achieve your SEO goals. One of the main goals of generating links using this strategy is contextual relevance. This means that the sites that you are aiming to build links from are as relevant to your website and business as possible. For instance, if you own an online pet store, you would not aim to generate links from an online office furniture trade magazine.

Use SEO Tools to Find Broken Links and Reclaim Them for Your Site

There could be many reasons for a broken link, such as the specific page the link is connected to no longer exists, or there is an issue with the server hosting the site.

The best way to find out if you have broken external links is to use an SEO tool such as SEMRush, Ahrefs or Moz. They all come with site audit tools that allow you to investigate what issues you have with your website, including broken links.

To make the process clear, I will demonstrate how to use SEMRush’s Backlink Audit tool. This is a quick and easy way to find what broken links your site has on external pages, which will help you to begin structuring an efficient broken link strategy:

1. Open the Backlink Audit in SEMRush

SEMRush is a fantastic way of finding broken links. To do this, you will need to navigate to the Backlink Audit tool on SEMRush’s dashboard menu, located on the left-hand side.

semrush backlink audit

2. Open the ‘Lost & Found’ Section

From here, you will want to click on the ‘Lost & Found’ section which will give you three different types of links to your site – New, Broken and Lost. You will want to untick ‘New’ and ‘Lost’ and only select the ‘Broken’ tickbox.

Selecting this presents broken link data. This chart shows exactly how many broken external links your site has and the date that these links were disconnected.

semrush lost found backlinks

3. Click on the ‘Broken’ Tab to View Your Broken Links

Once the tab has been opened, you can locate where the broken links are, the anchor text and the server error attributed to the link e.g. 404, 403, 500 etc.

The list also provides the date of the most recent server status update, as well as the domain authority (AS) and the toxicity score of the site hosting the link.

broken link image 1536x742

You can also export the broken link list as a CSV file and open it in Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel as a spreadsheet.

How to Find Broken Link Opportunities From Your Competitors

SEMRush also has a fantastic tool for discovering broken link opportunities through your competitors. Using the Backlink Analytics tool, you can search a competitor’s domain and discover the external links that are broken, as well as the type of server error that’s causing it.

To do this, use the following step-by-step guide:

1. Search for Your Competitor

In SEMRush, click on the ‘Backlink Analytics’ section on the left-hand side of the dashboard. Once this has opened, enter your competitor’s URL in the search bar and click analyse.

semrush backlink analytics

2. Click on the ‘Indexed Pages’ Section

Once you are on the Backlink Analytics section of SEMRush, open ‘Indexed Pages’ to view all of the crawled external pages linking to your competitors’ website.

3. Tick the ‘Target URL error’ Box to View Broken Links

This section will initially open all results of the indexed external pages linking to the competitors’ site. Once you tick this checkbox, it will only show results for broken links, alongside the server error that’s caused the issue.

4.Click on the ‘Backlinks’ Column and Begin to Seize Broken Link Opportunities

You will want to click on one of the numerical figures under the ‘Backlinks’ column to open the page results for your chosen broken link. This will take you to a list of all the indexed pages that contain these links to the chosen site.

From here, you can target the pages that contain links back to the site. This section includes the page source, the number of links on the page to the website and the hyperlinked anchor text. These are all valuable resources to help you contact the webmaster and provide them with the correct information when trying to replace the links.

Another thing worth mentioning is you need to select pages that have a high Authority Score. The higher the domain authority that contains a link back to your site, the better SEO value it carries.

semrush backlink features 1536x625

You also want to ensure you target more “NoFollow” links, rather than “DoFollow”. NoFollow links carry less value, so you want to avoid these. To do this, click on the ‘Follow’ tab which will open all of the pages that contain ‘DoFollow’ links, which carries more value on Google.


You can also export the list as an Excel or CSV file and you can also open these in Google Docs. From here, you can open the Link Building Tool in SEMRush and import this list along with an outreach strategy that includes contacts of the webmasters for the pages that have broken link opportunities.

Use Chrome Extensions and WordPress Plugins

You can download Google Chrome extensions that can provide you with more information about broken links. Tools such as Check My Links are excellent for searching through websites and pinpointing any links that lead to an invalid page. To find broken links through Check My Links, all you need to do is install the Chrome extension and pin it to your Google taskbar. Once activated, you can see broken links that are highlighted in red on web pages.

Tip: You can also find broken internal links on your own website by using the Broken Link Checker plugin on WordPress. You will be able to find the number of broken links on your site, where they are located within your site, and also have the option to customise your notification settings by receiving emails when a broken link has been found.

Create an Outreach Strategy

There is one question you need to ask yourself before developing your broken link-building outreach strategy – How will I achieve my goals? That is the question you need to keep in mind. If you do, you will structure a coherent plan that will keep you engaged with relevant webmasters. As a result, this can increase your likelihood of replacing a broken link with an outgoing link to your site.

It is also important to ask yourself the following questions when structuring your outreach strategy:

If you implement an outreach strategy by asking yourself these important questions, you are well on your way to achieving a successful broken link-building campaign.

You will need to include the following information in your outreach strategy to help you execute your campaign:

Implementing Your Strategy and Contacting the Webmaster

Now that you have completed all of your research and structured an outreach strategy, you can begin to contact the webmasters of the sites you have identified in your audit.

The best thing you can do is to prepare a well-structured email template to send out to your targeted contacts.

You need to make sure that the webmaster is convinced from the beginning. These are the key things to consider when opening dialogue with your key contact:

If you structure an email by considering this strategy, then you are more likely to achieve your broken link-building goals.

A good example of a link building email would be the below:

Hello (webmaster’s name),

I was recently searching through some Digital Marketing websites for some reading material and I came across (webmaster’s URL). I love the website and the content on there is excellent. However, I couldn’t help but notice that there was a broken link on your site and I thought it was best to let you know about it.

The broken link can be located here – (page URL and anchor text)

I do happen to have a similar page on my website. Would you like to replace the link with the below page instead?

(your page URL)

Let me know if this works for you.

Kind regards,
James Lovick

Ultimately, there are dozens of ways you can do this, but more times than not the above approach will at least open dialogue with the webmaster. From here, you are one step closer to building a broken link back to your website.

Remember – Broken Link Building is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Search Engine Optimisation is never a short-term process. Most methods can take weeks and even months to take effect, and broken link building is no different.

Once you have launched your campaign and started to implement your broken link-building strategy, it is important to make sure you dedicate your time to this on a monthly basis.

It is also important to check your organic traffic on a weekly or monthly basis. This will be an indicator as to whether your link-building strategy is working or not based on your conversion rate.

If it’s been a month and you haven’t seen any big changes, remember – DO NOT PANIC! This will take time, and the more broken links you replace on external sites, the more organic traffic you will generate back to your website.

Need help with a broken link-building strategy to boost your website’s SEO? Get in touch with us today.

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Top 5 Ecommerce SEO Tips to Boost Sales Tue, 27 Oct 2020 14:11:00 +0000

Top 5 Ecommerce SEO Tips to Boost Sales

ecommerce tips to boost sales

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” You could be selling the best products imaginable, but if no one is seeing them, and you’re not getting sales, what is the point?

SEO is crucial for your ecommerce business. When done right, optimising your ecommerce store SEO will drive more traffic and convert visitors into paying customers. 

You must identify with your customers and use search-friendly content to target their needs. SEO makes sure your customers are getting the relevant information they need to ultimately attract and direct them to your product.

Why should you care about getting to the first page of Google anyway? Research tells us that while the top result on Google tends to have a click-through rate above 20%, the drop off is steep—falling below 1.5% for anything after the first page

Due to the current pandemic, we find ourselves in an ever-evolving digital world. Therefore, you’re not alone if you’re wondering how to get your ecommerce store out of a slump.

So where should you start?


1. SEO Audit

A technical audit is a useful tool to help catch errors that can be hurting your site and preventing customers from converting.

Many issues plague ecommerce sites from getting good visibility in the search result pages, such as: 

* Not having the correct redirect strategy in place once products are out of stock 

* Incorrect URL structures 

* Slow loading times

* Pages missing a meta description

* Duplicate content 

* Broken links

* Titles too long or short

* Low word count, and many more

Once you know the findings of your audit, you can begin to ‘fix’ any issues.


2. Keyword Research

Keywords impact almost every SEO related task, and without them, it’s impossible to optimise your product and category pages, site architecture, and URLs, for example.

In-depth keyword research is important because it impacts all optimisations moving forward. You need to rank for the right keywords – not just for any that will gain you traffic – but ones which will turn traffic into sales.

Using an analytics tool like SEMrush enables you to collect information such as average monthly search volumes, keyword fit, and high ranking keywords which can lead to conversions.

If you find that with some keywords you would be competing with much bigger companies in the market, you could look at longer-tail keywords to compete for.

Transactional keywords target those customers who are ready to buy, yet some customers are on your website to browse and are not ready to buy, so you also need to include keywords for that audience. The table below gives you an idea of how the keywords can change depending on the intent.

boosting ecommerce sales using keyword research

3. Consistent Content

The future of search is only getting smarter, meaning it’s imperative to ensure your content is relevant, helpful, and of high quality (while including those keywords!) 

Content Marketing and SEO must go hand-in-hand in order for you to stay relevant and be a trusted leader in your field. 

Every ecommerce store should be creating content, whether it be via written blogs, ebooks, video, or audio — content is king. 

The benefits of your content go way beyond higher search ranking. The conversion rate for websites with content marketing is nearly six times higher than websites without it. 

Some users are in the informational stage and want to find out more about the product before they buy it. When it comes to content marketing for ecommerce, first learn about your customer, then you can promote the solution to your customer’s problem(s).  

The frequency of your content is vital, as seen in a recent study outlining the impact that fewer blogs can have on your traffic: 

impact of monthly blogs on traffic

Image source

Content Marketing is an organic way to implement keywords and be optimised for search engines, which is vital when you learn that up to 80% of users ignore paid search results.

Top Tip: You can also update old content on your website to increase traffic and encourage sales.

4. Link Building

Google doesn’t just analyse your website’s content, it now looks at how many people have linked to your content, and further to that, it looks at the quality of the links.

The more reputable sources which link back to your content, the higher position you will rank on Google. 

A link building strategy enables you to not only build relationships with key influencers and establish your brand as a leader in your field but also to increase traffic and improve lead generation.

Using an online tool such as AHRefs, you can check another website’s authority and relevance and determine if it is a ‘high quality’ link worth pursuing. 

It should go without saying, but bad links are detrimental to your SEO success.

Link building techniques are in abundance. However, they can include:

* Blogger/influencer outreach – for example reaching out and asking for reviews of your products

* Content creation that’s shareable i.e. press releases, long-form blog how to’s, podcasts, and infographics

* Guest posting to sites of a similar nature

* Attendance at events, being shortlisted for awards, etc means your company link will feature on those websites

* Internal linking – providing your audience with further reading options within your content. To be optimised, your links must be relevant and use clear anchor text.

5. Website Optimisation

When you are evaluating your ecommerce SEO, it’s vital to implement a strategy to improve your website conversion rate

Users do up to 70% of their purchasing research online. It’s therefore essential to optimise your ecommerce store to help customers find what they need – and buy it from you.

Visitors who are led to your site must have a simple, user-friendly experience if they are to convert into customers. This means making any changes necessary to your product pages, URL structure, images, internal links, and so on.

A speedy loading time is also a big SEO ranking factor. What is your website loading time like?

how a slow website affects traffic

Image source

Did you know, according to a study by Socpub, average smartphone conversion rates are up 64% compared to the average desktop conversion rates? Therefore to compete and to increase your sales, your website should be fully optimised for mobile

To conclude…

SEO makes it easy for your target customers to locate you and ultimately buy from you – and it only grows stronger over time, leaving a lasting effect on any website.

Not only will it boost your sales, but the authority that SEO provides will generate brand awareness and maximise your potential influence within your industry, as well as ensure you build trusting relationships with your customers. 

Are you ready to invest in the SEO process for your ecommerce business but could still do with some help taking that step in the right direction?

Contact us to find out how Fly High Media can help you to define your ecommerce SEO goals, perform keyword research and a bespoke SEO audit, and deliver a measurable ecommerce SEO strategy to turn your traffic into sales.

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How To Get Your Ecommerce Store Out of a Slump Sat, 28 Mar 2020 14:56:00 +0000

How To Get Your Ecommerce Store Out of a Slump

ecommerce store in a slump

Coronavirus (COVID 19) is having a severe and adverse impact all over the world on the lives of millions of people.  Many countries are now in lockdown with people restricted to staying in their homes and high street shops forced to close.  Consequently, there is a real opportunity for businesses to grow their online business to a new and captive audience.

As many online stores cut back on their marketing budgets, now is a good time to go back to basics and grab some “quick SEO wins” for your website. It really will pay dividends to go through your website with a fine-tooth comb and fix both the on-page and technical aspects, so you can make the most of existing traffic and have the foundations laid to increase search engine rankings in the coming months. 

Here’s what you can do to get ahead of the curve.

1. Optimise ALT tags

This is often an overlooked tactic when looking to optimise and fine-tune ecommerce stores. Ensuring that you have good ALT tags for your products helps when trying to rank in image searches. ALT tags help give search engines better context/descriptions when they crawl your site 

Apart from a ranking perspective, ALT tags are needed to improve accessibility for the visually impaired. Screen readers, used by the visually impaired, are able to read the ALT text and help the reader better understand the image they are browsing.

2. Improve Click-Through-Rate (CTR)

If you are already ranking on the first page of Google or at the top of page two then to get more clicks, you need to make your title tags and meta descriptions more compelling. To get some inspiration, go to Google and search the term you rank for and look at the advertisers that are using Paid Search ads. These adverts have been vetted and rated by Google for quality, so will provide some very good examples.

improve ctr

Some of the best examples to include could be:

  • “Spend £40 for Free Next Day Shipping”
  • “Up to 80% off”
  • “Spring Sale”

3. Improve category pages

Make sure that you also include <h1> tags for the page titles. Having clear navigation on your category pages is a must, it needs to be as easy as possible for users to filter to the correct sizes/prices etc as they need.

This example by PracticalEcommerce shows the infrastructure of a quality product page.

category optimisation

When you are looking to improve and refine your body text, head to Google Search Console and see what keywords people are typing in to find your pages already.

Visit Google Search Console -> Performance -> Select category page -> Queries

This is the most accurate way to find out how people are finding your website. Take a look at terms that are getting high impressions and clicks and insert them around your body copy. 

If it makes sense, use the search phrase in title tags, meta descriptions, URLs. You may be trying to optimise for one keyword whereas in fact, users are more likely searching for another keyword spelt in a different way. 

4. Build contextual backlinks

I have seen ecommerce link building done very badly. The key is to build contextual backlinks to specific pages on your website, not just the homepage.

For instance, if you are looking to rank for “men’s tracksuits” when writing content in a guest post, for example, you would include the keyword as the anchor text link back to the “men’s tracksuits” category page, and so on so forth. 

5. Improve internal linking structure

First of all, be sure that you fix any broken links that you have on your website. You can do this by running your website through ScreamingFrog, if there are any 404 pages from old links such as old products then redirect these links to either an updated version of the product or the category page. 

Improving the infrastructure of your site by linking to other product pages on a category page helps with building the page authority. For example, on a “men’s tracksuit” landing page, you could include brand names within the body copy and use the brand’s name as the anchor text and link to that brand’s landing page.

6. Noindex appropriate pages

Although most ecommerce platforms perform this already, do make sure that search results pages, Cart and Checkout aren’t part of your sitemap.

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How to Create a Scalable Link Building Strategy Tue, 25 Jun 2019 13:07:00 +0000 Search engine optimisation and link building are fast-changing domains, favouring the flexible and the agile. Link building wasn’t as complicated as it is today. In the past, all you had to do was create a series of articles and submit them to web directories. In return, you received links.

This link building technique no longer works today.

So much has changed since then. Unlike before, content isn’t the only factor that affects search ranking. Google Search Quality Senior Strategist Andrey Lipattsev revealed three ranking signals in the search engine’s algorithm.

  1. BacklinksHigh-quality links pointing to your site
  1. ContentUnique, original, valuable, and engaging content
  1. RankBrainGoogle’s core algorithm with machine-learning capabilities

Knowing what link building techniques Google approves of is crucial to your efforts in building a scalable strategy. Here, you will learn how to improve your website’s search ranking without violating Google’s guidelines. There is so much to take in, but we have broken everything up in digestible chapters to make it easier to understand.

The anatomy of a perfect link

Before we delve into the importance of link building, you ought to understand how a link is created. In doing so, you will figure out how search engines see and interpret the links.

  • High-authority site – The higher the domain authority, the more valuable the link source. Unfortunately, getting a link from a high-authority source is easier said than done. You might want to target some low-authority sites first and work your way to the top.
  • Natural placement – Your link’s position within your content matters. For instance, links that are hidden away in sidebars and footers aren’t as valuable as the ones placed in the body of your content. To make the link placement seem more natural, add a few other links from outside sources.
  • Optimised anchor text – This bit of text is what users will see on a webpage. Often, it’s blue and underlined, which makes it easier for users to see that it’s a clickable link. Some over-optimize the anchor text by loading it with one or more keyword phrases. That is a black hat practice. If you want the text optimised, it must be relevant to the content of the page that’s being linked.
  • Contextual relevance – Your content must be relevant to the site that’s publishing it. The link itself should also add value to your piece. You can’t just mention your brand name. Your link must appear naturally in your content.

Google uses links to identify new web pages and determine how well they should rank on their results page. Aside from a web page’s content, Google also looks into the number of links pointing to that page from external websites. On top of that, they look into the quality of the external websites that are linking back to your content.

Why is link building important?

Increasing the number of high-quality links that are pointing to your website significantly improves your chances of ranking high on a search engine results page (SERP). Other than that, link building has less immediate yet noteworthy contributions to your business.

These are some of the advantages of a scalable link building strategy:

  • Building relationships with key influencers
  • Establishing your brand as an authoritative figure in your niche
  • Increase in traffic
  • Improved lead generation

Of course, not all links are made equal. To reap such benefits, you have to work on building high-quality links. Bad links are detrimental to your success. If you continue to build low-value links, your online efforts will suffer, and you might end up with a penalty.

Build linkable assets

Before you can build links, you need to create something of value that you can build links to. It can be your website’s homepage. However, it doesn’t have to be limited to that. There are several other linkable assets that you can use to create your link building campaign.

Find assets you’re interested in investing in. Here are a few examples:

  • Experts

 Interview professionals and industry leaders or encourage them to contribute original content to your website. These experts are a good source of valuable content, which can help you acquire strong links.


  • Events

 Awards, conferences, seminars, and the like naturally generate in-content links as well as press mentions, especially when these events are promoted on various social media channels. These assets can help you with your content-based link acquisition efforts.


  • Free resources

 Free stuff can help you drive a lot of traffic. If more people see your resources, you gain more opportunity to build quality links. Promoting high-value resources to high-quality websites, including .edu sites, should also improve your chances of being linked to.


  • Website features

From downloadable apps and forums to Q&A pages, your website features are valuable assets in your campaigns. You can ask influencers to leave experiential reviews, guest posts, and other forms of content to build links to these pages.


  • Visual content

Visual content such as images, infographics, diagrams, and charts are easy to link to. When you publish any of these visual assets on your site, you can build links every time someone shares them on their site.

The foundation of all link building campaigns is valuable content that’s worth linking to. Having low-value webpages won’t make your endeavours any easier. Thus, come up with content that’s worth sharing before working on your campaigns.

Money is an asset as well. Unlike the aforementioned assets, it’s mostly used for black hat methods. Buying links violates Google’s guidelines. If caught, violators will have to face penalties and loss of traffic, among others.

Common link building strategies

There are a bunch of ways that you can encourage others to link to you. Here are a few common methods you can try out:

  • Content creation

Creating unique and high-value assets such as free resources or visual content will entice people to share them with others or use them as reference. Publishing and promoting compelling content will also attract relevant web pages that are willing to give you a backlink.

  • Reviews

Influencer marketing is a trend that’s on the rise. If you want a high-value link, you can reach out to bloggers and other influencers with a relatively large social media following and ask them to review your products or services.

  • Links from partners and colleagues

Take note that the relevance of the web page that’s linking back to you matters. Knowing that you must target colleagues, influencers, and partners in the same niche. Their links will be more valuable than those from completely unrelated platforms.

It’s always best to focus on strategies that drive more business to your site. Using these three simple link building techniques, you can stay on brand, drive a highly targeted audience, and improve your SEO campaign.



Developing a link building strategy won’t be easy. There are no shortcuts. It might be tempting to take the easy way out, but the risks aren’t worth it. Instead of buying links and resorting to other black hat methods that Google doesn’t approve of, invest your energy in ethical link building strategies.

Reach out to high-authority sites that are relevant to your brand. Create valuable content that people want to share. More importantly, don’t be afraid to build a diverse backlink profile. SEO and link building are constantly changing, after all. You never know what updates Google has in store. One day, your approach could be devalued with a single update. To maximize your potential and mitigate risks, embrace multiple approaches.

Author Bio: Danielle Canstello is a part of the content marketing team at Pyramid Analytics. They provide enterprise-level analytics and business intelligence solutions. In her spare time, she writes around the web to spread her knowledge of marketing, business intelligence and analytics industries.

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On-Page SEO Tutorial (2019 Update) Mon, 17 Dec 2018 10:20:00 +0000

In the following on-page SEO tutorial, we will show you how to do On-Page SEO for your website step by step with examples to help with your Google ranking.

On-page SEO used to be very easy, you could just put the keywords on a page as many times as possible and it would rank higher.  People would argue over the exact amount of times you should place your keyword on the page.  That is not the case anymore since the algorithm updates – Google Humming Bird and Google Rankbrain.  There are now many factors that Google takes into account before indexing search results. We do not know them all exactly but we can take well-educated guesses about how to optimise content.

Because we believe our step-by-step, on-page SEO tutorial is the best, we have created a free downloadable checklist. Head to the bottom of the page to download it for free now!

What is On-Page SEO?

On-Page SEO is making sure that your website is in the best possible shape for when Google’s bots crawl it.  It is your chance to show Google how relevant you are, so they can make a fair judgement and provide the user with the best search results.

How can I do On-Page Optimisation?

You can do it yourself.  We always strongly recommend using the free plugin Yoast if your site is on WordPress.  If not then you can still access the backend of your site and make changes.  If you are unsure then Fly High Media can help you, or contact your developer!

What is the difference between On-Page and Off-Page Optimisation?

On-Page Optimisation is purely what you put on your website pages. This includes text, images, videos, titles, descriptions and more.  Off-Page SEO is what you do behind the scenes, see it as building up a profile and a reputation away from the website. Your Off-Page SEO is like being a town crier for your website, the more noise about your website through building backlinks and a social profile, the more your website will benefit.  Your On-Page SEO should shout your message to the world and your Off-Page SEO should shout about how good it is!

How to Improve Your On-Page SEO:

Step 1 – Relevant Keywords in Content (LSI Keywords)

When Google is looking at your website they want to see that you are talking about something of interest.  They want to see similar keywords as well as synonyms for the words that are in the search query.  For example, if you were talking about the film “Toy Story” then Google would expect to see words such as “Buzz Lightyear”, “Woody” or “Disney”. To find your LSI keywords simply type in the keyword you wish to target into Google and then scroll down to the bottom of the page to find similar keywords.

We want to rank for the phrase “weight loss”. We type that into Google and see what it brings back.

Use these suggestions in your content so that Google can recognise the general gist of what you are talking about and can reward your ranking accordingly.

Step 2 – Content-Length

According to a study of 1,000,000 search results, they found that the average piece of content on the first page of Google was 1,890 words. Longer content gives you more opportunities to include more LSI keywords.  It also lowers the bounce rate of your website, because visitors spend longer reading the content rather than just visiting your website and then bouncing straight off.

Include your keyword within the first 100 words of copy on the page.

Step 3 – URL Structure

Make sure that your URL contains your target keyword and is as short as possible. To make your URL as short as possible, change the permalink structure.  Do not have a URL that contains the date or the page ID number, make sure everything is controlled by you and contains your keyword.

In WordPress, go to Settings -> Permalinks

Then when you are writing a post, change the URL in the post under the main big title.

Step 4 – Title Tags and Meta Description Optimisation

Title Tags

Include the keyword that you wish to target and are writing content around in the title tag.  According to a study, websites had better Click Through Rates that had something in brackets straight after the initial title. Be sure to include your keyword in a <H1> tag somewhere in your content. Also, set out your subheadings in either <H2> or <H3> tags so that Google sees you have a well-structured webpage.

Meta Description

Make sure that your meta description is as descriptive as possible and explains exactly what your website is about whilst also placing your keywords and phrases in there naturally. You also want to say something that is likely to get engagement, if you have an offer or a free download then try to put that in there.  As mentioned before  Click Through Rate is a ranking factor, so be as persuasive as possible in the short space you have got.

Step 5 – Internal Linking

Within your content try to link to 2 or 3 other pages within your website. There are a number of benefits to using internal linking including; giving readers further reading options, improve your ranking for certain keywords and it helps Google to crawl the website.

However, be aware that when you have linked to a page, you need to keep the URL the same so you can browse between pages easily.  If there are any broken links then Google will see your website as incomplete and penalise your rankings.

Step 6 – External Linking

In blog articles again try to include around 2 or 3 links but this time to websites other than your own. This shows to Google that you have written a well-backed-up article using multiple sources. To the reader as well, it makes everything seem a lot more valuable as you have taken many different sources to produce your content.

Step 7 – Page Speed

A fast page load speed is possibly one of the best ways to improve the User Experience of the website, if users spend too long waiting for the page to load then they will be put off.  The website also needs to be mobile responsive, this is one of the very few factors that Google has released as part of their algorithm secrets. You can test your site responsiveness here and your site speed here

How to speed up your website:

  • Minify CSS/JavaScript and Enable Browser Caching

The easiest way to Minify CSS and JavaScript for a WordPress website is by using the plugin WP Fastest Cache.

Go to Plugins -> Add New -> Search for WP Fastest Cache

Select this plugin and click “Install Now

Then find the WP Fastest Cache Tab

Duplicate the following settings for the best results:

There are some more advanced settings in the premium section however, these settings can still make a positive difference to your website with this free plugin.

Disable images on Mobile Devices

If you can, disable some images for mobile devices so that they further increase the load speed.

Disable redundant plugins

If you have a large WordPress website that has been around for a while and you have plugins that you do not use anymore then disable them so that the page speed increases.

Upgrade your hosting

If you have done everything and your website has still not speeded up then it may down to your web host.  If you are paying £5 a month then you are unlikely to be getting the fastest hosting possible. At Fly High Media our hosting is not £5 a month but we do provide fast, secure and reliable web hosting that works really well with all different types of websites, especially WordPress built websites.

Step 8 – Use Multimedia

Use all different types of content to engage with your audience, it is a great way to keep users on your page and decrease bounce rate. Try video, pictures, diagrams or infographics to get people to stay on the page. The longer and more original your content the higher your page will be ranked in Google. So create your own content.

Step 9 – Optimise Images

ALT Tags

When uploading images add ALT Tags containing your keywords so that when Google scans your webpage it knows what you are talking about. If you mention “weight loss exercises” and “weight loss foods”, it knows that you are talking about weight loss.

Compress images

Use the WordPress Plugin which will keep your images the same resolution and quality, but will decrease the file size which will help the web page load quicker.

Step 10 – Social Sharing and Conversation

Encourage users to share your content on social media to their friends and followers, this is a chance for the content to go viral and get more traffic to your website.  Encourage people to take part in discussions and comment on your content, so they become part of your community.

Step 11 – (BONUS!) Make sure that you have Thumbnails that look good on social media

When you share an article on Facebook, sometimes links show up and they are not very attractive to look at when you first copy and paste the URL.

To change this, set a featured image from down the right-hand side of the website. Make the image 470px by 246px.

Then go down to the bottom of the post and add that same image to social sharing options on the Yoast panel.

Then update your post page, clear the cache and then head to Facebook developers page and debug your link. Copy and paste the URL and click “Debug”.

Need help with on-page SEO? Contact Fly High Media

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13 Steps to Get on the First Page of Google (Start Today) Wed, 03 Jan 2018 15:23:00 +0000

13 Steps to Get on the First Page of Google (Start Today)

13 Steps to Get on the First Page of Google

How do you get on the first page of Google?

As time goes by we are seeing a huge rise in artificial intelligence (AI) in all industries. Google amongst other search engines are becoming a lot savvier when it comes to crawling websites to determine search engine rankings. To get your brands website to show up on page 1 of Google it just used to be a case of filling other websites with backlinks to your website and sometimes even using some methods now considered Black Hat methods. Although backlinks are still important, the quality of these links are more important than ever.

Google is now reading websites more and more like humans every week. As marketers, it is our jobs to code, write copy and build websites that are built both for the user but also for the search engines.

Our job is also to keep up to date with regular algorithm changes that are set out to reward the most user-friendly and relevant websites and penalise websites that aren’t.

So why all of this talk about user experience? Very often the finer details get missed out when building a website. As marketers, we want to see the most conversions possible and the way this will be achieved is through a great experience. Think about walking through an Apple store, how great does it feel being surrounded by beautifully displayed products? It is very enticing, the same should apply to your websites. From there, Google will recognise what users are feeling about your website and reward you accordingly.

Here is a roundup of what you need to know if you are serious about improving your user experience and ultimately your conversion rate.

1. Use Multimedia

The key to a good conversion rate is engaging the audience quickly. Using video and images a great way to do this. Getting the audience hooked in with video and images also helps to decrease the bounce rate on your website. This is a factor for Google when they crawl your website, they prefer websites with lower bounce rates because they think that users are finding it more useful so will reward you. With using videos, it will significantly increase the average visit duration which again shows Google users are interested in your website.

Quick Tip: When adding images, you must remember to provide an ALT tag and fill in a title tag for the image. Include the keyword you wish to target.

2. Write REALLY Good Copy

Write for the consumer, not just to tick boxes in search engines. Admittedly you do need to tick some mandatory backend boxes but on the front end you need to think user first.

Clear headings

Make all the headings are clearly set out, make sure you use the correct header tags for each point you wish to make. This not only makes it easy for your website to be read by the user but Google can crawl it easier and make sense of it quicker.

Include your target keyword a couple of times in first 100 words

For the benefit of the user and search engine, reassure them what the article is about by using the keyword a couple of times in the first paragraph or so. Do not overuse keywords as you will be seen as a spammer. Use variations of the keyword for example “web design” or “website design” Google is smart enough to pick up you are talking about the same keyword.

Use paragraphs

Make it easy for the user to read. If the user sees large chunks of words, they are likely not to even bother reading anything and just leave the page straight away.

Bold important information

Some users may not have enough time to read everything so making important information bold can help out the user a lot.

Bullet point

Bullet points are a great way to give bitesize pieces of information to your audience, keeping them on the page for longer.

Similar Keywords

When optimising your website, use similar keywords in your copy throughout. Google will not like over repeated words but the use of other similes is good.

Use internal/external links

Links to other articles whether it is your own website or others. It shows that the article is a well-formed article. Internal links help Google to understand the structure of your website and external links are used to show Google that you have used different sources while writing. From a human point of view, internal links within articles are great to navigate to other service/product pages they may not already know about or can’t find. From a human point of view in regard to external links, they will understand through association you know what you are talking about.

3. Write an Attractive Meta Description

Click through rate in search engines is a factor to how well your website does in ranking positions. Write something well optimised for keywords yet compelling and something that is too good not to click on.

Our go-to plugin for writing Meta Descriptions or writing any content for our website we must run everything through YoastIt guides you to help you writing well-optimised content, it offers tips on your general SEO as well as your readability. 

Download Yoast here

4. Avoid Popups

Picture this, you land on a page after looking at several other pages on the internet and you just want to find some information. The meta description looked good so you clicked the link and are expecting to find exactly what you want. THEN a popup springs up and has a tiny X in the corner that you can’t find and the popup blocks your whole website. Don’t use restrictive popups like that. Give the user what they want to see and then more whether it is down the side of the page, in a banner or in the text. Just don’t be too disruptive to the user, you need to nurture them first instead of throwing something down their throat before you have added any value.

5. Improve your Story Telling

If you are telling a story throughout your website, users will feel compelled to read on and navigate around your website. Build a relationship and build it strong.

6. Utilise a Quality blog

Apart from a blog being a great way to bring in traffic, blogs should become the go-to source of information when it comes to certain topics. The more useful the content, the more return customers. The more return customers, the more likely users are to share content. In summary, creating high-quality content is time-consuming BUT long-term strategies do pay dividends. When you are starting don’t expect 1000s of hits to your website and new leads battering your door down. Think more along the lines of “the 20 people that read my blog every week, how many people will they tell in the future” focus on giving so much value that your audience will HAVE to share.

When you post a blog, post it to all of your social media accounts which will encourage article sharing. Even though it is not the most used platform, be sure to still post on Google Plus, it is owned by Google and they want you to post on their platform and are likely to reward you if you post on there. Just simply add it in when you schedule posts on Hootsuite or Buffer.

7. The Three-Click Test

As a rule of thumb users, after landing on your homepage should be able to get to their final destination in three clicks or less. The more clicks, the higher drop-off. Make navigation as minimal as possible.

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8. Responsive and Mobile Friendliness

It doesn’t matter what type of website you have, if you are not completely responsive to every screen size and device, you will be 1) penalised by Google 2) become a repellent for users on Google. No one wants to visit a website that can’t be viewed on the screen they are using.

Check to see if your website is responsive by using Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test.

9. Page Speed

This is another important ranking factor for showing up in search results. Slow websites will see a higher drop off rate if a user has to wait longer than a couple of seconds they are thinking of leaving the site – fact. There are things you can do to boost your sites speed such as:

  • Leveraging browser caching
  • Minifying CSS and JavaScript
  • Optimising images
  • Disabling plugins or deleting code that is not needed

Suggested Plugins:

Brower caching & minifying CSS and JavaScript – WP Fastest Cache

Optimising/Compressing images –

Use P3 Plugin Profiler to find which plugins are taking up too much space and disable them (if not in use)

Once you have followed these steps, test to see how fast your website is. It is good to do a before and after measurement to see how well your website has done. Use Google’s PageSpeed Insights for the best analytics to find out how well your website has performed. Google give you suggestions on how you can improve the speed of your website, follow what they recommend until you get your score in the high 70s+

10. Make Forms as Short as Possible

Make everything as simple as possible for the users. When trying to push the user for information whether it is personal information for an email newsletter list or through a checkout process, make it as streamlined as possible. Focus on getting the details you need and get the extras afterward. It will put off a lot of users if the form asks too many questions.

11. Use Attractive Calls to Action Buttons

Be different. Stand out. Make your call-to-action button like no one else has seen before, use bright colours, clever copy and make it a noticeable size. Repeat the call-to-action button so the user knows how to do what you want them to do. Just be cautious about overusing the call-to-action.

Learn how to write killer call to action buttons

12. Write Long Content

A survey conducted, stated that articles that ranked on the first page of Google tended to have 1,800+ words on them. The combined factors of all of the previously mentioned AND long content are a recipe for success. Google has a better chance, with more content to actually find out how relevant you are to search queries.

13. Check for Broken Links & Design Quality 404 pages 

Hopefully, you don’t have any broken links, but if you do make sure that you have a 404 page that has links to redirect the user to either the homepage or the sitemap. You want to do everything you can to stop the user dropping off.

Check for broken links with the plugin Broken Link Checker. 


Write, design and build your website with the user in mind first. Google is starting to crawl websites like humans would if they were robots. Spend the extra time with your website in testing and make sure all copy is written well.

Are you unsure or would like learn more about SEO? Read more of our SEO blogs

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