PPC – Fly High Media https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk Fri, 06 Oct 2023 15:43:51 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.2 How Data-Driven Decision-Making Through Analytics Creates Successful Results https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/data-driven-decisions-analytics-successful-results/ Fri, 06 Oct 2023 15:43:48 +0000 https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/?p=29961

How Data-Driven Decision-Making Through Analytics Creates Successful Results

data driven decision making-min

In digital marketing, success often relies on making data-driven decisions. Using analytics is intrinsic for businesses looking to stay ahead of the competition and maximise their ROI. With this in mind, understanding the significance and effectiveness of data and leveraging it for various opportunities.

Choosing the right data tools, tracking key metrics, and implementing data-driven strategies can significantly benefit your clients and enhance their performance with their marketing strategies.

Let’s look at the importance of data-driven decision-making in digital marketing and how to use analytics to drive client success; something here at Fly High Media we regularly put into practice!

The Significance of Data in Digital Marketing

data in decision making

Data is the foundation for effective marketing strategies. With the vast amount of information available, data-driven decision-making has become standard for successful campaigns.

It helps marketers understand customer behaviour and preferences, essential for creating personalised and targeted marketing messages.

Marketers can gain insights into how customers interact with their business online by analysing data from various sources such as website analytics, social media platforms, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

This includes information on the pages they visit, the products they browse, the time they spend on the website, and their purchasing patterns. This data allows businesses to tailor their approach to specific audiences, resulting in higher conversion rates and increased customer satisfaction.

Moreover, data-driven marketing strategies provide a competitive advantage. Analysing customer data can offer businesses insights into their competitors’ strengths and weaknesses. 

Companies that effectively use data to inform their marketing decisions can better understand their customers and outperform their competitors. Data can help optimise marketing campaigns and businesses identify which channels, messages, and offers are most effective in driving customer engagement and conversions. 

It allows marketers to allocate their resources accordingly, ensuring their marketing efforts create more influential campaigns that resonate with customers and yield the highest possible return on investment.

Choosing the right data tools and technologies is also critical for data-driven decision-making. With the right tools, marketers can collect and analyse data more efficiently, automate critical processes, and gain deeper insights into customer behaviour.

Ultimately, cultivating a culture of continuous improvement and optimisation is vital to success. By regularly analysing and refining campaigns based on data insights, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and achieve more significant results.

Key Metrics to Track

KPIs to track

To measure campaign success accurately, you must identify and track key metrics. Here are some essential metrics you should monitor for your clients.


Monitoring website traffic is essential for understanding the effectiveness of marketing efforts. You can gauge the reach and visibility of campaigns by analysing the number of visitors, unique visitors, and pageviews.

This metric helps identify which channels or campaigns drive the most traffic and can provide insights into user behaviour.


Tracking conversions allows marketers to measure how well a campaign achieves its desired actions. This success could include sign-ups, purchases, downloads, or similar actions that align with the campaign objective.

Marketers can identify improvement areas and optimise their conversion funnels by monitoring these rates.

Click-through Rate (CTR)

This metric measures the percentage of people who click on a specific link or ad after being exposed to it. A high CTR indicates that the campaign resonates with the target audience and drives engagement.

Return on Investment (ROI)

This is the financial return generated from an investment relative to its cost. Determining the ROI of digital marketing campaigns is crucial for evaluating their profitability and overall success.

Track the ROI of different campaigns or channels so you can allocate resources effectively and optimise strategies to maximise returns.

These key metrics provide valuable insights into marketing campaigns. Here are some examples of how tracking these metrics can lead to improved marketing strategies and outcomes for clients:

  • By analysing website traffic data, you can discover if a significant portion of a client’s traffic comes from social media channels. As a result, you can shift your focus and allocate more resources to social media marketing, resulting in increased brand awareness and higher conversion rates.
  • Tracking the CTR of email marketing campaigns can help you identify subject lines and content that resonates with your client’s target audience. By optimising email campaigns based on these insights, you can achieve higher open rates and click-through rates.

Please keep in mind this list of metrics is not a comprehensive one! 

Remember to determine what is crucial to your specific needs and requirements. 

The value of information will vary from company to company, so it is necessary to have open discussions regarding this. There is no universal report that everyone should follow, but it is essential to have some basic metrics as a starting point to build upon.

Tracking key metrics is crucial for determining campaign success and optimising digital marketing strategies. By identifying the right metrics and using data tools and technologies to measure them, you can make informed decisions and achieve more significant results in your digital marketing.

Tools and Technologies

tools and technologies

You must rely on various tools and technologies to effectively leverage data-driven decision-making. These tools provide invaluable insights into customer behaviour, campaign performance, and overall marketing effectiveness.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is undoubtedly one of the most popular analytics tools in the industry. It offers a comprehensive suite of features enabling marketers to track and analyse website traffic, user behaviour, conversions, and more. 

With its intuitive interface and robust reporting capabilities, Google Analytics provides crucial information about audience demographics, acquisition channels, and campaign performance. This tool enables marketers to make data-driven decisions by understanding what drives traffic, identifying conversion bottlenecks, and optimising marketing efforts accordingly.

Facebook Audience Insights

Facebook Audience Insights is fantastic for businesses with a well-established social media presence. It provides in-depth audience engagement, post reach, and user demographics analytics.

With Facebook Audience Insights, marketers can track the performance of their organic and paid content, identify the best times to post and understand the preferences and interests of their target audience. Marketers can use this to tailor their content strategy, optimise ad campaigns, and drive higher engagement and conversions on the platform.

Selecting the Right Tools

When choosing analytics tools for clients, it is essential to consider their specific needs and budgets. While Google Analytics and Facebook Audience Insights are widely used and offer robust features, other options are available.

Some tools, such as Sprout Social and Hootsuite, specialise in social media analytics. Others focus on email marketing analytics, like Mailchimp and Campaign Monitor.

By understanding each client’s unique requirements, marketers can recommend the most suitable tools that align with their goals, resources, and budgetary constraints.

Implementing Data-Driven Strategies

data driven strategies

Implementing data-driven strategies is crucial in using digital marketing analytics to optimise marketing efforts and drive better results. Here are the steps involved in implementing data-driven strategies:

1. Data Collection

The first step is to collect relevant data from multiple sources.

This will include data from websites, social media platforms, email marketing campaigns, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and more.

By gathering comprehensive data, you can gain valuable insights into customer behaviour, preferences, and engagement patterns.

2. Data Analysis

Once the data is collected, it must be analysed to identify meaningful patterns and trends. Here, you will utilise data analytics tools and techniques to uncover insights that can inform marketing strategies. 

Examining metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, customer demographics, and engagement levels can help you understand your client’s target audience and tailor your marketing messages accordingly.

3. Actionable Insights

After analysing the data, the next step is to extract actionable insights. These insights can help you make informed decisions about your marketing strategies. 

For example, if the data reveals that a particular marketing channel is driving more conversions, you can allocate more resources to that channel. 

Similarly, if the data shows that a specific segment of customers is more likely to respond to personalised offers, you can create targeted campaigns to engage with that segment.

4. Implementation and Optimisation

Once you identify the actionable insights, it’s time to implement data-driven strategies. This involves creating personalised and targeted marketing messages, optimising campaigns based on data insights, and continuously monitoring and measuring the results. 

By regularly analysing the performance of marketing campaigns and making data-driven adjustments, you can achieve better outcomes and maximise your return on investment.

Ensuring Client Alignment

To ensure that clients’ marketing efforts align with data insights, you can follow these tips:

  • Educate clients about the importance of data-driven marketing and the benefits it can bring to their business.
  • Communicate the insights from data analysis clearly and how they can optimise marketing strategies.
  • Collaborate closely with clients to develop data-driven marketing plans that align with their goals and objectives.
  • Regularly share reports and updates on campaign performance, highlighting the impact of data-driven strategies on critical metrics.

By implementing these strategies, you can encourage data-driven decision-making and help your clients achieve their digital marketing goals.

Overcoming Challenges and Pitfalls

overcoming data challenges

Using these strategies can be challenging. However, agencies, like ourselves at Fly High Media, can effectively incorporate data-driven decision-making by understanding and addressing common challenges.

Data Accuracy and Reliability

One of the primary difficulties in data-driven marketing is ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the data collected. Inaccurate, or incomplete, data can lead to flawed insights and misguided decision-making.

To overcome this challenge, you should implement robust data collection processes, including regular data audits and validation checks. Investing in reliable data tools and technologies that provide accurate and real-time data is also essential.

Privacy Concerns and Ethical Data Usage

Another significant challenge is the increasing concern around privacy and ethical data usage. With stringent regulations and rising consumer awareness, you must prioritise data privacy and ensure compliance with applicable laws. 

Implementation of transparent data collection practices, obtaining proper consent, and anonymising personal information are crucial in addressing these concerns. Adopting a privacy-first approach can build trust with clients and customers.

Data Integration and Fragmentation

Digital marketing agencies often encounter issues when integrating and analysing data from multiple sources. With information scattered across various platforms and tools, achieving a unified view can be difficult.

Invest in data integration solutions that can centralise data from different sources to overcome this obstacle. This solution ensures a thorough understanding of the customer journey and enables more effective targeting and personalisation.

Lack of Skills and Expertise

Implementing data-driven strategies requires a skilled and knowledgeable workforce. However, many agencies face a talent gap in data analytics and interpretation.

Promote training programmes and upskilling initiatives for your employees. Hiring data specialists or partnering with external experts can help fill the skills gap and ensure effective data-driven decision-making.

Resistance to Change

Resistance to change can hinder the successful implementation of data-driven strategies. Some team members may be reluctant to adopt new technologies or processes, leading to a slow and inefficient transition.

To overcome this, agencies should focus on change management strategies, including clear communication, stakeholder involvement, and showcasing the benefits of data-driven decision-making. By fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement, agencies can encourage their teams to embrace data-driven approaches.

While this marketing style offers immense opportunities, it still has challenges. By addressing the abovementioned issues, you can solve these difficulties and leverage data to drive success for your clients.

Remember, it is essential to prioritise ethical data usage and comply with regulations to maintain trust and credibility.

Continuous Improvement and Optimisation

continuous data improvement

Staying ahead of the curve in the marketing industry is crucial for success. To make the most of data-driven decision-making, agencies must embrace a culture of continuous improvement and optimisation.

This method involves ongoing monitoring and optimisation of marketing campaigns based on 9data insights, ensuring you constantly refine strategies to deliver maximum results.

One of the ways agencies can create a culture of continuous improvement is through experimentation and A/B testing.

By running controlled experiments, such as testing different ad creatives or landing page designs, agencies can gather valuable data on what works best for their clients. This iterative optimisation approach allows for fine-tuning and refinement, improving campaign performance in time.

The benefits of A/B testing and iterative optimisation are manifold. Firstly, it helps agencies identify the most effective strategies, allowing them to allocate resources more efficiently and optimise return on investment.

Secondly, it enables data-driven decision-making, as insights drawn from experiments guide future campaign decisions.

Lastly, it fosters a culture of innovation and learning, where agencies and clients work together to uncover new opportunities and stay ahead of the competition.

As we discussed earlier, agencies must use the right data tools and technologies – and this is critical when focusing on continuous improvement and having robust analytics platforms and tracking systems at your disposal for this.

These tools enable real-time monitoring of crucial metrics, facilitating prompt identification of underperforming areas and the implementation of timely optimisations.

By promoting continuous improvement and optimisation, agencies can maximise the impact of their client’s marketing efforts. This approach not only drives better results but also instils confidence in clients, knowing that their campaigns are constantly evolving and adapting to the ever-changing requirements of digital marketing.

By staying committed to continuous improvement, exceptional results can ultimately be achieved.

Data is paramount in digital marketing. By understanding the significance of data and the above strategies, agencies can implement effective data-driven practices to drive client success and cultivate continuous improvement and optimisation. 

For more support with digital marketing, contact Fly High Media today to request a consultation and see how we can support your business. Equally, follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter for more valuable information on maximising your revenue and generating leads online.

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An Introductory Guide to Local PPC https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/an-introductory-guide-to-local-ppc/ Fri, 29 Sep 2023 11:45:42 +0000 https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/?p=29874

An Introductory Guide to Local PPC

working on google ads

If your business wants to reach local customers, you’ll turn a lot of your attention to local SEO. You understand how beneficial this can be for growing your local presence, but you should split your focus between it and local PPC.

Most of you are already aware of the basics behind PPC. It stands for pay-per-click and refers to a method of digital advertising. Google Ads is typically used to display ads to online users, and you get charged when someone clicks on the ad.

Today, we’re taking this concept and applying it to local PPC for small businesses. We’ll explain the following:

  • How local PPC works
  • Why local PPC is crucial
  • How to create a local PPC strategy

How Local PPC Works

Local PPC follows the same underlying principle as normal PPC: your ads are shown, yet you only pay money when they’re clicked on. 

The fundamental difference is that local PPC focuses on customers within specific geographical locations. You target keywords and use geographical location data to ensure your ads are presented to the right people. 

For example, if your business is located in Manchester, you’ll be targeting local searches that include this location – e.g. best coffee shops in Manchester. At the same time, your ads will appear in searches for individuals who are currently sharing their location and are near your target area. 

Your local PPC ads will typically be present in three main search areas: 

  • Just above the organic results
  • At the top of the Google Map Pack (the small map shown when running local searches, usually highlighting a few local businesses)
  • Within Google Maps itself

Why Local PPC Is Crucial

Running a small business comes with many concerns, one of which is your inability to stand out from the crowd. You operate in a condensed environment with loads of other companies situated around you. Local PPC can help you gain the advantage you need, shining a massive light on your local business.

When you put together a local PPC strategy, you will see the following benefits:

Gain more brand awareness

The placement of local PPC Google Ads means they’re easily visible for all to see. As long as users don’t run an Ad Blocker, your ads will be the first things they notice. Even if this doesn’t lead to clicks right now, it still gets your name out there and boosts brand awareness.

Find your target market

A local ad will directly zero in on your target demographic. You ensure that the people in your local area know you exist and see your business as a valid option.

Less competition

With normal PPC or regular SEO, you’re competing with businesses across the country (and sometimes even the world). This means the adverts will be more expensive as more companies are competing for the same keywords. Local PPC differs in that you only compete with other local businesses. Nationwide companies are no longer an issue because they won’t bother spending money on ads for locations they don’t cater to. The decrease in competition makes your PPC budget go further while also increasing your chances of standing out.

Boost your conversions

Did you know that 78% of local searches lead to offline purchases? It’s a telling statistic that demonstrates the power of local search and local PPC. When a consumer conducts a local search, it usually means they’re already far down the customer journey. They know what they need, it’s just a case of finding where to get it. A well-placed local PPC ad can be all the help they need to figure out where to go. As a result, your conversion rate can skyrocket with a great strategy in place.

phone open on google maps on mobile

How To Create A Local PPC Strategy

Clearly, local PPC will provide some key benefits for your business. The next question is simple: how do you create a local PPC strategy? 

To start, you should already have a Google Ads account up and running. 

From here you can go into your dashboard and click on the Campaigns menu. There’s a big blue button to click that lets you Add A New Campaign. 

This will bring up a selection of Campaign options – we suggest choosing the Custom Campaign one as it then opens up a few other concepts. Here, you can click either the Search or Local options depending on your goals. If you want to drive traffic to your local business, then choose the latter. For clicks and leads via a website, opt for the former. 

After this, you will have the typical Google Ads Campaign dashboard that you may have already used for other non-local campaigns. There are some key things to keep in mind if you want your local strategy to work, which are:

  • Choosing a precise location – You need to be specific with your location as it ensures the right people find you. It will also mean you don’t get traffic from people outside of your target area. Remember, you pay per click, so you’ll waste money on untargeted leads if the location is too vague or large. 
  • Focusing on local keywords – When adding your keywords, make sure you focus on as many local elements as possible. Again, specific location information is key here, but also pay attention to the language used by locals. Conduct some keyword research to find specific phrases people may use in this particular area of the country. This helps you form your ads around the local dialogue.
  • Implement strong landing pages – You should always have a landing page for local ads, even if the aim is to get people to visit your physical location. Make the landing page reflect the ad copy. It should provide users with clear information that helps them make a decision. Ideally, the landing page should have your contact details and location information at the top for all to see. This helps people know how to get to you.

Many other elements go into crafting a local PPC strategy, but these tips will help you get off on the right foot. It’s a key aspect of digital marketing that helps your small business stand out and gain more traffic/customers. If you’d like to get the absolute most out of your local PPC campaigns, then we offer a free PPC audit to try. Our experts will analyse your current strategy and provide detailed guidance on where you can improve. Click on the link and fill in your details – we’ll get back to you ASAP.

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5 Considerations For Your Google Lead Generation Campaign https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/5-considerations-for-your-google-lead-generation-campaign/ Mon, 18 Sep 2023 08:35:48 +0000 https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/?p=29637

5 Considerations For Your Google Lead Generation Campaign

google lead generation considerations

Lead generation is one of the most important strategies a business can undertake to grow and survive the test of time.

In today’s digital age, generating leads by using search engine paid ads is a crucial aspect of any business.

Lead generation requires careful planning and research to create a well-thought-out road map to success. This is the process of attracting and converting users into potential customers by utilising marketing channels and strategies.

But, what considerations do you have to take into account before actioning a Google lead generation campaign?

Consideration 1: Understand Your Target Audience

understanding your target audience

The most crucial step when planning a Google lead generation campaign is defining and understanding your target audience.

Creating a segment in your target audience of who is most likely to convert or buy your products is important.

Put yourself in the shoes of your target audience and ask yourself these questions:

  • What are the demographics of my current customers?
  • What are my audience’s buying behaviours and habits?
  • What do my customers purchase the most?

From here, you can gather further insight into your target audience by carrying out market research, surveys and digital footprint analysis.

The deeper you go into researching your audience, the more you will understand about them. Moreover, this will help your Google lead generation campaign a success.

Consideration 2: Create Compelling Ad Copy

Ad copy in search engine results pages, like Google, should be compelling enough for users to click at their first opportunity.

You need to grab the user’s attention with engaging and relevant content that fails to get lost in the noise of competitors’ ads.

Below you can see an example of Fly High Media’s ad copy in search engine results paid ads.

fly high media ad copy example

We have used site extensions to our advantage by showcasing our two popular services – SEO and PPC, along with a link to our ‘Case Studies‘ for users to explore our previous work to gain confidence in our expertise.

In addition to this, our ad copy contains information about our services about the results the user can expect by working with us. E.g. ‘elevating your brand’, ‘getting noticed by the right audience’ and ‘generate leads’.

Convey your unique business proposition and what sets you apart from your competition. Why should users pick you over your competitors?

Does your lead generation campaign copy align with your target keywords? Google rewards highly relevant ad copy by assigning higher quality scores. This can lower advertising costs and improve your ad placement. However, failing to utilise your target keywords effectively can result in reduced click-through rates and a higher cost per click.

Also, a straight-to-the-point CTA can work wonders in a Google lead generation campaign. Tell your users the desired action you wish for them to take. For example, if you offer a service, tell your audience to contact you today to learn more!

Consideration 3: Choose The Correct Keywords

Selecting the correct keywords is the basic foundation of a successful lead generation campaign on Google.

Ensure your chosen keywords are related directly to the product or service you are offering to the user. If you use irrelevant keywords, this can cause your ad to be seen by the wrong audience, wasting your ad spend and generating low-quality leads.

Learn about the intent behind your keywords. Is your audience looking for more information, a comparison of products and services or are they ready to commit and make a purchase or enquiry?

what is ecommerce seo

For example, the keyword ‘what is ecommerce SEO has an informational intent as the user doesn’t know what this is and needs to learn more about it before enquiring. On the other hand, ‘ecommerce SEO’ has a commercial intent, meaning the user is ready to make a purchase.

For lead generation campaigns, you wouldn’t use an informational intent keyword. You are spending money each time a user clicks on your ad, so you want to generate as many leads as possible from that one campaign. Try to target commercial intent keywords to create a higher ROAS.

In addition to this, research into what your competitors are targeting. What ad copy are they creating for their users? Can you make your ad copy one better?

As important as targeting the right keywords is, utilising the negative keywords feature is equally as crucial. Negative keywords are the terms which are not relevant to your business. Choose which keywords you do not want to rank for, making your ad budget stretch further and filter our unwanted traffic.

Do you know the difference between keyword match types? Keyword match types decide how closely your target keyword needs to match with the user’s search query. The different match types are:

  • Broad Match: Ads may show on searches that relate to your chosen keyword.

The correct notation for inserting broad match keywords into ad copy is as normal.

  • Phrase Match: Ads may show on searches that include the meaning of your keyword.

The correct notation for inserting phrase-match keywords into ad copy is “keyword”.

  • Exact Match: Ads may show on searches that are the exact meaning of your keyword.

The correct notation for inserting exact match keywords into ad copy is [keyword].

Selecting the correct keywords for your lead generation campaign requires extensive research and ongoing optimisation.

Consideration 4: Design High-Quality Landing Pages

screens of all sizes

Your landing page is the first interaction a user has with your website when coming from a lead generation campaign.

A well-designed landing page can instantly convey professionalism and credibility, making visitors more likely to engage with your business and leave a point of contact.

Your landing page should align seamlessly with the message that is laid out in your ad copy. For example, if you mention ‘free delivery’ in your copy, make sure this is the main message on your landing page to convert the maximum amount of users.

With a large proportion of web traffic coming from a mobile source, your landing page must be optimised for mobile users. Having a responsive design can ensure your page functions correctly on screens of all sizes, catering to a broader audience and maximising your lead potential.

An effective landing page contains a clear CTA. Whether this be a contact form, downloading a resource or making a purchase, every lead is a win. You need to help guide your audience in the right direction and make the CTA obvious to them.

A slow loading speed of a landing page can deter potential leads from converting if they are not willing to wait until the whole page has finished loading. This can also affect your Quality Score.

Consideration 5: Implement Conversion Tracking Metrics

conversion tracking metrics

Tracking your conversion metrics is like a compass for your Google lead generation campaign, showing you which is the best direction to go in in terms of keywords and ad copy.

Conversion tracking allows you to measure how effective your campaign is at turning into clicks and high-quality leads. Without tracking these metrics, how will you know which ads work best and which needs improving?

If you implement conversion tracking, you will uncover an insight into which keywords, ads and audience segments are driving the most conversions. This enables you to hone in even further on your target audience, tailoring your campaign and making the best use of your ad budget.

Learning more about your target audience also helps you to understand the behaviour behind your leads. How long do they spend on your landing page before converting? Which pages have they visited? What actions did they take before converting?

To work out if your ad is worth spending money on once implemented compared to the revenue you will generate, you will need to calculate the return on investment (ROI). This information is essential to determine whether your campaign is getting the desired results and enables you to adjust your lead generation campaign accordingly.

Fly High Media can help you to devise successful Google lead generation campaigns. Contact us today for Google Ads help!


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Paid Media Executive Vacancy https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/paid-media-executive-job-vacancy/ https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/paid-media-executive-job-vacancy/#respond Mon, 12 Jun 2023 08:00:34 +0000 https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/?p=20205

Paid Media Executive Vacancy

Position: Paid Media Executive
Location: Hooton, Cheshire, CH66 7NZ
Salary: DOE
Contract: Full time, permanent
Hours: Mon – Fri 9am to 5:30 pm (some flexibility)

The Role

We are seeking to recruit a self-motivated individual with a positive attitude, looking to progress their career in PPC marketing. The ideal candidate will have at least two year’s previous experience in an agency as a PPC executive or similar PPC role.

The successful candidate will be responsible for determining the best strategy for achieving the marketing objectives and reporting to our clients in a timely manner, whilst adhering to our high-quality standards.

Key responsibilities:

Plan, optimise, implement and manage paid Google and Facebook ad campaigns for a variety of clients.

Ensure PPC campaigns are optimised according to the client brief and best practice guidelines.

Develop near and long-term paid search strategies and campaigns for clients.

Review potential new client proposals.

Manage small to large-sized PPC budgets.

Work with colleagues to ensure landing pages are effectively optimised for all PPC campaigns to ensure maximum ROI and conversion.

Perform keyword research and manage all bid management for your clients.

Ensure all paid search activity falls in line with the larger search marketing and digital marketing strategy.

Keep up to date with the latest industry trends.

Analyse activity and performance of all paid search campaigns and report as appropriate.

Help to define PPCs strategies for a host of clients.

Assist with Fly High Media’s own marketing as required.

Relevant skills and experience:

Minimum of 2 years of experience in a similar role (agency side).

Proven track record in driving successful Google and Facebook ad campaigns.

Strong working knowledge of Facebook Ads and all paid search platforms.

Google Ad certification essential.

Facebook Blueprint qualification desirable.

Strong attention to detail.

Passion for PPC and digital marketing.

Effective communication and reporting skills.

Strong track record in managing small to medium-sized budgets.

Strong numerical and analytical skills.

Good working knowledge of Google Analytics. 

Experience in other Paid Ad Platforms desirable (eg Bing, TikTok, Snapchat).

Effective account management skills.


– 28 days leave (including statutory bank holidays)

– An extra days’ leave for every year at FHM. (max 5 extra days)

– An extra day off on your birthday

– MacBook Pro

– Monthly personal development opportunities

– Free onsite car parking

– Train station within walking distance

– A casual dress code

– Free tea, coffee and cold drinks

– Social events

Why work for Fly High Media

We are a small, friendly, digital marketing agency with a huge ambition to grow over the next five years. We specialise in SEO, PPC, Facebook Ads and Social Media Management. We also provide client training on marketing techniques as well regularly publishing blogs and podcasts.

Our business philosophy is focussed around six key pillars:

Client focus – We are proud of our client focused approach and we always strive to do our best. We value the client relationship more than the deal.

Excellent service – We are committed to delivering an excellent service for our clients and building strong long-term relationships. We immerse ourselves in our client’s business so that we understand their marketing objectives and strategies.

Results driven – We are a results-driven digital marketing agency. We only put time, effort and resources into strategies that get the best results for our clients. We aim to deliver impressive returns for our clients.

Bespoke solutions – We work closely with our clients, analyse relevant data and then create original, bespoke and ethical solutions that are designed to increase visibility and generate revenue.

Trust and integrity – We build trust with clients by always being open, honest and transparent, and clearly explain what’s achievable.

Passionate – We are passionate about what we do and our client’s success.

How to apply

If you feel you have what it takes to make the most of this opportunity and become our Paid Media Executive, we want to hear from you. Please fill in the form below.

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Five KPIs to Track the Success of a PPC Campaign https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/five-kpis-to-track-the-success-of-a-ppc-campaign/ https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/five-kpis-to-track-the-success-of-a-ppc-campaign/#respond Fri, 02 Jun 2023 15:42:42 +0000 https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/?p=22393 Google Ads is a powerful tool that you can use to reach a larger audience and increase sales. However, understanding how your campaigns are performing, what’s working, and what isn’t, is critical to optimising the effectiveness of your marketing budget.

This article provides an overview of Google Ads key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics, strategies for tracking and analysing data, and ways to optimise your campaigns for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. I’ll cover conversion rate, average order value, click-through rate, enquiry to leads, ROAS, return on ad spend, and cost per conversion.

Key Performance Indicators

1) Conversion Rate

The first metric used to measure the success of a Google Ads campaign is the conversion rate. The conversion rate measures the number of unique visitors to a website who take a desired action, such as making a purchase or downloading an app. It is usually expressed as a percentage of the total number of unique visitors. The higher the conversion rate, the better the campaign performance.

2) Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The Click-Through Rate (CTR) is the percentage of people who click on an advertisement after seeing it. A high CTR indicates that the ad is interesting and engaging, and information can be used to help improve a campaign’s overall performance.

3) Average Order Value (AOV)

The average order value (AOV) measures the average amount spent by a customer during a single transaction. A high AOV indicates that customers are willing to spend more money on advertised products or services.

4) Enquiry to Leads

You can measure the number of enquiries converted into leads. The reason for tracking this metric is so you can determine which ads generate the most sales leads and tweak campaigns accordingly.

5) Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS)/Cost Per Conversion (CPC)

These are essential KPIs to track when analysing the performance of a Google Ads campaign. ROAS measures the revenue generated relative to the amount spent, which can help identify the most effective campaigns. Meanwhile, CPC calculates the cost per conversion and helps businesses prioritise their spending.

Tracking Strategies and Tools

The most effective way to collect and organise the data related to these metrics is to use a tracking tool, such as Google Analytics, to measure the performance of your campaigns. This platform can help you organise and analyse the data to identify improvement areas and make changes accordingly.

Implementing Strategies for Optimisation

Once the data collected from tracking Google Ads campaign performance is analysed, it is time to implement strategies designed to optimise results. This approach can be broken down into two parts: identifying where adjustments need to be made and then changing the campaigns to increase performance.

The most important metric to consider when analysing data is the Cost Per Conversion metric, which will play a significant role in deciding whether adjustments need to be made. If the Cost Per Conversion is too high, it may be necessary to make changes to reduce it. This can include altering bids on specific keywords, increasing the budget for campaigns that are performing well, and pausing campaigns that are not producing results.

Other metrics to consider when evaluating performance are Click Through Rate, Average Order Value, Return on Ad Spend, and Enquiry to Leads. These can provide essential insights regarding how users respond to campaigns and if further optimisation is needed. For instance, if the CTR is low, it could indicate that the ads need to be adjusted, while a high AOV indicates that campaigns are driving sales.

Once areas for improvement have been identified, changes can be made to increase performance. This could include changing ad copy, targeting different audiences, and utilising more sophisticated targeting options such as remarketing or lookalike audiences. Experimenting with other bids and budgets is also important to find the right balance between cost and performance.

By taking action based on the data collected through tracking KPIs and metrics related to Google Ads campaigns, it is possible to optimise campaign performance and maximise return on investment.


This article has outlined the importance of tracking key performance indicators and metrics related to Google Ads. We outlined each of the five metrics, focusing on their significance when measuring the performance of an ads campaign. We also examined the different tracking strategies and tools available to measure analytics and collect and organise data.

Finally, we explored various strategies for optimising campaign performance and adjusting and changing based on the data collected. You should now better understand how to track optimises to optimise ROI from a Google Ads campaign.

Want to work with a Google Partner?

Get in touch with Fly High Media today.

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Uncover the Potential of Digital Marketing for Subscription Businesses https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/digital-marketing-for-subscription-businesses/ https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/digital-marketing-for-subscription-businesses/#respond Wed, 03 May 2023 11:55:00 +0000 https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/?p=25625

Uncover the Potential of Digital Marketing for Subscription Businesses

An Introduction to Digital Marketing for Subscription-Based Businesses

Table of Contents

As businesses increasingly move online operations, staying competitive requires a robust digital presence. This is especially true for companies that offer subscription-based services. Digital marketing is vital in helping those businesses reach their target audience, increase sales, and ultimately grow their business.

Digital marketing is the practice of marketing products, services, and experiences through digital channels such as search engines, social media, emails, and websites. Through these channels, businesses reach potential customers and build relationships with them, providing them with valuable content that engages and informs them about their products or services.

Subscription-based businesses can take advantage of several types of digital marketing strategies to boost their visibility and engagement. These include search engine optimisation (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, content marketing, email campaigns, and more. By understanding the benefits of digital marketing and choosing the right strategies, subscription-based businesses can grow their customer base and increase revenue.

This guide will discuss the importance of digital marketing for subscription-based businesses, common strategies, tips for building an effective digital marketing team, and examples of successful digital marketing campaigns. Read on to learn more about how your business can benefit from digital marketing.

Reasons to Invest in Digital Marketing for Subscription-Based Businesses

When running a subscription-based business, digital marketing is an essential component. It helps to engage customers, drive conversions and sales, and increase brand recognition. Many businesses overlook the potential of digital marketing for subscription-based companies, but when used correctly, it can be a powerful tool for driving success.

Digital marketing helps subscription businesses reach a wider audience and introduce their products and services to those who may not have been exposed to them. It also allows companies to target specific individuals with the message they need to hear about converting. Additionally, digital marketing is more cost-effective than traditional advertising, offering businesses a higher return on investment.

In addition to reaching more people, digital marketing allows businesses to build customer relationships. Companies can nurture customer relationships and encourage loyalty through targeted campaigns and engaging content. This is particularly important for subscription businesses which rely on repeat customers to stay afloat.

Finally, digital marketing lets businesses track and analyse data in real-time. This provides valuable insights into customer behaviour and preferences that can be used to inform future marketing strategies and optimise campaigns for better performance. By tracking and analysing data, subscription-based businesses can ensure they get the most out of their digital marketing efforts.

Building a Subscription Business Through Digital Marketing

Creating a successful subscription business requires careful planning and dedication to digital marketing. The key to success is understanding digital marketing strategies to reach potential customers and build trust. This section will teach you how to create a winning digital marketing strategy to increase subscriptions and drive revenue.

Defining Your Goals

Before building a subscription business, you must first define your goals. What do you want to achieve? Are you looking to increase sign-ups to your subscription plan? Increase customer retention? Develop a loyal following?

Developing a Brand Image

A successful digital marketing strategy is all about creating an attractive brand image. You need to create a compelling message that will stand out from the competition. To do this, you should consider what makes your product or service unique and use this to develop a brand message that resonates with your target audience. When it comes to images and videos, focus on positively conveying your company’s values.

Understanding Your Target Audience

Successful digital marketing campaigns rely on understanding your target audience. Who are they? What do they want? What platforms are they using? By considering these factors, you can tailor your marketing messages to better appeal to your potential customers. Consider conducting surveys or A/B testing on different advertising platforms to gather information on your target audience.

Creating Engaging Content

An effective digital marketing campaign requires engaging content. You need to provide interesting, relevant and valuable content to your target audience. This could include blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, and more. The content should be optimised for the platforms and devices it is shared on and designed to capture the attention and engage the users.

Optimising for Search Engines

SEO is essential to any digital marketing strategy. SEO involves optimising your website, blog posts, and other content for search engines. This includes incorporating relevant keywords into your web pages, improving page loading speed, and ensuring your website is fully mobile-responsive. Doing this will make it easier for potential customers to find your site and ultimately lead to more subscriptions.

Common Digital Marketing Strategies for Subscription Businesses

Creating a successful digital marketing strategy requires understanding the platforms and tools to reach an organisation’s target audience. Subscription-based businesses often rely on digital marketing tactics, such as content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and SEO.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is one of subscription-based businesses’ most important digital marketing strategies. Content marketing involves creating valuable content to attract potential customers and keep existing customers engaged with your product or service. Content can come in the form of articles, blog posts, newsletters, webinars, podcasts, videos, and more. Creating relevant content that engages and educates people about your product or service is essential for building a solid foundation for subscription business success.

Social Media Marketing

Using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn can help subscription-based businesses establish a presence online and build relationships with their audiences. Social media platforms allow companies to share content, engage with customers, and create targeted ads to reach their target audience. Additionally, companies can use social media to gain insights into customer behaviour, which can be used to create more effective campaigns.

Email Marketing

Email is a powerful tool for subscription-based businesses. Email marketing allows companies to reach their target audiences with relevant, personalised messages. Companies can use email to deliver automated messages based on customer behaviour and send regular newsletters and promotions to keep customers informed and engaged.


SEO is another essential digital marketing strategy for subscription-based businesses. SEO focuses on optimising your website and content to improve visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). By using keywords, optimising images and videos, and publishing quality content, businesses can improve their organic search rankings and increase their chances of being found by potential customers.

By utilising these common digital marketing strategies, subscription-based businesses can increase their visibility online, generate leads, and convert leads into customers.

Mobile-First Digital Marketing Strategies for Subscription-Based Businesses

Digital marketing is rapidly changing, and mobile-first strategies are becoming increasingly important. As customers’ dependence on mobile devices grows, understanding how to take advantage of this shift is essential for any subscription-based business. Knowing how to reach mobile audiences effectively can help boost a business’s bottom line and maximise its revenue potential.

Subscription businesses should prioritise developing mobile-friendly content and campaigns to capitalise on the growing preference towards mobile devices. This includes creating ads and other materials optimised for smaller screens, as well as crafting content tailored for users on the go. Additionally, services like Google Adwords offer features such as Call-Only Ads, which allow businesses to run ads specifically designed for mobile devices.

Another mobile-first strategy worth considering is leveraging geo-targeting. This involves using location-specific data to ensure ads are only shown to people in some geographic regions. By controlling who sees the ads, subscription businesses can ensure that their campaigns are more effective and have a higher chance of success.

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are also valuable resources for businesses looking to engage mobile audiences. These networks offer various targeting options to help companies to deliver the right messages to the right people while also providing robust analytics to measure the success of campaigns. Leveraging social media tools like these can significantly improve the reach and effectiveness of subscription-based businesses’ digital marketing efforts.

Analysing Digital Marketing Data and Budgets for Subscription Businesses

Digital marketing data and budget analysis are essential for subscription-based businesses. Data gives you insight into your customers, what they want, and how to get them. You can use data to track customer engagement, create marketing campaigns, and determine the most effective strategies.

Start by collecting data on your existing customers. You can collect basic information such as age, gender, and location to understand better who you are targeting. Additionally, you can collect more in-depth data, such as browsing habits and purchase history, to create personalised marketing campaigns.

Once you’ve collected your data, it’s time to analyse it. Look for patterns in customer behaviour. What kinds of products are they buying? When do they make purchases? Where do they live? Use this information to determine which products to focus on, when to send emails, and where to target ads.

In addition to gathering and analysing data, you must create a budget. This includes advertising, content creation, and website hosting fees. By setting a budget, you can ensure that you are not overspending on marketing efforts and keep your costs low.

By tracking your digital marketing data and creating a budget, you can ensure you are making informed decisions about your subscription-based business. Data analysis helps you stay on top of your customer’s needs, while budgeting allows you to maintain profitability. Getting started may take some time, but the results will be worth it in the long run.

Creating an efficient digital marketing team for subscription businesses can be daunting. However, it’s possible to build a successful digital marketing team with proper structural planning and clear team roles and expectations. Here are some tips for establishing a successful digital marketing team for subscription-based businesses:

Hire the Right People: Hiring people with experience in digital marketing and understanding the needs of subscription-based businesses is essential. Look for professionals who understand content creation, SEO, and analytics well. 

Set Clear Goals and Objectives: Defining clear goals and objectives allows team members to understand the end goal of their tasks and keep track of their progress. This also enables teams to develop more cohesive strategies that are tailored to the business’s specific needs.

Create a Collaborative Environment: Collaboration is essential to any successful digital marketing team. Encourage communication and collaboration among team members to enhance creativity, brainstorm ideas, and develop innovative strategies.

Provide Continuous Training and Mentorship: Digital marketing is constantly evolving, and it’s essential to ensure that team members have the necessary skills and knowledge to stay up-to-date. Provide regular training and mentorship to help team members keep up with the latest trends and strategies.

Encourage Feedback and Evaluate Performance: To ensure that the digital marketing team is performing at its best, encourage feedback from team members and regularly evaluate their performance. This will help identify improvement areas and ensure that the digital marketing team is always working towards achieving the business’s goals.

These tips can help ensure that your digital marketing team is effective and productive, helping to maximise the success of your subscription-based business.

Generating a Successful Digital Content Strategy for Subscription Based Businesses

A successful digital content strategy is essential for subscription-based businesses. It helps you connect with potential customers, build loyalty, and stay competitive. Here are some tips to consider when creating a digital content plan for a subscription-based business:

  • Focus on building relationships – Digital content should be created to engage with customers, not just to market your product or service. Focus on creating content that drives conversation and encourages customers to interact with your brand.
  • Choose the right content platform – Select the best platform for your target audience. Do research to find out where they are spending most of their time online so you can maximise engagement.
  • Be consistent – A key component of success is consistency. Establish a consistent publishing schedule that your audience can rely on.
  • Ensure content quality – Quality trumps quantity every time. Make sure that every piece of content you publish is useful, engaging, and relevant to your audience.
    Promote content wisely – Promote your content across multiple channels and determine which ones yield the highest ROI.

By following these tips, you will be well on your way to creating a successful digital content strategy for your subscription-based business.

Implementing Email Automation for Subscription Based Businesses

Email automation is an effective digital marketing tool for subscription-based businesses. It helps to keep customers engaged and can drive sales. It allows you to send personalised, automated messages to your customers regularly.

With email automation, you can create emails triggered when a customer takes a specific action. For example, if a customer signs up for a free trial or purchases a product, you can set up an automated email to go out after the purchase. This way, the customer will get an immediate follow-up and can use the product immediately.

You can also use email automation to send out promotional messages to loyal customers regularly. This can keep them informed about new products and offers and encourage them to purchase again. Additionally, you can use email automation to send out “thank you” notes to customers who have purchased in the past. This is a great way to show appreciation and build customer loyalty.

Finally, email automation can segment customers based on their preferences. This will enable you to send out targeted emails to customers who have expressed interest in a particular product or service. This can help you increase engagement and customer conversion rates.

Email automation is a powerful digital marketing tool for subscription-based businesses. It can help to keep customers engaged and drive sales. With the right strategies and tactics, you can use email automation to generate more revenue for your business.

Examples of Successful Digital Marketing Campaigns for Subscription-Based Businesses

Digital marketing is all about connecting with people and leveraging key tactics to achieve success. To help you get started, here are a few examples of successful digital marketing campaigns for subscription-based businesses.

Netflix’s “Numero Uno”: Netflix used targeted email campaigns to reach new markets. They crafted and sent personalised emails to their Hispanic market, which increased engagement and drove sales.
Amazon Prime’s “Try Before You Buy”: This campaign encouraged potential customers to try Amazon Prime for free before signing up. Through this strategy, they were able to increase subscriptions by 25%.
Spotify’s “Discover Weekly”: Spotify used data and AI to create personalised content. This campaign increased engagement and overall user satisfaction.
These examples demonstrate how digital marketing can be used to successfully launch a subscription-based business. The possibilities are limitless, from email campaigns and personalised content to AI-driven strategies. With the right approach, any business can succeed through digital marketing campaigns.

Final Words and Conclusion

Today, subscription-based businesses increasingly turn to digital marketing to amplify their reach. Digital marketing offers unparalleled opportunities for these businesses to establish relationships with their customers, build loyalty and create a successful presence in the marketplace. By leveraging technology and understanding the data collected from digital campaigns, subscription businesses can unlock potential growth that wasn’t previously possible.

Starting out with digital marketing for subscription businesses can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right strategies, teams and budget, companies can create an effective digital presence that will help their business grow. Businesses need to remember that what works for one company may not work for another. By understanding the basics of digital marketing, assessing the competition and using the creative resources available, subscription businesses can develop successful digital marketing campaigns that will see success.

We hope this guide has inspired you to explore digital marketing for your subscription business. Good luck, and happy marketing!

Digital marketing can help subscription-based businesses reach new customers and build loyalty with existing customers by providing timely, relevant content. It also increases brand visibility and improves customer experience, contributing to overall revenue growth.

Building a successful subscription business requires developing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that includes audience research, creating engaging content, leveraging paid advertising, improving conversion rates, and using email automation.

Common strategies for subscription businesses include SEO, content marketing, PPC, remarketing, and video marketing.

Mobile-first digital marketing strategies for subscription-based businesses include optimising content for mobile devices and focusing on app-friendly user experiences.
Digital marketing data and budgets can be analysed by tracking key performance indicators, such as website visits and conversions, and spending trends across different channels.

An efficient digital marketing team should clearly understand the organisation’s goals and communicate effectively between departments, outsource specialists when needed, and constantly keep up-to-date on the latest trends.

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Facebook Ads vs Google Ads: What is Best? https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/facebook-ads-vs-google-ads/ https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/facebook-ads-vs-google-ads/#respond Wed, 01 Jun 2022 16:46:00 +0000 https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/?p=26940

Facebook Ads vs Google Ads: What is Best?

If you are new to paid advertising, Facebook Ads and Google Ads are probably the first two that come to mind.

But which is best for your business?

Firstly, you need to understand and differentiate between the two. Instead of Facebook Ads VS Google Ads, you need to look at the bigger picture of whether inbound or outbound marketing is the best for your business.

People on social media are likely to be scrolling through, looking at content that is; entertaining, educational, interactive or inspirational. Social media ads are disruptive to people’s media consumption habits.

On Facebook, they are less likely to be in a commercial mindset. So you must make sure your ads are eye-catching, the Pixel is set up correctly, and you have researched your target audience. Facebook ads are especially effective for lower ticket items such as ecommerce products or food and drink businesses. If you advertise higher services on Facebook, you would have a lower conversion rate.

In Google Search, people are actively searching for what your business offers. They have an active pain point and are looking for a service or product to serve their needs. Google Ads are ideal for professional services. If you were looking for a construction company, you would be unlikely to turn to Facebook to find one. You would search for something along the lines of “builders near me”.

The use of Google Shopping also can grow your ecommerce business. Here are the first few weeks of a Shopping campaign in which we started running Shopping ads.

High intent ads + visual products are a recipe for success. 

How do you measure the success of a Facebook campaign or Google campaign?

The bottom line for most campaigns is to generate more revenue for your business in product sales, leads or store visits. 

However, to reach the broader goal of growing your business, you should track other metrics such as:

  • Average order value increase
  • Decrease in cost per acquisition of customers
  • Growth of social media accounts
  • Number of qualified leads
  • Increase in conversion rate
  • Email list growth

What is the easiest and most effective way to increase the average order value? 

Often the easiest way to increase the average order of a customer is by upselling other products to customers. You can use plugins on Shopify such as ReConvert, or on Woocommerce; you can use CartFlows. Once you have a new customer for both ecommerce and service-based businesses, keep in touch with them via email or social media. This will continue to build trust and hopefully, they return to buy from you again. 

How can you reduce your customer acquisition costs? 

You can do this; by remarketing to existing customers, creating a referral or affiliate program, or improving customer service and offerings to increase retention.

How do you build more social media followers? 

You can do this either by paid means or organically; either way, you need to post high-quality content that satisfies at least one of the types of content we mentioned before; your content must be; entertaining, educational, interactive or inspirational. You must be consistent and not too pushy or “salesy” with your messaging throughout your content marketing efforts.

What’s the best way to generate better quality leads?

The only way to continue to generate high-quality leads is to understand your target audience. On Facebook, test new targeting options and test ad copy to speak to your target persona. Using Google Ads, add negative keywords to avoid appearing to irrelevant people. For both marketing efforts, always test your landing pages and ad copy to try and disqualify people if they don’t fit with your offering.

What are some ways to improve the conversion rate?

Firstly, look at things on a page by page basis. Analyse and prioritise pages with a particularly low conversion rate. Look how strong the call to action is. You must make the goal as simple as possible to complete. If you are an ecommerce store, streamline the payment process by using Apple Pay. If you are generating leads, simplify the form as much as possible, only listing essential fields. 

How much do you have to spend on Google or Facebook Ads?

This is completely dependent on your business. If you cannot spend at least £1,000 per month on ads the best option would probably be to run your own campaigns. 

Are you looking for assistance with your next Google Ads campaign or Paid Social campaign?

We are here for you. 

Get in touch below.

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The Benefits of Blogging in 2021 https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/the-benefits-of-blogging-in-2021/ https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/the-benefits-of-blogging-in-2021/#respond Wed, 29 Sep 2021 15:32:00 +0000 https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/?p=26202

The Benefits of Blogging in 2021

the benefits of blogging in 2021

Blogging remains a powerful avenue to increase organic traffic to your online business. In fact, marketers who prioritise blogging are 13x more likely to have a positive ROI on their efforts.

If you don’t already run a blog as a business – or outsource your content marketing – you may want to consider how adding a blog to your digital marketing strategy could boost your organic traffic and bring clients to your virtual doorstep.

Here are four benefits to having a blog on your website:

1. Organic Traffic

An active blog is a fantastic way to generate traffic to your website for free. Once you have earned your search engine rankings, they can stick around for a long time if your content is good enough. To help maximise the articles you have written, you need to update old content. In order to generate high quality traffic, it is important to do your keyword research and create a content plan to maximise your chances of success.

2. Thought Leadership

By writing blog articles on your website you can establish yourself as an expert in your field. Do you own a baking business? Create a blog post on recipe reviews or a piece on tips and tricks to produce high quality baked goods.

Most importantly, endeavor to truly help your readers by sharing with them some of your experience. You have it, so why not share it? A “helping first” demeanor coupled with unique, original content, will help your business to win trust and continued engagement.

3. Help Nurture Prospects

If you don’t run a blog (or haven’t maintained it for a long time), you could be losing out on additional revenue to your business.

Your blog has the potential to become a 24/7 salesperson for your business. It can, help nurture prospects at different stages of the sales funnel from the awareness phase right down to the bottom of the funnel. If you don’t run a blog then you could be leaving a lot of money on the table each month.

4. Generate Free Traffic from Social Media

Your social media accounts perpetually require fresh content to have the best chance of generating social shares and more website traffic. All of your social media platforms should be considered as opportunities to generate more business but at the same time, it is important to not appear to be too salesy. Generating high quality, informative blogs can help promote your content, even before it is ranking in Google. If you content is good enough, then you may even start to generate more inbound links to your website, if seen by the right audience.

Need help kicking off your blog for the first time or need to take your blog to the next level?

Get in touch with us today.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Keyword Research https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/a-beginners-guide-to-keyword-research/ https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/a-beginners-guide-to-keyword-research/#respond Thu, 16 Sep 2021 15:13:00 +0000 https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/?p=26112

A Beginner’s Guide to Keyword Research

The keyword research process is crucial for any content to be successful online. Whether it is a blog or a service landing page. Utilising the right keywords and variations is the key to success in search engine optimisation.

In this guide, I will discuss how you can conduct keyword research successfully in six simple steps to help you generate more qualified traffic to your website.

1. Begin with researching keywords off the top of your head

When you wish to talk about a topic, do a quick search on Google of keywords that you think will be good to get you started. The chances are you will get lots of suggestions. The same works on YouTube and Amazon on the search bar.

Then once you have a list, dig deeper. We primarily use SEMRush but you can use SEO tools such as UberSuggest or Ahrefs to conduct more in depth keyword research. By doing this, you will gather far more information than you would in a simple Google search. You can also research your competitors’ websites and see what keywords they are using to attract visitors from Google searches.

2. Conduct keyword gap analysis

This allows you to find out what keywords/phrases your competitors are ranking for and where they rank in Google’s search results. This is incredibly useful as you can see similarities between your competitors and what you are missing out on. SEMRush includes an “Untapped” tab which really gives you the FOMO by showing you what everybody else is ranking for and you are not.


3. Assess the search volume

Once you have gathered a list of keywords, it is time to find out how many users are searching for each term. The higher the search volume, the more users there are that are searching the keyword. High search volume isn’t everything. Sometimes it is very difficult to compete. Whereas lower volume, long-tail keywords can be more profitable for you as they can have a higher intent and less competition.

You can use various tools to do this as we mentioned before or you can also use the Google Keyword Planner which is provided by Google Ads.

4. Find out the keyword difficulty

Now that you have the search volume for each of your keywords, it is time to find out the competition for each word and how difficult it will be to rank on Google with them. This is usually measured by scoring the keyword out of 100. The higher the score, the more competitive the keyword is and subsequently, the more difficult it will be for your website to rank with that keyword.

We use SEMRush heavily to help us with this process. They make it incredibly easy to gauge the competition and display accurate search volumes.

5. Find related keywords

SEMRush’s Keyword Magic Tool allows you to find keyword variations and related keywords. This feature shows all related keywords’ relevancy, search volume, recent trend, keyword difficulty and the total number of results that shows up for the selected phrase on Google.

6. Implement your findings within your content

With the keywords/phrases that you have collected through extensive research, it is now time to write content based on them! There are some important things to take into consideration before incorporating your keyword research into your content marketing strategy:

– Make sure your H1 tag (headline) contains your target keyword
– Don’t overstuff keywords in your content
– Hyperlink any keywords to relevant service and/or blog pages on your website e.g. if you add the word ‘SEO’ in your content and you have a service page for SEO on your website, hyperlink the keyword to that page (this is also known as internal linking)
– Try incorporating long-tail keywords into your content

Want further assistance with keyword research for your digital efforts? Fill in the contact form below.

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What to Do If Your Ads Don’t Get Approved by Google https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/what-to-do-if-your-ads-dont-get-approved-by-google/ https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/what-to-do-if-your-ads-dont-get-approved-by-google/#respond Fri, 20 Aug 2021 16:10:00 +0000 https://www.flyhighmedia.co.uk/?p=26436

What to Do If Your Ads Don’t Get Approved by Google

what to do if your ads don’t get approved by google

Pay-per-click advertising using Google Ads is a fantastic channel that has helped to accelerate the digital revenue of millions of businesses around the world. But what should you do if your ads are not approved by Google?

Check out our six step guide on what to do if your ads are disapproved by Google:

1. Review the headline

Google Ads are automatically disapproved if the headline is not relevant to your business and does not align with any of your keywords. If you review your keyword relevancy and change any that are not related to the industry you are advertising for, it can be the main difference to getting your ad(s) approved.

2. Make sure you have a good description

Google Ads needs a compelling description that will make consumers take action when they see it in search results or on social media. If you think you can’t write a good description, hire someone who can! There are plenty of copywriters who have expertise in writing paid advertising descriptions, and they can be a great asset to your outreach marketing efforts.

3. Use relevant keywords

You should have specific keywords and phrases included throughout your content but avoid stuffing too many words into headlines and descriptions just so Google sees these as important terms. It may seem counterintuitive at first but remember: Google also reads all text even though some text may not be in bold. Google also likes to see keywords used as verbs or adverbs and that can help you rank higher for your target terms without using too many words.

4. Check to see if there have been any updates to Google’s algorithm

Google is always changing their algorithm and the way that they run their platforms, so there’s no guarantee what will get approved one day won’t work the next day. It’s important to keep an eye on your Google Ads regularly to make sure everything stays within Google’s guidelines and best practices specifically related to landing page relevance, mobile friendliness, navigability, security protocols and more! The more relevant your pay-per-click ad content is, the more chance you have of success. Keep on top of Google’s guidelines just as much as you should be for your competitors.

5. Choose a relevant landing page

Not only is landing page relevancy an important factor to getting your ads approved, but it is also the most important factor in Google Ads Quality Score. These pages have to be relevant enough that they are able to answer any questions a potential customer might ask about your product, service, or brand before clicking on an advertisement. Your ads will then rank higher and you’ll pay less money per click when someone does choose it!

6. If all else fails, contact Google

If none of these tips have worked then it might just be a matter of contacting Google’s support centre to get further assistance on how to improve your ads and get them approved.

Are you looking to improve the performance of your Google Ads campaigns?

Get in touch with us today.

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What to Do If Your Ads Don’t Get Approved by Google

what to do if your ads don’t get approved by google

What to Do If Your Ads Don’t Get Approved by Google

what to do if your ads don’t get approved by google

Pay-per-click advertising using Google Ads is a fantastic channel that has helped to accelerate the digital revenue of millions of businesses around the world. But what should you do if your ads are not approved by Google?

Check out our six step guide on what to do if your ads are disapproved by Google:

1. Review the headline

Google Ads are automatically disapproved if the headline is not relevant to your business and does not align with any of your keywords. If you review your keyword relevancy and change any that are not related to the industry you are advertising for, it can be the main difference to getting your ad(s) approved.

2. Make sure you have a good description

Google Ads needs a compelling description that will make consumers take action when they see it in search results or on social media. If you think you can’t write a good description, hire someone who can! There are plenty of copywriters who have expertise in writing paid advertising descriptions, and they can be a great asset to your outreach marketing efforts.

3. Use relevant keywords

You should have specific keywords and phrases included throughout your content but avoid stuffing too many words into headlines and descriptions just so Google sees these as important terms. It may seem counterintuitive at first but remember: Google also reads all text even though some text may not be in bold. Google also likes to see keywords used as verbs or adverbs and that can help you rank higher for your target terms without using too many words.

4. Check to see if there have been any updates to Google’s algorithm

Google is always changing their algorithm and the way that they run their platforms, so there’s no guarantee what will get approved one day won’t work the next day. It’s important to keep an eye on your Google Ads regularly to make sure everything stays within Google’s guidelines and best practices specifically related to landing page relevance, mobile friendliness, navigability, security protocols and more! The more relevant your pay-per-click ad content is, the more chance you have of success. Keep on top of Google’s guidelines just as much as you should be for your competitors.

5. Choose a relevant landing page

Not only is landing page relevancy an important factor to getting your ads approved, but it is also the most important factor in Google Ads Quality Score. These pages have to be relevant enough that they are able to answer any questions a potential customer might ask about your product, service, or brand before clicking on an advertisement. Your ads will then rank higher and you’ll pay less money per click when someone does choose it!

6. If all else fails, contact Google

If none of these tips have worked then it might just be a matter of contacting Google’s support centre to get further assistance on how to improve your ads and get them approved.

Are you looking to improve the performance of your Google Ads campaigns?

Get in touch with us today.

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What to Do If Your Ads Don’t Get Approved by Google

what to do if your ads don’t get approved by google
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Black Friday Statistics and Marketing Tips: A Guide to Help You Increase Sales Over Black Friday 2023

The Molly Mae Effect: Understanding Her Social Media Dominance

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How to Create a Compelling Call to Action

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Black Friday Statistics and Marketing Tips: A Guide to Help You Increase Sales Over Black Friday 2023

The Molly Mae Effect: Understanding Her Social Media Dominance

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How to Create a Compelling Call to Action

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