12 Things to Know About Working with a Digital Marketing Agency

Over the last few years, I’ve had the opportunity of speaking with lots of prospective clients running many different types of businesses.  In this article, I have compiled some of the most common questions they ask me when they are considering whether to work with Fly High Media.

1. I don’t really understand digital marketing, what does it entail?

Digital marketing is about creating an internet presence so that you can reach consumers and sell more goods and services directly to them. At Fly High Media our particular expertise lies in driving traffic to your website using techniques such as organic (SEO) and pay per click (PPC) search as well as social media, blogging, and PR outreach.

2. Why is digital marketing so important?

You can have the best website in the world, but if no one can find it then it’s a wasted marketing resource. You want your website to attract the attention of your ideal customers so that it generates more revenue and grows your business. The effectiveness of digital marketing, unlike traditional offline marketing, is easier to track and measure, so you can find out where new business is coming from. We use advanced tracking software so we can easily identify the areas where to focus marketing resource. 

3. Why do businesses outsource their digital marketing to an agency?

There are two main reasons why businesses outsource their marketing to an agency. The first reason is that they don’t have the time or expertise to work on their marketing effectively. The second reason is that they want external input on original creative ideas to boost to help boost their marketing campaigns. 

4. Why should I hire an agency rather than a freelancer?

The honest answer is, there are pros and cons to both. But in our experience businesses prefer to work with agencies such as Fly High Media because they like the reassurance that there is always a member of the team available to handle any issues on any given day. If you employ a freelancer and they get ill or goes on holiday, then the level of support you get will dip.

5. Why do I need a digital marketing agency when I can run Google Ads Myself?

You may be able to run your own Google Ads campaigns which are great. However, the main reason for clients outsourcing is because they prefer to stick to what they know best- working on providing the best product/service. Would I be able to plaster my bathroom? Probably, but it’s not the best use of my time and I’ll probably make a mess of it. Here’s one of our YouTube Videos where you can find out more on the subject.

6. What makes Fly High Media different from every other digital marketing agency?

We are different from other agencies for the following reasons: (i) We always work closely with our clients, we analyse all the relevant data, and then create original, bespoke, and ethical solutions (we never use black hat methods).  (ii) We pride ourselves on being honest with our clients about what can be achieved with the budget they have available and we always aim to deliver real value for them. (iii) We will never pitch a solution to a client unless we genuinely believe it will get the results they want. (iv) We are also passionate about everything we do. 

7. Do I need to know anything about digital marketing?

No, you don’t need any prior digital marketing knowledge or experience to work with us. Just a desire to grow your business.  Our team of experts will design your marketing campaign and then clearly explain to you what is proposed, how it will be executed, and why it is the best solution.  We will communicate with you regularly so you know how things are going.

8.  If I decide to work with Fly High Media do I need to do any work?

No, we will normally ask for access to a few things like your Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google My Business, or Facebook Ad Manager (don’t worry if you don’t know how to do this we send you onboarding videos) other than that we just need to ask you a few questions about your business to get to know you and your goals and that should be enough.

9.  Which form of search marketing would you say is better: SEO or PPC?

Both methods have their merits.  Pay per click (PPC) will get quicker results for you but can be expensive. And of course when you stop paying for PPC advertising the traffic to your webpages stops.  Search engine optimisation (SEO) takes slightly longer to generate traffic to your web pages but has a long-lasting impact on your site’s visibility to potential customers. Here’s one of our YouTube Videos where you can find out more on the subject.

10. When will I start to see the results of a digital marketing campaign? 

This is completely down to the goals you set for your business. Paid media campaigns such as Facebook or Google Ads will attract traffic to your web pages more traffic quickly, usually within weeks.  Organic methods which deploy search engine optimisation (SEO) will take longer, but will have a longer-lasting benefit to the visibility of your business and may ultimately be more profitable. 

11. Can I afford a digital marketing agency?

The million-dollar question… admittedly, we are not the cheapest agency, but at the same time, we are not the most expensive either. We only provide bespoke solutions tailored to the marketing needs of our clients.  We believe our fees are fair and reflect the amount of time, energy, and creativity we put into a project. Sure you may be able to get the service cheaper with another agency, but you won’t get the same results.  

If you aren’t looking to commit to an ongoing monthly digital marketing retainer then we also offer one-off website audits, training, and consultancy services. If you would like a quote then please contact us.

12.  How do I start a conversation with Fly High Media about my digital marketing? 

We aim to make it as easy as possible to work with us. Just email our friendly Business Development Manager, Hannah to arrange an informal chat. Hannah will be interested to learn more about your business and your marketing needs. She will also be able to advise on the different marketing options and, if you want, prepare a formal proposal for you to consider. 

Hannah’s email address is hannah@flyhighmedia.co.uk or you can call her directly on 07500 220978

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