Welcome to Fly High Media, Carla!

Fly High Media is happy to announce that Carla Price will be joining the team as Content Executive.

Carla enjoys creating engaging content, whether that be in a professional atmosphere or in her spare time. Before Covid, she was running a successful dance school for children. She set up the business in 2012 – after graduating from Middlesex University with a degree in teaching, and having completed several performing contracts touring the UK and America – and the school continued to grow for the next eight years.

Even during that time, Carla knew that she enjoyed writing. She has always appreciated the power of words – her love began after reading Anne of Green Gables as a child – so she hoped that she would be able to follow her desire to write at some point in the future. Then, after closing the dance school, and suddenly finding herself with more time, she threw herself into her second passion. She began to write regularly, creating short stories and posting them to her blog. This is where her interest in SEO and other digital marketing strategies developed.

What will your new role at Fly High Media consist of?

I’ll be writing content for our client’s websites and blogs, promoting their products and services by understanding what they offer and recognising their target audience.

What are you looking forward to the most while working at Fly High Media?

I can’t wait to get to know the clients, being able to create relevant and engaging content that will inform and inspire their target audience. I am also excited to learn more about writing copy and how to improve visibility and the user experience by successfully implementing SEO strategies.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love improving my skills as a writer – I’m passionate about it so I want to be the best I can be. I try to read as much as I can, fiction and nonfiction (my favourite genre is horror). I also try to write daily. My writing goals can change depending on what’s going on in life, so sometimes I aim to write 1,000 words per day, or maybe I’ll take the focus off the word count and instead try to write for at least an hour a day. Of course, my writing and reading schedule is all very much dictated by my three-year-old son – Paw Patrol can be a little distracting!

Other things I like to do: watch films – my favourite movie is Rocky; walk in the countryside – I try to get out in the countryside as often as I can; relax at home listening to records – mainly Elvis and other old stuff!

What is your greatest achievement?

My son. I’m also honoured to have had several of my short stories published in numerous anthologies. It’s a great feeling seeing your work in print knowing that others will be reading something that you’ve put your heart into; to hear reader’s thoughts, or to read their reviews – particularly when it’s a positive one – is amazing.

Do you have any hidden talents?

It’s not really hidden as I’ve performed in many theatre productions, but I used to be able to lift my leg by my head. If I tried that now I’d probably break something!

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