10 Ways Wedding Venues Can Increase Their Bookings

Every wedding venue holds the possibility of unlocking an engaged couple's dream. Each couple will have their heart set on a type of venue, whether it be in the UK or abroad, they know what they are looking for. As of August 2023, there are 7,850 wedding venues in the...

Marketing Tricks & Tweaks To Boost Your Sales This Halloween (2023)

Halloween provides a huge opportunity for you as a business to scream about your products/services, so you must prepare for it!People from all around the world love celebrating Halloween. In the UK alone, spending over the spooky season has consistently risen, reaching well over £600 million in 2022.Mortals tend to...

How to Repurpose Content for Maximum Impact

The world is no longer restricted to printed content. Digital marketing allows us to reach a wider audience online, boosting brand awareness and providing new business opportunities through various channels and platforms.However, this also brings its challenges. To thrive in this digital age, companies must produce fresh, exciting, interesting content...

Google Start Release Of Second Broad Core Update of 2023

Google’s planned August 2023 core update, the second Google core update this year, has begun its rollout this week and is expected to be completed in the space of two weeks. The previous core update was back in March, which started around March 15 and was completed on March 28....

8 Types of Businesses that Can Benefit from Local SEO

Struggling to reach your local customers? Unsure why your store or business has few people visiting or calling your phone number? Now is the time to consider applying local SEO.As more people use the web, local SEO is becoming an increasingly sought-after commodity to boost online businesses. After all, a...

Cracking The Code of CompareTheMarket’s Winning SEO Strategy

Have you ever wondered how websites dominate search engines for specific keywords? Maintaining a strong online presence is key for businesses of all sizes. One company you will have most likely heard of or even used is CompareTheMarket.CompareTheMarket is a well-known insurance comparison site, who have managed to make a...

Online Pharmacy SEO: Marketplace Analysis

With the increasing reliance on the Internet for various needs, online pharmacies have gained significant popularity among consumers seeking a more convenient and discreet way to purchase medications. As the competition intensifies within this rapidly evolving industry, it becomes crucial for online pharmacies to adopt effective SEO strategies to stand...