Google Core Algorithm Updates – March 2023

Google has confirmed that the March 2023 core algorithm update is rolling out. The Google update aims to deliver increasingly relevant, high-quality search results. The key things to note are: The Core algorithm updates can impact search rankings. Therefore, website owners need to stay informed and adapt their strategies. Carefully...

The Ultimate Conversion Rate Optimisation Guide For Your Website

What is Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)? Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) is the process of improving a website to increase the percentage of visitors that complete a business's desired action. For example, the desired action can be anything deemed important to the business, whether that be a visitor filling out a...

How to Measure the Success of a Brand Awareness Campaign

Brand awareness is defined as how familiar people are with your brand and the products or services you offer. Brand awareness can be divided into three layers:1. Awareness of your brand name and identity2. Awareness of your product/service offerings3. Awareness of your brand attributes (i.e. what sets you apart from...

‘Google My Business’ to Become ‘Google Business Profile’

Google has announced that they are renaming ‘Google My Business' to ‘Google Business Profile'. The move is designed to completely reshape local SEO by extracting business profile management away from a single application and implementing it directly into Google Search and Google Maps. This isn't the first time Google has...

SEMRush: Keywords by Intent Guide

SEMrush has launched a new feature that allows you to view the intent of keywords quickly and easily.If you are an avid user of SEMRush like we are here at Fly High Media, you might have noticed this new feature while conducting keyword research titled ‘Keywords by Intent’.This is a...

Why Facebook Changed its Name and What Happens Now

At last week’s Facebook Connect 2021 conference, founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that the company will no longer be called Facebook, and is now called Meta. Explaining the great change, Mark Zuckerberg said the company was increasing focus on two different market segments - one of its family of...